Our wedding guest count is 85 people. Our menu consists of barbecue beef sandwiches, southern fried chicken, and black bean salad as our entrees. Our sides are baked beans, baked macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, and potato salad. Our reception is buffet style and other than making a couple dishes ourselves we have a serving crew who is handling the setup and such.
My question is how much fried chicken to I get for 85 people? The beef was easy as it was 1/4 to 1/2 pound per person (we went on the higher end to be safe). But I am not sure on how much fried chicken to buy. With all the other choices should I go with one piece per person or two? Or should I do more than that. Of those 85 people, 12 are children so figure the macaroni and cheese and fried chicken are probably going to be the choices they go for. TIA