Attire & Accessories Forum

Making your own dress?

I was wondering if any of you has any experience with making your own wedding dress? I have really specific wants for my dress, and I feel like the only way to get exactly what I want without spending thousands of dollars is to make my own. I know how to sew, I've made my own dresses before, and I don't want any beading or rhinestoning.  Any advice? 

Re: Making your own dress?

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    If you have made your own clothing before, I would say to go ahead. But, did you just make simple sundresses or anything else without a large amount of draping? Would your idea of your wedding gown be too much to easily complete with your level of sewing savy? If you truly want to do this, I would start creating it now and give yourself certain deadlines to make as you get closer to your wedding. And also give yourself a dropdead deadline, so that if the dress is not finished or no where near done, you can then go and buy a dress off the rack.
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    bwybwy member
    First Comment Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited August 2014
    I made a satin paneled bell dress, and I feel like I could do what I want. The only issue I see with it, is that we don't have a date set yet, but I made the other dress in less than two weeks so I feel like I could get it done in time. 

    EDIT: Also, I've got a pattern in mind. 
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    That dress is beautiful and looks like it won't be hard at all! What sort of fabric are you thinking of using? 

    I'm pretty much making my own dress as well and I have less than six months to go.
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    I think @HaileyDancingbear‌ was making hers. But I'm not sure if she's on much anymore.
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    If you think you can do it then I don't see why not. But I don't think I would start it in two weeks. It seems like too short of a timeline to make a dress.
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    No I wouldn't, I was just saying that I made a dress in two weeks before, so if needed to I could. Since my parents offered to pay for the wedding I think I'll probably get a dress from a store instead of making it. 
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    That might be for the best. I'm just talking from my point of view, making a dress seems very daunting and anxiety inducing to me. Then again I can't stitch a thread ha. Just see whats out there, you might find something you really love!
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    Wow, I feel kinda bad.  I stopped logging in because I opened an Etsy shop and wanted to put all of my effort into it (This is the first time in months I've actually done anything not business related online,) turns out several people tagged me for questions like this. I didn't realize I'd be missed at all. @jennycolada and everyone else who tagged me, sorry for not responding!

    I am making my own dress.  The only reason for that is that we're waiting for my fiancé to finish college next year before we really begin planning, so I have a long time to do it (Which is good, since that's been on hold for my Etsy.)  I think you are the only one who can judge your sewing skills and ability to complete the task.  BUT keep in mind that the last thing you want is to have to RUSH while making your gown.  However much time you THINK you need, double, triple, quadruple it.  Give yourself extra time for all the times shit happens, and give yourself time to approach it at a calm, leisurely pace.  You don't want puckering seams or careless mistakes.  

    Also, I recommend that whatever pattern you use, wether you buy one or draft your own, do a rough draft using muslin- it's cheap cotton that is used for drafting patterns.  That way, if there are any issues with fit or you don't like it, you haven't wasted fabric, and if you do like it, you've already had a practice run at making your gown- which will be a TON of help while making the real thing.  

    If you at all feel that you may not have enough time, or may feel rushed, don't put that pressure on yourself.  You don't want to end up three days before your wedding, freaking out over a half-finished dress or noticing silly mistakes made while you rushed to finish it.
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    I'm making my own dress as well, but I have 11 months to do so. I had the same issue--finding gowns that I liked that looked great on my body but are way out of price range. I also wanted cotton, and finding that in a gown style was hard. I'm using a combination of muslin and various lace fabrics to get the look I want.
    @Hailey--how is yours coming along?
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