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Thursday Chit-Chat

Hey guys! After being in a miserable mood all day at work yesterday for a variety of reasons, I went to the gym and then when I got home FI told me he was taking me out on a date. We went to a new restaurant, got some delicious food and drinks, and then went home and watched Big Brother together. I guess that's all I needed, because I'm feeling 1000x better today. 

How is everyone else's Thursday starting out? It's not too early to start talking about weekend plans, right?

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Re: Thursday Chit-Chat

  • My Thursday is the pits already. I drove about a mile past Dunkin's this morning before I realized and had to turn around. I've been out right at work and trying to get everything ready for the new school year that starts next week. 

    I came to catch up on everything here and then have to disappear again today to get this work done. It sucks and I miss you ladies. 
    friends tv show funy
  • Last night we celebrated one of my friend's bdays and I woke up this morning all bloated so I feel kind of icky so I'll be chugging water all day.

    Tonight I'm going to CrossFit and then we have a couple friends coming over to grill out with us. It's one of H's friends from college and he is bringing his girlfriend with him. She is nice but I've only hung out with her a couple times so hopefully it will be a fun evening. We may also go bowling but we will see how late it is after we eat.
  • @caseface5 - I'm sorry you're so busy but at least you did get some DD's!

    @Swazzle - Go see that house! I'm excited for you BUT that will mean a farther drive for me to come see you, so...I'm not totally sold on those plans yet.
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  • @caseface5 - I'm sorry you're so busy but at least you did get some DD's!

    @Swazzle - Go see that house! I'm excited for you BUT that will mean a farther drive for me to come see you, so...I'm not totally sold on those plans yet.
    It's only another 7 minutes! 

  • Yesterday sucked. Today has all the suckage potential, too. Part of the problem with my new position is my duties haven't been fully outlined yet (I know, most people get the job description, then get hired ...), so I seem to have inadvertently stomped all over toes. My adviser indicated I would be working on aspect A of review, my supervisor/office mate indicated that was not my job, and this doesn't get hashed out until Monday, which is not quickly enough to get me out of trouble it would seem. My adviser bent over backwards to create this opportunity for me, and within a week I want to submit my resignation and start my job hunt all over again on the argument that this position is not a good fit for me. Which is pretty much a nuclear option, which is why I'm not doing it. Ugh. So not happy. Don't care how much I sound like a teenager.
  • @Hummingbird125 - Glad you're feeling better and your FI was able to help you de-stress!!

    @Caseface5 - Hope you get caught up.  

    @Southernpeach89 - Have fun cooking out tonight!

    @Swazzle - Hope the house works out from you!!  Glad your root canal is not causing you so much discomfort today.

    @KeptInStitches - Hang in there, it'll be tough until you get things more established.  


    Last night I received an email from my dad saying 'You'll have to message your mom to see if she's planning on attending your wedding or not'.  So I messaged her and she replied 'I don't want to upset you but I will not be coming.  You'll have to ask your dad if he is planning on attending'.  So I put another email out to my dad saying 'Mom said she's not coming and to ask you if you are'.  They live together and I'm not sure if they're just pissed at each other or not.  I have decided if neither one attends I'm going to take a break from them as I'm tired of the way they make me feel.  I will make sure they know that I do not want anything from them for the wedding (including help with my pets, my dogs will be boarded and I will find a pet sitter to come 1-2 times a day and help with the cats/guinea pig/fish).  I will also let them know that it is up to them and my brother/SIL if they wish to pay for their vacation expenses as if my parents are coming, I don't really NEED my brother to be there either (basically I don't want them saying they paid my brother's way for me) - I basically want no contributions from them at all.

    I've been upset and eating way too much, so I need to wrap that up and get it under control.  I have a pretty dress to fit into and 54 days to make sure I fit into it!!

  • @swazzle yay for finding a house you like I hope you can see it soon

    @hummingbird125 glad you are feeling better today

    @Dignity100 I'm so sorry about your parents, sending you lots of hugs. 

    There is really nothing exciting going on at all about my day, or my life.   My excitement for the evening will be steam cleaning my couches tonight.  I'm so exciting.....  I'm cranky and congested this morning and I woke up feeling fat.  My PMS is so bad right now which is really a bit odd for me.  I wish it was 5 already.  I try to keep myself as preoccupied as possible because baby fever is bad....


  • All the hugs @Dignity100 - seriously they don't deserve you.


