So I had read from a few of you that google docs is apparently an awesome and amazing tool that many of you have been using to plan you weddings. I am such an organizational freak and up until this morning, when the heat woke me up before my alarm, I hadn't looked into it. I've been using TKs tools and such, plus some of my own spreadsheets, that I've had to create from scratch and a binder. May I just say some that some of you ladies are absolute geniuses! I found their wedding planning template, and was so happy that I didn't have to create my own spreadsheets without help anymore. I almost cried. I love the fact that I can let my mom, and nana, and MOH who are all helping to plan the wedding in on it, because I live near none of these people.
Again thanks to you lovely Knotties, I'm much less crazy today.