I'm going to be getting married in less than a year and I come from a small family. I'm the oldest of the cousins on my mom's side and this is my first marriage and as much as I want all my family there, my issue is with my relatives on my mom's side of the family. My mom passed away almost 25 years ago and she was the glue that kept the family together so to speak. Over the years since my mom died I've tried to keep in touch with my aunts and cousins, but I've recently stopped trying. The(the aunts and cousins) never return phone calls or emails when I (try to ) invite them to dinner or a girls weekend. The straw that broke the camels back for me was that I invited my aunt to dinner and when she called me back and left a message she asked for a rain check because she "wasn't feeling it". The only time they contact me is to invite me to baby and/or bridal showers. Am I wrong in feeling that I don't need or want them sharing my day with me when I can't get them to even have dinner with me? I feel like I'd be a hypocrite if I did invite them since it would be for one day and then honestly probably not see them or talk to them until another family member dies.