I am slowly dying here in my cubicle. My manager is the LOUDEST chewer ever, especially with having chips
every day with lunch. He HAS to be chewing with his mouth wide open like a horse for him to be that loud. I don't know how his wife hasn't ever said anything to him about it.
We need to have an intervention or something! He's the most sarcastic person I've ever met, so we're all debating on how he'd take it if he made a joke out of it at our next happy hour or something... I have to put headphones on to drown it out...
He also will occasionally clip his fingernails... And start drumming loudly on his desk which makes mine start shaking... I could go on and on... Could talk forever about my teammate who chooses to use work time to loudly argue with his cable company (or Sears, or whoever the chosen person is for that day) about his bill or service, etc for like 45 minutes straight. This coworker also leaves his ringer/text tone turned up all day, and uses his headset to talk on the phone in the bathroom. Ah the joys of the corporate world!
I love most of the people I work with, but some are just completely intolerable!! Anyone else have good work stories?