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Re: Obsessions

  • @severmilli12 - You should try and get him to use "Benedict Cumberbatch" instead. Get you in at some 5 star restaurants!

    @BreMR - My BF is exactly the same way, about being extremely obsessive but changing what he's obsessed with every couple of months. He'll go blow 500 dollars on exotic wood and a miter saw, and now they're sitting in the garage, along with a few unfinished projects. Now he is obsessed with homebrewing, which luckily he has actually kept up with, thanks to both of our fathers also doing it. . . He also discovered Clash of the Clans. I'm waiting for that to wear off because it's so much harder to cuddle when he's playing on his phone!

  • @Pepperally - Seriously! BF has about 3 knives on him at all times (with many more at home). It annoys the crap out of me, especially his neck knife because it gets in the way of cuddles. He says they're all for different purposes, but whatever. 

    He plays with them constantly, like pulling them out and flipping the open and tossing them and stuff. It freaks me out and he doesn't understand why. And it hasn't helped that his job now includes selling knives, so he gets to play with them all day at work too.
    What the hell is a neck knife!!!  That sounds crazy!
  • I'm the obsessive one in the relationship ha. I'm obsessed with my football team the seahawks. I'm that fan who has dvds, jerseys, foam heads, hats, autographs, and the 12th man flag.

    But V is obsessive about different things like he rotates his hobbies. It goes from watching documentaries about food to playing WOW. Other times he likes watching documentaries about a certain subject too like evolution or other science subjects. We watched this BBC called "Wild China". There were seven parts and each was an hour and a half. But I don't mind I enjoy watching that stuff too.  He also has a huge guitar collection like 9 guitars and he says each one has a different function.
  • I'm the obsessive one in the relationship ha. I'm obsessed with my football team the seahawks. I'm that fan who has dvds, jerseys, foam heads, hats, autographs, and the 12th man flag.

    But V is obsessive about different things like he rotates his hobbies. It goes from watching documentaries about food to playing WOW. Other times he likes watching documentaries about a certain subject too like evolution or other science subjects. We watched this BBC called "Wild China". There were seven parts and each was an hour and a half. But I don't mind I enjoy watching that stuff too.  He also has a huge guitar collection like 9 guitars and he says each one has a different function.
    That's just an excuse to keep buying guitars. . . I would know, haha.
  • I'm the obsessive one in the relationship ha. I'm obsessed with my football team the seahawks. I'm that fan who has dvds, jerseys, foam heads, hats, autographs, and the 12th man flag.

    But V is obsessive about different things like he rotates his hobbies. It goes from watching documentaries about food to playing WOW. Other times he likes watching documentaries about a certain subject too like evolution or other science subjects. We watched this BBC called "Wild China". There were seven parts and each was an hour and a half. But I don't mind I enjoy watching that stuff too.  He also has a huge guitar collection like 9 guitars and he says each one has a different function.
    I am so sorry that we cannot be friends LOL...niner fan. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Seahawks WOOO!!!
    Niners BOOOO!!! CLICK 
  • @Pepperally - It is crazy. It's essentially a tiny 2' knife (in a sheath) that's on a piece of para-cord that he wears around his neck. He has it for backpacking, because it's easier than digging in your pockets or through your backpack while you're out in the wilderness. But he wears it everywhere! It's so annoying and he knows I don't like it. He's started looping it on his belt when he sees me though because I complained so much about it.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Seahawks WOOO!!!
    Niners BOOOO!!! CLICK 
    haha I don't care how he looks as long as he plays well, especially against the Seachickens!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Seahawks WOOO!!!
    Niners BOOOO!!! CLICK 
    haha I don't care how he looks as long as he plays well, especially against the Seachickens!

    Brady beats them both :)



  • jenna8984 said:
    Seahawks WOOO!!!
    Niners BOOOO!!! CLICK 
    haha I don't care how he looks as long as he plays well, especially against the Seachickens!

    Brady beats them both :)

  • EisleyJoGo Oh I know haha. He likes to have each guitar toned exactly to the type of musice he wants to play on them so he doesn't have to re-tune. I'm pretty sure when we get a bigger place we will have a music room!

    That's ok! At least we will have fun talking smack to each other when the season starts! I promise I'm only slightly obnoxious!  We will see who wins, good luck you will need it.

    Yay fellow seahawk fan! I'm on the east coast so I don't have anyone to really watch the games with. Except V, but he hates football so I usually go by myself since I don't want him to die from boredom haha.

    Yeah brady is a good quarterback. I feel like Wilson won't be the same type of quarterback he is but I don't mind. He is a leader and my defense picks up the slack.

    Sorry we can't be friends ha. I was so sad when we lost to you guys in the playoffs two years ago! But he is a pretty good player.

