Okay I'm going to try really hard to get images into this post but not sure I know how.
So I had my trial Saturday, she told me to come equipped with pics, and I did, and she looked at the picture I showed her (the screenshot) and was like, "Oh yes, I know exactly what I'll do!" The second pic is the outcome (and it's apparently sideways... whoops).
The style I got is just so smooth and precise and not really even close to what I wanted, although if I had this hair on my wedding day I wouldn't die or anything. But still. It was just so odd, and the more I think about it, the less I like it. She said she'd add some texture to the sides, but then the top is so smooth. I'm just not a fan. And now I'm worried that this girl will interpret any picture I show her as something entirely different. Yikes. What to do?