
GTA Bridal Shows

Hi all,

Wondering if any of you have been to or are planning on going to any of the bridal shows in Toronto? I know there are a few coming up in the fall, and I'm curious if anyone has been to a bridal/wedding show and found it to be worthwhile...or a complete waste of time and money.

My mom and sister (MOH) and I are talking about going to one of the shows in the fall, and I'm just curious about anyone else's experiences!



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Re: GTA Bridal Shows

  • I have gone to 2:  The Total wedding show in Mississauga and the National Bridal show at the CNE grounds.

    I was newly engaged when I went to the National Bridal show so I felt like I didn't get much out of it.  You get badgered to fill out a lot of forms for contests and every time you walk past The Bay's booth, you're asked to register.  One of my friends won a $4000 photography package there, so it isn't all a scam, people actually win LOL.  I suggest making an email account just for wedding stuff so you don't get hammered with junk mail.

    At the Total Wedding show I was able to find a really awesome florist and I bought my veil really cheap, and I found my stationer there as well.  I had a better understanding of my budget and what we needed to get done so I got more value out of that one.  
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  • @goldchocobo Thanks! I am fully planning on creating an email just for stuff like this, I don't want my person account filling up with crap!

    I've been engaged for a few months, and do have a few things checked off, but I'm hoping that hitting one of these shows in the fall will give me a chance to find vendors that I still need and maybe get some ideas for stuff that I can do myself.



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