Hey all,
I know how wonderful you lovely ladies are at reading visions and finding what fits.
I'm just looking at the moment to throw some ideas together and start on the general "vision".
I'm looking for a shorter wedding dress (knee length-y), with a longer lace overlay.
I can see it perfectly in my mind, just can not find the picture I'm looking for, and no amount of googling is bringing up the right combination.
Below are a couple pictures of somewhere in the region of what I'm trying to describe... In all honesty I think it may be a custom job but we'll see.
The first I really like but I can only find a pic of the back, no idea what the front's like, and the lace is a lot "heavier" than I'd like.
The second, I really like the lace on this but don't particularly like the dress itself.
The third, I just really like how the lace sits over the top half.
If any of that makes sense (because I'm not-so-good at this whole dress thing), and anyone can find anything remotely like what I'm attempting to describe, I'll be impressed.
Thanks in advance.