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The Bachelorette Finale. Can you believe it? (SPOILERS)

justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
edited July 2014 in Not Engaged Yet
This show is my guilty pleasure this summer. I wasn't super fond of either of the final guys. Nick kind of creeped me out, and Josh is still a little too good to be true (Side note: Farmer Chris was and still is my favorite from this season). I watched the show by myself last night, and I was freaking out. Did you watch the show this season? What did you think about her final choice, and what did you think about Nick throwing Andi under the bus on LIVE TV? Also, HOLY COW! Can you believe her ring? It is gorgeous IMO. 

Let's have girl talk with virtual wine!


Re: The Bachelorette Finale. Can you believe it? (SPOILERS)

  • You might want to put 'SPOILER' in the title of the thread.

    I didn't watch the season, so that's really all I have to say. Oh, and the ring looked HUGE.
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  • @cu97tiger

    I was thinking about adding that. I just figured since the show was over people would know it includes spoilers. Thank you for the suggestion. 
  • I'm with you, I totally thought Nick was a little creepy, even though I have a few friends who didn't feel that way AT ALL. One one hand, he probably shouldn't have made a statement like that on Live TV, but on the other hand she did tell Josh "I loved you from the moment I saw you" or whatever so I kind of wish someone said to her "If you were completely in love with Josh, and not at all with Nick, then why did you sleep with Nick?" 

    As much as I think Nick is a little creepy, I did feel really bad for him because it seems like this really emotionally messed him up. I've never liked Josh - he's just not my type AT ALL, but I guess he's Andi's.
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  • @Hummingbird125

    I totally agree with what you said about Nick and Andi. I don't think Andi should have had sex with him, but that is just my opinion. She knew that she was going to get engaged (most likely) at the end of the show. It is just kind of awkward and tacky to sleep with a guy when she didn't know who she was FOR SURE going to end up with. On the other hand, I do agree with feeling bad for Nick last night. He really is heart broken. 

    Can you imagine being Josh and hearing that statement in the back when you are waiting to celebrate your engagement? I feel like the comment Nick made kind of ruined the moment for me when Josh and Andi were celebrating. 

    I really don't have a solid type, but I do tend to lean towards athletic guys. My BF plays baseball year round, so you would think that I would have loved Josh for Andi. However, he just rubbed me the wrong way. He is like a ken doll. Maybe he is just that perfect, but you just never know. 
  • justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2014

    Chris was my favorite throughout the entire show. Maybe I am just a sucker for midwestern men, but he just seems so genuine and mature. I would like to see him on the show, so he can find a really amazing lady to settle down with. However, I feel like I always love the bachelor/bachelorette at the beginning of the season and end up disliking them by the end. I don't want to hate Chris. haha. 
  • I started the season, hated Andi, and promptly stopped watching. I heard about all the Nick and Josh drama and just stopped caring. 

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  • This is why I don't get this show. The fantasy suite episodes always happen at the end. We know they all have sex. But there's no way you go from I'm equally enjoying all these women/men to this is the ONE I'm totally in love with and going to marry in that short period of time. Obviously, she's the first one to be called on it but I seriously doubt it doesn't happen every season.

    I couldn't  get into this season. I watched the first episode and was bored. I haven't really been able to get into the Bachelor/Bachelorette since Jillian.

  • justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2014

    I only watched the first 3 episodes...and then Andi was being annoying and we had to get a new cable box because our first one got struck by lightning and died and I forgot to tape it.  I like the general premise of the show because there is a little bit of hope that maybe it'll work out (I mean I watch Married at First Sight, for pete's sake) but it's weird to see how the other half (the desperate, crazy half?) lives?

    Anyway, I just wanted to say YAY WINE.
    I honestly don't even drink that much but wine sounds amazing right now.  Can we have chocolate too? (I may or may not be PMSing apparently, but there is never a bad time for chocolate!)

    There is always time for wine and chocolate. I don't care what time of the month it is. Haha.drinking animated GIF
    21 Chocolate-Themed GIFs For Every Situation

  • justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2014

    I wholeheartedly agree. Honestly, I think the fantasy suite should be taken out of the bachelor and bachelorette. Ok, you want private time to talk or get away from the cameras? That is great. The show should promote a private dinner date or something. That whole fantasy night date is just awkward. 

    Edit: Also, you mentioned that we all know they have sex. I was talking to my sister last night about that on FB messenger. I told her that I knew that was a possibility and the show portrays it that way. I just always hoped that the bachelors and bachelorettes didn't actually do the deed with any of them. 
  • @blue, wine and chocolate!

