Wedding Party

Presents for the bridesmaids

I'm planning on just getting the girls silver necklaces, personalized hangers for their dresses, and I'm going to make them a little makeup pouch thing. Is that enough? I didn't help them buy their dress because they said the cost was reasonable (~$180). 

I would like to buy them a manicure and pedicure but I think that may be too expensive. I thought about inviting them along when I get mine and then offering to buy half of whatever they get if they want anything done. Can I just skip offering to buy the mani/pedi all together? Thoughts? Any other ideas on how to treat them with minimal cost? Thanks.

Re: Presents for the bridesmaids

  • A general rule of thumb around here is that when you're purchasing bridesmaids gifts that you buy for them like you're buying them a birthday gift.  Tailor the gifts to the individual girl to what she would love.
  • I like the idea of a handmade gift. That's very nice. Otherwise, PP nailed it. 

  • Agree with PPs. Homemade is great.  But keep in mind anything meant to be used at your wedding - manicure, make up, jewelry that must be worn that day, hangers for dresses for pictures - are not gifts.  The gift is a thank you for being part of your day and should be reflective of the recipient not your wedding.

  • The necklaces (which are different colors for each of their favorite color) and hand made bags would not be for the wedding. Unless they really wanted to wear/use them for the wedding I guess. I'm not forcing them to wear specific jewelry or shoes. Maybe if I have time I'll try to hand make something else too. Not sure what though. 

    Yes the hangers are for the wedding. I did leave the wedding stuff off of them. They aren't stamped with "bridesmaid" or our wedding date. Personally, I never liked getting gifts or favors with the wedding date or the couples photo plastered on the item unless its disposable like a candy bar :)
    ooh! Maybe I'll make chocolate covered strawberries for the girls or a snack basket thing. 
  • @flantastic, I'm not entirely sure the reason for your response. Of course I wouldn't give them something they wouldn't wear. I'm just saying I picked out different colors to make them some what different from each other. I dont want to give them 100% completely different gifts because I don't want one to get jealous/hurt that her particular gift could be viewed being 'cheaper'. Also they aren't intended to be wedding items (like the hangers) but actual gifts. 

    My original questions was is this enough to get them or should I up my game with something? If so, any suggestions for what that something might be? ...other than it being something they like?  
  • I think the jewelry is fine.  I think the hangers are a huge waste.  I don't get the point of spending money on a special hanger that is going to be in a closet and no one will ever see it.  You may take a picture of the dress on it but I highly doubt you are going to put pictures of your bridesmaids' dresses in your album or frame them for the wall. As a bridesmaid I might want a picture of me in the dress but not a picture of the dress on a hanger. The make up pouch just depends.  There's nothing wrong with it, I just personally wouldn't use it.  

    As for the mani/pedi if you can't afford to purchase the whole thing, just forget about it.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Pouches and bags are generally a waste.  The jewelry could be cute if you know each girl will like it.

    If you can't afford mani/pedis, then it sounds like adding something to your gift would also be out of the budget.  Right?  Unless it's something really small.  Some candy might be a nice addition but wouldn't be a big deal.

    If you haven't purchased everything yet, I would divert some money away from the hangers and bags toward something small and personal for each girl: a book, a kitchen gadget, a bottle of wine, etc.  Unique for each person.

    As long as you think your friends will genuinely like what you got them, you should be fine. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I would also skip the hangers and make up pouches.  I used to wear Clinique make up, so I have a ton of their bonus make up bags under my sink.  I also am trying to get all the hangers in my closet to match.  I'm gradually phasing out the dry cleaner wire ones that are bad for your clothes and putting my things on more supportive hangers.  Ultimately though, it's a hanger.  Not something to make special.  Perhaps without those, you could do just manicures?  
  • If you know your BMs will like the necklaces, I think that's nice. Maybe also include a private card in each that really speaks to each BM in a unique way.

    I'm with PPs on the pouches and hangers though. Those are things that I think even the most sentimental of people will end up throwing away after a while.

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