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Same color dresses for the MOB & MOG?!

My mom has purchased her dress about 3 months ago. She contacted my fiances mother to ask her about her color. She had said she was wearing pink. So my mom went out and purchased a green dress. My fiances mother now found a dress she wanted in green and purchased it without telling my mother or myself. My mother is truly upset because she doesn't want to be in the same color dress as her. What do I do?!?!? How do I handle this?!?!

Re: Same color dresses for the MOB & MOG?!

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    manateehuggermanateehugger member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited August 2014
    Yeah, tell her she's being absolutely insane for no reason and you're done talking about it. My mother and my MIL both wore blue.

    Shockingly, there's more than one shade of blue out there and more than one style of blue dress, so they both looked lovely and absolutely no one cared. I'm sure green works the same way as blue.
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    I think it's a conversation that your mother needs to have your FIs mother. This isn't your problem. You can't tell guests what to wear to your wedding. Unless you or FI want to pay for another dress for their of them, they're going to have to sort this out themselves. They're not children. They should be able to do this in a constructive way. And have they compared the dresses? Are they the same dress, in the same shade of green? If not, then it's really not a problem. Just because they're wearing the same color, it doesn't mean they'll look anything alike. Everyone there will know who's who. I do have a feeling though, that your mother will feel better if she gets a good look at FMILs dress. Now, if FMIL has done this to try and cause a stink (the secrecy sounds suspicious to me) then FI has to have a conversation with her about that. Good luck with it all, but thi
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    lizz311 said:
    My mom has purchased her dress about 3 months ago. She contacted my fiances mother to ask her about her color. She had said she was wearing pink. So my mom went out and purchased a green dress. My fiances mother now found a dress she wanted in green and purchased it 1) without telling my mother or myself. 2) My mother is truly upset because she doesn't want to be in the same color dress as her. What do I do?!?!? How do I handle this?!?!
    1) MOG doesn't need to tell you or your mom what she plans to wear. She can wear whatever she wants without anyone else's input or permission.
    2) Your mom is WAY overreacting. Don't feed into her drama fire. Think about it for a minute - it's a completely ridiculous thing to be upset about. 

    Here's what you do... Tell your mom: "Mom, this is not a reasonable thing to be upset about. There will probably be lots of guests in green dresses. Who cares? No matter what color you pick, someone else will be wearing it. If you're dead set on wearing a different color than MOG, you need to pick a different dress. It's unreasonable to even think that MOG should change her's." 

    Here's what you DON'T do... Tell your FMIL: "Um, in case you weren't paying attention, MY mom is wearing green. She's pissed because green is now HER color. Not yours. You need to pick a different dress. I don't care how much you love it, how beautiful you feel in it or how perfectly it fits you. Find something else. And make sure you clear it with me first. I can't have you looking stupid."

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    This is kind of funny. I think my mom is bummed the MOG won't be wearing the same color as her. I think my mom is under the impression all guests are supposed to be wearing my wedding color. My response was, "Yeah, well, I don't really care."
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    AddieCake said:
    You tell your mother to get over it b/c it's ridiculous to be upset about this.
    Seriously. My mother and FMIL are both wearing black dresses. This is not a big deal at all. 
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    If your mom truly is this upset by them wearing the same color dress, then your mom needs to be the one to buy a new dress...not the other way around.

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    Such a nonissue.  

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    My mom, stepmom and FMIL are all wearing blue. Whatever whatever.

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    There's a million different shades of green out there. So realistically I'd bet they are NOT wearing the same color dress at all. What the moms wear only matters to the moms, no one is going to be judging them for both wearing green. Who cares? 

    Do NOT criticize your FMIL's dress choice or try to make her choose a different one. Tell her she looks gorgeous and get over it. I'll tell you the same thing I said to another Knottie who was worried about their FMIL's dress choice: Be nice to your FMIL because that is not a gate to hell you want to open. 
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    I have no clue what my mom, my stepmom, or his grandmother are wearing. Nor do I care, nor is it an issue. They are adults who can wear whatever color and whatever dress they want to. It'll all be ok, and everyone will think that you, the bride, look gorgeous and really not pay attention to other people's clothes.
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    Speaking of the green issue I really doubt it's the same green. I'm a fan of the darker greens or kelly green. Olive green looks awful on me and I only wear lime green during football season (Go Seahawks!). But other people would look nice in those hues of greens. Just take a deep breath, don't worry about this and move on. I think you should tell your mom to do that too.
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