    Today will be busy...yesterday I went to a baseball game (work event) and ate and drank all the things.  Got to get back on track today.  Have to catch up on emails, draft some documents, hit the gym, help H sand floors tonight, etc.  I'd wish for the weekend to be here but its just going to involve more house-improvement work.  ;)

  • @hummingbird125 - I'm glad your night got better instead of worse! 

    @swazzle - YAY for houses!!!!! And also, I'm really happy to hear that you're feeling better.

    @Dignity100 - I am SO sorry about your parents. Particularly your mom at this point. I'm just totally bummed for you and can completely understand you wanting absolutely nothing from them. I cannot believe your mom would wait until now to tell you that she isn't coming. And it reminds me of my parents when I was going through a divorce with 2 young kids. My mom didn't want me to move in with them, but my dad stood his ground. Not the same situation, but it sounds like your dad is doing the same thing "How can we NOT be there for our daughter's wedding?!". HUGS either way. Also, I could always come crash in their place ya know ;-)

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  • @Hummingbird125 I'm glad you are feeling much better after such a crappy day yesterday! I'm jealous of your fancy date night. :)

    @Dignity100 Your parents sound like they are being really immature with the whole "message your mom" "message your dad". I'm sorry they are giving you so much stress and sad feelings so close to your wedding. :(

    Today is just another busy busy busy work day for me. At 2 I have a physical appointment. I've been fasting since midnight...hopefully I can make it til 2 because I want to get my bloodwork done. It's been probably 5 years since I last had a physical. Last time I went my thyroid levels were kind of off...I'm wondering if that's still a problem or not and if it's been contributing to me having a really hard time losing weight. My poison ivy has also been flaring up since I finished my medicine from my appointment a couple weeks ago so I'm hoping my doctor can give me some more stuff for it. I don't know if I got re-exposed or not but I'm back to being completely miserable again.

  • @ollie08 - YAY on the dress!!  Can't wait to see it!  If you want to crash and help me out at my place, you'll need to sign a waiver that you won't turn me into 'Hoarders buried alive' or any show like it ;o)

    @Peaseblossom55 @minskat30 @Ollie08 @LaPeanut1018 - Thanks.  I know that I can only have control of one person and that is myself.  I know that it reflects poorly on my parents and not me if my parents do not show.  As I've said before; they can afford to come and they like my FI, so it's just my mom's "anxiety issues".  My brother got married 5 years ago and she was able to attend their wedding, I don't think her anxiety would get that much worse in that span of time.  My mom is the one that suggested a destination wedding, we went over everything with her before anybody else.  Throughout this whole process it's been a struggle with my mom.  My most favorite line from this experience is my mom telling me 'You never took MY feelings and emotions into consideration'.  Right now I'm sad, hurt, angry - but I'll get over the emotional aspect of it, it'll just take some time.  I've got FI's family as a support system.  It kinda bothers me because I know family is important to him and here I am considering cutting my family out of my life indefinitely.  I know FI has seen the 'emotional abuse' and favoritism over the years, so I have a feeling he'll stand behind my decision.

  • @dignity100 I'm so sorry. The whole email your dad and email your mom is something my parents would do.  My family is pretty disfunctional too.  I've learned I can't rely on them for any help and I keep my distance at times.  My dad is wonderful but he is so busy with work it's hard to have the relationship I would love to have with him.  You are your FI are creating your own family and you are also acquiring a new family too.  Like you said it will take time to get over, but you probably just need to distance yourself from them for awhile.


  • justbeingme93justbeingme93 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited August 2014
    I am glad you are having a better day! 

    I hope you have fun grilling out tonight. I don't always enjoy those situations where you have to be friendly with your SO's friend's girlfriend/FI/W. It can be very awkward. I had the same situation this summer. I went "up north" to a cabin with my SO and two of his college buddies. They brought their girlfriends, so I had to play nice. They were considerably younger than me, so it was hard to have a real conversation. On a good note, you just have to play nice for one night! Also, you might think she is the best thing since sliced bread. Let us know how it goes! 

    Yay for good news all around! 

    I hope everything turns around for you! Just be patient and try to be friendly to all of your new co-workers. This sounds like it is going to be a learning process for everyone. Hang in there! 

    I am so sorry about your parents! **HUGS**

    Good luck at the doctor! 

