I said I would never start a thread again; but I needed to vent a little because I am freaking out.
My FMIL had a dress bought, it was black and had silver accents, it was great! At the beggining of her dress shopping I said that I was fine with whatever color she wanted, and whatever style as long as it wasn't white (obviously, I thought).
Saturday she was talking to me, and said that she had bought a different dress. She told me it was cream, I then told her that cream was pretty close to white and she assured me that it was more brownish. So, me and FI went over to her house on Sunday for lunch and she showed me the dress. It is DEFINATELY WHITE, it is barely off white. It's honestly whiter then my dress, since my dress is Ivory. My FI even said, right when she walked out, mom thats white. He thank goodness talked to her about it and how you can't wear white to a wedding and I didn't have to. When they were discussing I said I could come with and help her pick one out because she said she was having a really hard time because shes never dresses up. However, she was still upset and went to her room the rest of the time we were there. I am a big pushover and would say she could wear it so as not to start drama or have her hurt, so I'm really happy my FI stepped in.
I feel bad that she's hurt but, seriously, isn't that common sense?