October 2014 Weddings

12 DAYS!!!

I feel like I'm forgetting a million and a half things, but when I check my "to-do" list, there isn't much.  Am I just crazy? AM I REALLY GETTING MARRIED IN 12 DAYS?!  Thankfully I have school all day to keep my mind off of it but when I get home I go from "YAY! This will be fun" to "OMG I don't wannaaaaa!"  PS, I'm not nervous about the marriage.  I've been with my guy for 9 years.  It's just the day of the wedding.  I hate being the center of attention.  I'm shy and self conscious.  So... you know... a wedding.... totally low-key? *sigh*  Anyone else freaking out?!

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Re: 12 DAYS!!!

  • I'm in the same boat...still have 19 days to go, but definitely not looking forward to "all eyes on me". I actually learned during this whole wedding process how little I like to things to be "all about me." Awkward at the showers, not loving the parading around in wedding dresses, etc. I'm ok being in front of others when I'm not the topic of the moment...definitely eye opening!
  • It's 11 days today!!!! I think I've moved passed the FREAK OUT stage, and on to the I'M SO EFFING EXCITED stage!!

    I can't wait for the day to be here!!

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  • I'm oddly calm... which is not good because that is making me procrastinate. I think I will have a moment where it becomes REAL and then I will start freaking out. I have anxiety problems, so I'm just waiting until they start kicking in. 
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  • Bek, I had my anxiety panic last weekend, so I'm guessing yours is soon to follow. It'll be all better after that :)

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  • bekt14bekt14 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited September 2014
    Next weekend FI will be out of town for 3 days for his Bachelor party. I'll be making favors and organizing all our stuff, and having my last few days as a single lady who lives alone. I'm already expecting a panic attack that weekend. 
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  • My wedding is in 11 days and 23 hours (basically 12 days), and I had a mini-breakdown last weekend, before my fiance went on his bachelor party. Between vendors not responding to me and someone in the wedding party dying their hair blue, plus a million other things, I was just on edge. Luckily FI calmed me down before he left, but I am still just so busy finalizing all the little last-minute details that I can't relax yet. 

    I also don't like being the center of attention, and I am very anxious about that, and nervous about meeting some of FI's family for the first time!
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