    Last night, I took a really long bath and tried to relax my cold away. I took NyQuil last night before bed. I thought it would help my symptoms and make me sleep a little better. Nope. I slept horrible, and I woke up with worse symptoms. Ugh. I have yet to hit the peak of this cold. Tonight, I am supposed to get a drink or two with one of my friends, but I might have to cancel. I should really be in bed right now, but I need the paycheck for rent in two weeks. Being an adult sucks. 

    My SO went back to college yesterday. We are back to a long distance relationship. yuck. yuck. yuck. At least this year is our LAST academic year of being long distance. I can't wait to see what the next few years has in store for us. 
  • Thursday so far is OK. Had to get up early to drive home from BF's house to feed and cuddle my kitties. I can't wait for January to get here so we can live together!!

    Just got to work and it seems like we are busy, so hopefully the day will be merciful to me and my sleepy self.

    Tonight we are going out for a friend's b-day and I'm sure we will be out late. As far as the weekend, I don't think we have any plans which is super out of the ordinary for us!!

  • @Dignity100 SO MANY HUGS. If you want, I'll come to your wedding and be super happy and proud of you.

    I'm exhausted today. Last night, I went to a friend's house after work; she's moving to a much smaller space and needed help purging a lot of stuff. By the time I got home at 11, I was entirely wiped. I'm still home right now; I'm going to leave for lab soon, and my schedule is pretty light today (thank goodness), but I just feel like ... fuck this week.

    Then again, I'm pretty hangry because I'm dieting so there's also that.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @justbeingme93 -His GF is nice but it's hard to connect with her since I don't know her that well and my H and her BF are really close since they lived together in college. I think she might be younger than me but I'm actually not even sure lol. She just lives in Miami full time for her PT schooling so we never hang out with her so I know nothing about her lol.

    I think it will be a good time if H and his friend don't run off and have fun together and leave me with his GF lol.
  • @Dignity100 - I'm sorry about your parents *hugs* 

    I'm currently trying to motivate myself to get off the internet, out of bed, and start making breakfast. It's supposed to be hot today and I'm getting to the point where I'm sick of summer. I'm ready for fall and cooler weather!

    But also, is Halloween shit already out where you ladies are? Because Colorado has already got out Halloween candy and those temporary Halloween costume stores are already going up. It's too early people, it's only AUGUST!

  • @bethsmiles YUP there was Halloween candy at the supermarket Tuesday night. I hate holiday creep!
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @bethsmiles I'm over in FL and YES I am sick of summer too and YES I have seen Halloween deocrations out already!
  • I'm so glad the week is almost over. I can't wait to sit at home a snuggle my babies all weekend. 
    Tonight I'm making a super easy Chicken Divan casserole that I used to make for Bean. It's total shortcut style meal, totally unhealthy (Except for the brocolli, which is drowned in cheese and cream of chicken soup), and totally freaking delicious. And I use buttered ritz cracker crumbs to top it instead of bread crumbs which takes it over the top. It may see silly, but I'm really excited to make my family a meal (I haven't cooked since you know when) and I'm looking forward to eating the fuck out of it.

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @Peaseblossom55 - There's been a long line of dysfunctional stuff going on and favoritism.  My parents have always put me 'on hold' for my brother's needs and I even feel if this was my brother's wedding there would be a bigger attempt from my mom to make it there (she was at his wedding with 80+ people - but he didn't "make her" get on a plane... they could drive, my dad doesn't mind long distance driving).  I don't think this is on my dad, I think he's just caught in the middle.

    @Justbeingme93 - Hopefully you get over your cold soon!!  Just take care of yourself and reschedule with your friends.  Sorry your SO had to go back to school, hopefully this year goes by quickly for you guys.

    @Phira - I sure have some open slots now.  I planned for 14 and I'll have around 10 people now... maybe even 8 if my parents decide not to pay for my bro/SIL.  I need to start watching my diet again, it's just been hard with my whole parental situation... eating comfort foods doesn't really help (I gotta keep telling myself that).  

    @bethsmiles - Well since now kids are on their way back to school... it's just that time!!   I <3 Halloween, it's my favorite, but it doesn't need to show up in August.

    @beanbot2002 - make enough to share with us :o)

  • @Phira - I get so annoyed when holiday stuff comes out way earlier than it should! Halloween? Keep that shit in October, Christmas keep it in December, 4th of July is in JULY, etc. I don't why this annoys me so much but it really does. 