    That's all I'm here for.
  • @loves2shop4shoes - I agree with 100% that it was not wrong of her to sleep with him. I'm not sure how my post came off but I didn't mean to imply that she was in the wrong (also not saying you accused me of implying that, just clarifying!) more that I don't see how this is a shocker to anyone.

  • justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2014

    I agree with you. Ok, she had sex with him. I would argue that that is a different "issue" to be discussed on its own. That is her personal choice. I can get over that. However, I agree with you that Nick should NOT have brought that up on national, LIVE TV. It was a "low blow" for sure. Also, I don't know if I would have said that if I were Nick considering that her FI is a man who used to swing bats for a living. Haha
  • @loves2shop4shoes - I agree with 100% that it was not wrong of her to sleep with him. I'm not sure how my post came off but I didn't mean to imply that she was in the wrong (also not saying you accused me of implying that, just clarifying!) more that I don't see how this is a shocker to anyone.
    I knew what you meant from the beginning.  No worries.  ;)
  • This is why I don't get this show. The fantasy suite episodes always happen at the end. We know they all have sex. But there's no way you go from I'm equally enjoying all these women/men to this is the ONE I'm totally in love with and going to marry in that short period of time. Obviously, she's the first one to be called on it but I seriously doubt it doesn't happen every season.

    I couldn't  get into this season. I watched the first episode and was bored. I haven't really been able to get into the Bachelor/Bachelorette since Jillian.
    See, I don't feel the same way. I really never assumed that they had sex. I thought that between some of the couples there was more of a chance than with others, but I never thought of it as a sure thing.
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  • @Hummingbird125 I really didn't think most couples had sex until Vienna got into the picture.  She was really the beginning of the end for me, lol.  I'll still probably watch the train wreck again, but ya know. 

    But it definitely seemed and still seems odd to me to have sex with I dunno 2-3 guys a week before you're engaged to one of them?  Yes, sex is an integral part of a relationship...BUT, I wouldn't be able to say "yes I want to spend the rest of my life with just you" if I had just had sex with two people the week before - I also apparently take sex fairly seriously.

    One thing I'm looking forward to after not really watching Andi's season is that the new bachelor should  New to me, at least.
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @Hummingbird125 I really didn't think most couples had sex until Vienna got into the picture.  She was really the beginning of the end for me, lol.  I'll still probably watch the train wreck again, but ya know. 

    But it definitely seemed and still seems odd to me to have sex with I dunno 2-3 guys a week before you're engaged to one of them?  Yes, sex is an integral part of a relationship...BUT, I wouldn't be able to say "yes I want to spend the rest of my life with just you" if I had just had sex with two people the week before - I also apparently take sex fairly seriously.

    One thing I'm looking forward to after not really watching Andi's season is that the new bachelor should  New to me, at least.
    I like what you said here. I am not here to judge Andi/anyone who chooses to sleep with whatever man or woman they want. My personal opinion would be to not have sex until after the proposal, but that is just MY personal preference/idea. I think the bigger issue here is that Nick openly shared a very private moment. 
  • @justbeingme93 - See, I don't care if she wanted to sleep with all three guys if she was still figuring out who was right for her, because...that's what a lot of people do, even if it isn't on reality TV. My issue with it is that she said that she was definitely NOT in love with Nick, and she KNEW Josh was the one for her, so I think it was cruel of her to sleep with Nick when she did. She knew how strong his feelings were for her, and knew he was in love with her. She kept bringing up the fact that she sent him home that morning instead of letting him go through with trying to propose to her, but I don't think that's good enough. I think any decent person in her position would have been trying to do everything possible to ensure he had a good idea that she didn't want to be with him in the end. It definitely doesn't sound like she did that whatsoever, so for that, I  judge.
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  • I didn't watch the show, but I had to find a picture of her ring because I was curious. Here you go ladies!
  • well shoot...the stupid "attach a file" thingy isn't working for me right now...hold the phone please.
  • we go. Not my fave...but it does look pretty large.

  • I don't think that is the ring. The ring they showed is oval. 

    Is this it?
  • Sorry! Apparently watching the show is an important factor in selecting the right ring from said google search. Thanks for the correction @justbeingme93!
  • No problem, @allusive007

    It was hard to find a picture of the ring actually. I just knew it was oval, so that information helped. :)
  • But apparently she told him she wanted a triple shank and didn't get it! *GASP*
  • But apparently she told him she wanted a triple shank and didn't get it! *GASP*

  • justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited July 2014
    @bethsmiles and @EisleyJoGo

    I would have died if she would have said... 

  • @justbeingme93 - The horrible part of me wants to see the shit show that would happen if someone actually said that...

  • @justbeingme93 - The horrible part of me wants to see the shit show that would happen if someone actually said that...
    Twice the news articles. . . I personally would love if that happened. But why else do we watch reality television?
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