
ATTENTION MICHIGAN BRIDES.. Catholic wedding on a sunday?

Hello all, 
My fiancé and I are desperately looking for a roman catholic church that can marry us on a  SUNDAY?  if you know any church or chapel  that allows wedding ceremony on a sunday please let me know.. 

Thanks a lot. 

Re: ATTENTION MICHIGAN BRIDES.. Catholic wedding on a sunday?

  • Ugh, good luck. We asked and were told by 2-3 churches that we could do Friday, or Saturday, but never Sunday. We finally just booked a Saturday and dealt with the higher reception fees.
  • Thanks!  not giving up yet but I might settle for an outside wedding and do church blessing later. 
  • jbella--careful with doing the church blessing later. Sometimes the church wont do the blessing. A friend hit that snag, and it took MONTHS of work (including doing all the pre-cana stuff, etc) to get the covalidation. You have to go through a process of explaining why you didn't get married in the church...and "it wasn't on the right day/location" may not be accepted as a good response (esp if you spent a decent amount of time/money on the wedding you're having).  

  • YIKES! thanks for the heads up. I'll keep you posted what we end up doing .. blah
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