Hey people!!!!
We made it almost halfway through the workweek! How is your morning going so far?
I had a nightmare(?) last night that I went to some bar and ran into my college roommate. Our friendship ended on really bad terms with both of us pretty much hating eachother, and when I ran into her in my dream she looked absolutely FURIOUS and.... she was naked. Because it was a clothing-optional bar. I met up with some friends and then was telling a bartender about my roommate and mentioned that she was just sitting at the other side of the bar, naked, and the bartender said "Well yeah, you don't need to wear clothes here." and started removing all of her clothes. So yeah, I had a dream about several naked women, one of which despised me. I'm not quite sure what that means.
Tonight I'm supposed to go into the city to meet up with
@Swazzle to see "This is Where I Leave You", unless she has new house stuff to do?
48 hours from now it will be Friday, I'm just hanging tight to that fact...