Wedding Party

Uneven number of attendants

I don't have much help with planning my wedding and I have so many questions. I have an uneven number of attendants (3 bridesmaids, 4 groomsmen + ring bearer) and I don't know how to arrange them. I have never been to a wedding so I just don't know how to do it. Do they still pair up when the walk down the aisle or do the guys go than the girls? How does it work? I don't really mind if it's "untraditional" or "strange", I just don't want it to look awkward. I don't have another bridesmaid to ask, and getting rid of one of his groomsmen is simply out of the question! Thanks in advance! 

Re: Uneven number of attendants

  • edited July 2014
    I have good news for you - this is really one time you can do whatever the hell you want. You can have the groomsmen go together single file following the groom (and his mom, if he's escorting her, or whomever), then the bridesmaids process more slowly. You can have a groomsman walk on either side of a bridesmaid. You can alternate GM, BM, GM, BM, GM, BM, GM all walking solo. You can have the best man walk alone, and the other GM/BM pair off. You can do a conga line. It's your choice. I vote conga line.

    The only thing you should NOT do is ask an additional person just to have them stand as a prop to make things even. You're on the right track having just the people you love, no more and no less.

  • I vote conga line! I really just needed some assurance that I wasn't doing this completely wrong. Both of our families are insanely traditional, and we're basically throwing all tradition out the window (they're lucky there's a wedding to attend). Thank you!
  • Don't worry, we've got your back!

  • I've seen weddings where two BMs walk with one GM and visa versa. Or where all the GMs file in solo and then all the BMs file in solo. Either of those would work. 

    Or you could have them walk in pairs and the best man could escort one of the grandmas or mothers who might want someone to walk with if they don't have someone already.

    There are no hard and fast rules for this - get creative.

  • We have 5 BM and 7 GM. One GM will walk with FMIL (he is FBIL), then everyone will walk side by side with my MOH being escorted by the two best men. You really can do it however you want though!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • We had the groom, bm, and officiant enter from the side, and everyone else walk in pairs down the aisle. On the way out, I don't remember who walked who, but I don't think anyone else did either.
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited July 2014
    In traditional weddings, the men wait at the altar, and the bridesmaids walk down alone, one at a time, followed by ring bearers/flower girls, who should sit with a relative, especially if they are very young.  The bride traditionally is escorted by a member of her family, usually her father.
    After the ceremony, the couple walks back down the aisle, followed by the attendants, who usually pair up, with any extra person walking alone, and the the officiant.
    Having a large wedding party is not really traditional, so tell your parents No.
  • CMGragain said:
    In traditional weddings, the men wait at the altar, and the bridesmaids walk down alone, one at a time, followed by ring bearers/flower girls, who should sit with a relative, especially if they are very young.  The bride traditionally is escorted by a member of her family, usually her father.
    After the ceremony, the couple walks back down the aisle, followed by the attendants, who usually pair up, with any extra person walking alone, and the the officiant.
    Having a large wedding party is not really traditional, so tell your parents No.


    This is exactly what we did.
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