Nevada-Las Vegas

one week!

until we leave for vegas!

Re: one week!

  • WOOOO!!!!  So exciting.  I don't know if I remember seeing where you're traveling from.  Where do you live?  And how many guest are you expecting to join you and FI for the party?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • we are from Washington! we had 40 RSVP confirmed but over 55 people now! holy crap! the chapel only holds 60!
  • LOL!!!  Isn't that how it goes?  I got my first RSVP's back yesterday and today 8 more tentative "yesses" from people I didn't think would be able to make it.  I am SO glad I booked a chapel where we have extra space if need be because it looks like we're gonna need it.

    55 is a great number!  Big enough that you can have a fun party with a lot of close friends and family but not so huge you feel like you can't spend time with people and appreciate them being there.

    I hope you have an amazing, stress-free week leading up to leaving and then a perfect wedding week.  Looking forward to seeing pics and hearing how everything goes!
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  • a13049a13049 member
    250 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    So excited! We leave four days later(Tuesday)! Yippee
  • That's so exciting! Have fun! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Soooo close!  Have a great time!

    Married in Vegas - June 2011

  • my wedding is exactly a week from today!! :) We leave this coming Thursday :)
  • Leaving Saturday for my Monday wedding. Time can't decide to go fast or slow. Pure craziness
  • Good luck to the three of you - how exciting! Your day will be perfect. Enjoy and don't stress at all. Most of all have fun!
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