  • @Dignity100 - I love Halloween too! Corn mazes, pumpkin carving, all the Halloween stuff but I agree August is way too early! Although BF has already started about thinking about pumpkin carving designs (we get really into it).

  • @Dignity100 sorry to hear about your parents. I don't know the back story there but it sounds crappy. At least you have your FI and his family as support.

    Today is just a normal boring Thursday for me. I will probably work out when I get home and that's it. I'm pretty much the most boring person ever.

    @bethsmiles Nooo don't let the summer end yet! I have to admit, it's been cooler here in Boston and I'm loving it but am not ready for summer to be over because then comes WINTER. I hate winter. I hate the cold. I'm already getting stressed out about having nowhere to park when it snows. 

    @swazzle I'm so jealous of everyone buying houses. I want a house NOW. We're going to have to wait until after the wedding though and then start up our savings again. Someone suggested we do the First time Home buyer's program before we're married (once our finances are combined when married we won't qualify) but after thinking about it more and getting FI's opinion I don't want to. I think that's too stressful to figure out in the next 10 months while we're planning a wedding. 

  • @lavenderfields13 - It's been SO hot in Colorado all summer! I can't handle 90 degree days anymore! Although I have enjoyed all the rain we've been getting.

  • @lavenderfields13 - There really isn't a back story.  My mom has social anxiety, she doesn't like being in crowds.  Because of this, she's choosing not to come to my wedding because I would be making her get on a plane, stay in a hotel and then getting back on a plane.  Plus she said she was raised not to 'waste' money and apparently coming to my wedding would be a waste of $$ - because of the travel expenses and clothing expenses.  She was dreading dress shopping because she doesn't wear dresses and why should she spend money on a dress she will only wear once.  My mom has been able to attend 'social' events for my brother (graduations, his wedding, a funeral for SIL's grandmother (which they did end up leaving early because my dog lost her battle with cancer that same night and they wanted to say goodbye to her), etc) but not for me in recent years.  There's really a lot of hurt from my family towards me and I haven't been able to find the right counselor to walk me through being able to repair the relationships (mostly with my mother and brother - but they are pretty similar). 

    My brother is his own story.  So he has my parents paying for his trip to my destination wedding.  He picked a moderate hotel and upgraded his room, he put the dining plan and park tickets and got plane tickets when they were inflated all in his package.  On my wedding day he even has scheduled Fastpasses for Disney rides because 'we don't have to be ready until the afternoon and worst case we can walk across the bridge and be there in 20-30 minutes'.  He actually might not be able to come because he's starting a new job and doesn't know what his vacation will look like for the rest of the year.  He's even went as far as telling me 'if they call asking you when your wedding is, can you tell them Wednesday so I have a better chance of getting the whole week off?'.  I told him 'no' because I don't even lie to save my own ass and in reality he didn't need to book a 5-night 6-day trip for my 1-day wedding. 

    So much rage in me right now - sorry guys!

  • @hummingbird125, so glad you're feeling better today! Your FI is the bomb!

    @swazzle, the house sounds lovely! I hope it's just as awesome inside as it sounds from the outside!

    @KeptInStitches, I'm sorry work is being a pain and confusing. I think feeling overwhelmed is par for the course for any new job, but that sounds especially frustrating. I hope that everything will improve once things get hashed out on Monday.

    @Dignity100, I'm so sorry you're dealing with this crappy parental situation. :( *HUGS*

    I'm having trouble getting motivated to study for NCLEX, but I finally realized it's not worth it to apply for jobs until I have my license, so today I'm finally getting started. I'm also realizing that I am probably going to have to move out of state to get the particular specialty I want (Burn ICU), so I did just enough research this morning to entice myself to work. So who knows where I'll end up in a few months.

    I'm annoyed with my mom over the whole dating thing, and also because she keeps obsessing over getting a dog, and then she volunteers to pet-sit for her friends and HATES the whole experience. It's ridiculous and it's making me hate having animals around, which sucks because I used to be a serious dog lover. It's like I don't even want to get attached and take care of them anymore.

    I'm trying to think of a bright side for today, so...I get paid for real tomorrow! And that's exciting because I finally won't be struggling all the time! And I'm starting to feel myself get stronger with running, which is cool.

  • @beanbot2002 - OMG that sounds divine! What time is dinner? I might be able to get a flight in time. :-) I'm sure Bean will LOVE it. 

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