Chit Chat

Hump Day Magic!

The summer season of Switched at Birth popped up on Netflix this morning!!!!! Yay!

Anyone else have their day get off to a good start?


Re: Hump Day Magic!

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    H brought me warm Krispy Kremes, a book, and the DVD of The Fault In Our Stars to give me relaxing things to do today.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I got woken up early and was told to run into the office to wait for an early overnight package that probably wasn't going to go to the office, but to the jobsite. Had to wait anyway, just in case.

    I want to sleeeeeeeep.

    Lighting demo was glorious yesterday. Walked right in and they had the uplights going in this super nice warm orange-y yellow firelight color. I was super pleased because the lighting guy is actually familiar with the venue AND has an in with someone there who can get him measurements and wiring diagrams and all that shit.

    I'm just. Jazzed. I also got the login for the DJ setup where I can put in all my songs and times for shit. It will be nice to get that taken care of.

    I'm the fuck

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    I walked my girls to school this morning and it took everything out of me.  Pneumonia sucks.
    I'm off work for the week which also sucks because I'm not making money and I'm not able to be productive at home.  I feel pretty useless.

    On the upside, I am going for my final fitting tonight (sick and all) since the wedding is in a little over two weeks.  At least I get to see my best friend.  I'm also hoping I might be able to pick up my daughter's dresses at the seamstress if she's home.

    Other than that, It's napping for me.
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    @LDay2014 , Hope your dress fitting goes well!! 
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    @LDay2014- Feel better soon!!!!!


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    It's Wednesday and it feels like it for me! The last couple of days have been crazy busy at work. I didn't get home until 8 last night. FI had takeout from my favorite Thai place waiting so I was a happy girl.


    Today is more coffee, more meetings, and more time spent after hours. Gag. At least tomorrow is one month until the wedding!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Was pumping gas this morning, and the car at the pump to the right of me ran over a can of at least partially full Mountain Dew (which I discovered after I felt something spray all down my side and the back of my legs, and see a crushed foaming pop can).  Fantastic start to the morning...

    Upside - have bbq pulled pork waiting in the crockpot for me after work!
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    I woke up to 3 voice mails saying I was not needed at work and pushed back until 11 am. So I got to sleep more after having a splitting headache and no sleep from the previous days! I was excited. I mean, I need the money, but damn it was a welcomed break.

    image   image   image

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    I woke up later then I wanted, but I was able to finally find my can of oil rubbed bronze spray paint, so I'm hoping I can finish my mini bar today. 

    I also did battle with the spiders outside my door. ...................

    I need a drink.

    I also think it's time to bring in my long suffering purple heart* 1. because everything else outside has DIED (my own fault) and 2. Keep it from becoming further infested with spiders. 

    I also want to hang the wreath I made while bored at work last night. Debating if I should add anything else to it (like black twigs for the crow) or leave it as is. 

    my family always calls that plant a wandering jew, but I feel really awkward typing that name online? Unnecessary paranoia or justified? Please let me know.


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