    And now I'm missing football, waahhhh.
  • image


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @goldenpenguin I can't get enough of that gif!! If you've never seen it you must youtube "Tom Brady SNL sexual harrassment" It's the best skit of my life. friend's best friend had sex with Aaron Hernandez!!!! Met him a bar in Boston the week before the Superbowl 2 years ago and he took her home. It was so cool at the time, now obviously we are all like "aaaahhhh you boned a murderer!!"



  • jenna8984 said:
    @goldenpenguin I can't get enough of that gif!! If you've never seen it you must youtube "Tom Brady SNL sexual harrassment" It's the best skit of my life. friend's best friend had sex with Aaron Hernandez!!!! Met him a bar in Boston the week before the Superbowl 2 years ago and he took her home. It was so cool at the time, now obviously we are all like "aaaahhhh you boned a murderer!!"
    OMG!!!! I'm totally jealous that she had sex with pre-murderer Aaron Hernandez because he is fucking HOT. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @buttercup1958 - I went to school in Seattle. Still live in WA. But I have no cable. :(
  • This thread made me very antsy for football season..
    YAYY COWBOYS ;) image
  • EisleyJoGo I used to live in Washington but my family moved around a lot since we are military. I'm in Virginia now.
  • jenna8984 said:
    @goldenpenguin I can't get enough of that gif!! If you've never seen it you must youtube "Tom Brady SNL sexual harrassment" It's the best skit of my life. friend's best friend had sex with Aaron Hernandez!!!! Met him a bar in Boston the week before the Superbowl 2 years ago and he took her home. It was so cool at the time, now obviously we are all like "aaaahhhh you boned a murderer!!"
    OMG!!!! I'm totally jealous that she had sex with pre-murderer Aaron Hernandez because he is fucking HOT. 
    All of this!! 

    Love me some Pre-Murderer Hernandez! image

    And I love Brady as a QB but he never did anything for me looks wise..
    friends tv show funy
  • H is obsessed with Baseball and Fantasy Baseball. He plays it with all his buddies and he tells me every week who is playing against, what players are injured, and how they all are sucking it up! I personally don't care but he gets really into it so I don't want to upset him by telling him I could care less if he is playing his best player tonight lol. He will get stats all day long on his phone so I hear this annoying little ringing sound every time there is a new update about one of his players. He loves it! I don't think he has ever won but he is pretty determined every year.
    My BF and your H are soul mates. My BF is still playing college ball and travels with a league all summer long. I would say that baseball is the only thing he is obsessed with. I think he would move his bed into the dugout if he could. 

    He is probably going to propose to me like this....awww
    , and our wedding day will look like this...
    75+ incredible wedding photos
  • H is obsessed with Baseball and Fantasy Baseball. He plays it with all his buddies and he tells me every week who is playing against, what players are injured, and how they all are sucking it up! I personally don't care but he gets really into it so I don't want to upset him by telling him I could care less if he is playing his best player tonight lol. He will get stats all day long on his phone so I hear this annoying little ringing sound every time there is a new update about one of his players. He loves it! I don't think he has ever won but he is pretty determined every year.
    My BF and your H are soul mates. My BF is still playing college ball and travels with a league all summer long. I would say that baseball is the only thing he is obsessed with. I think he would move his bed into the dugout if he could. 

    He is probably going to propose to me like this....awww
    , and our wedding day will look like this...
    75+ incredible wedding photos
    HAHAHA That's too funny! My H played college ball too back when he was in school and did travel teams up until we got engaged because we got too busy. He definitely misses it. I think it's bad enough when we name our dog after a Braves player and then he picks out the next 4-5 names we wants to name our future pups lol! 

  • @justbeingme93 & @southernpeach89 - We want to name our future dogs Bruschi (football player, but still), Fenway, and Pedey... and I said that our next cat should be named Tito (after Terry Francona), but FI wasn't too keen on the idea of a "next cat." 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I always had this dream of getting a bulldog and a lab and naming them "Major Tom" and "Ground Control", respectively. Then I FINALLY get a dog, and BF tells me he doesn't want a dog to have the same name as him. So we have Marv. . . Guess that's what I get for dating someone named Ground Control! (kidding!)
  • @justbeingme93 & @southernpeach89 - We want to name our future dogs Bruschi (football player, but still), Fenway, and Pedey... and I said that our next cat should be named Tito (after Terry Francona), but FI wasn't too keen on the idea of a "next cat." 
    @GoldenPenguin It's funny when our neighbors bring over their lab. His name is Remy so we have Remy and Tessie. Not extremely obvious but we love our Red Sox. 
    friends tv show funy
  • H wants our next dog to be Hudson (after Tim Hudson), and then Bravo (of course after Braves).
  • caseface5 said:
    And I love Brady as a QB but he never did anything for me looks wise..
    But, C'MON. I seriously cannot even with this picture.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • And now my ovaries are aching...
    friends tv show funy
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