

I always forget that Wisconsin has the worst weather, all the time. I swear it's like it has major mood swings! It's been cold and raining for the past few days:( I'm starting to worry about the outdoor wedding I am planning for May 2011.  Hope everyone is finding fun things to do this weekend!

Re: Weather

  • edited December 2011
    April, May, even June are ALWAYS iffy in the midwest.  That's why I'm getting married in December--very little surprises.  It will be cold.  There most likely will be snow. But no tornadoes or 70 degree days followed by 39 degrees.  

    I wouldn't live here if it weren't for my job/family :)
  • edited December 2011
    Don't let yourself worry too much about the crazy midwest weather.  We had our late March wedding ceremony and reception in one location.  The weather never played a concern (outisde of a freak snow storm that could keep people from getting into town, and it didn't happen. We also saved money by not needing any transportation). We did get lucky with lots of sunshine pouring in through giant two story stained glass windows. But even if it had been windy or raining, no one would have gotten wet or had hair blow out. As for the temprature? I couldn't tell you. With everything indoors in one place it was a non factor.

    You can always have your "wish list" of weather affected items such as photo locations, or you can keep it all in one spot and never give it another thought, or both.

    Lora Jane 
  • KatieD212KatieD212 member
    edited December 2011
    It snowed by me Saturday! 2 inches!
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