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  • @lavenderfields13 I thought the first season was good, and I thought the second season was just okay, but by the middle of the third season, I was pretty much entirely obsessed. It does help that Colin O'Donoghue is unbelievably, unfairly attractive.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira I know, I'm like how can I have a crush on Captain Hook? haha

  • @lavenderfields13 Yeah, it's a little bit weird!
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira and @lavenderfields13 so it gets better? I watched maybe the first 10 episodes of season 1 on Netflix, and I liked it, but I just wasn't glued to it. Plus hour-long shows can be a time suck for me, so unless I get hooked, I try to stay away from them. I see a lot of people obsess over it, so I guess I should give it another shot?

    @helloliv I love your new name! It's so bright and cheery. I got these wristlets as BM gifts, yes: 
    They were a friggin steal because they were on delete for like $15 each. I got 8 total (4 in black, 4 in the pinkish color in the pic) as BM gifts and mom gifts, so nada for me, but I'm really excited about them. I also got some Sephora by OPI polishes on clearance on Hautelook for BM gifts. It's way early, but I figure I should get stuff as it goes on sale instead of all at once for whatever price.

    I didn't realize you were having so many health problems! :( I'm glad there seem to be answers, but the procedures sound pretty scary. I just hope that you, @phira, and @love2shop4shoes find some relief ASAP! 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @eilis1228 Near the beginning of season 2, they add this bastard to the cast:
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira Well helloooo there

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • helloliv said:
    Hi! Yes, getting answers is good. Such a relief, even if it means brain surgery! 

    Other life stuff is going OK. Been feeling pretty down but getting that under control. Work is amazing -- I am in love with my job and I'm really good at it. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm really, really proud of the work I'm doing to build this program from scratch. It's very fulfilling. I'm still working a second job and I'm really hoping I can stop that soon because that's what's causing me the most stress. Dating sucks and I stopped doing it, so that's a little disappointing. I need to figure out how to meet guys that is not online.

    I love being off Facebook. Yes, there are things that I super miss about it -- a lot of friends have fallen away, which is sad -- but overall I love not having it as a time-suck and I feel a lot better about myself not ever wondering how it will "look" to others (I know that sounds crazy, but I think a lot of us do it!) and not comparing myself to other people. It's really, really refreshing. I'd definitely recommend trying it, even just for a month!
    Surgery is ew, two jobs is ew, and dating is double ew. I can identify; I've decided online isn't for me either and am operating on a referral-only basis. (So far this is not going anywhere for me, lol.)
    It's so awesome that you are kicking ass and taking names at work! Very few people are fortunate enough to be in jobs that they are passionate about, and even better to be making such a difference in it.
    I will probably work toward getting off of FB this month and stay off for a while. I have weaned myself down from posting a LOT and really only use it to  1) procrastinate, and 2) keep in touch with a good friend from out of state. I worry about losing touch with certain people, but I guess if we don't have a sustainable friendship outside of FB, there wasn't much there to begin with. There is so much more I could do with my time and energy other than sit there scrolling through the same status updates, selfies, and Huffington Post articles.
  • @minskat30 - I know your H says you need to lose weight before TTC (and I don't agree with that, the only part I can agree with is trying to get HEALTHIER before TTC, and if that involves weight loss, then it's just an added bonus) but I'm curious... what does your doctor say? 
  • @CocoBellaF - I don't have a primary doctor here in the new town yet and I've never discussed TTC with a doctor. A very valid point to discuss it with one, however, once I find one.
  • @eilis1228 I love the wristlets!!  I got my bm's kate spade wristlets.  They are such great gifts


  • @eilis1228: LOVE those! I'd take a pink one in a heartbeat. I think it's a great idea to shop while things are on sale. I do that for Christmas -- I put things away all year as they are on sale.

    And yes, health issues galore. I've had the migraine continuously with no breaks for almost 5 years and Cushings for almost 4. It's tough and the procedures sound scary, but I'm happy to maybe have answers and relief!

    @CLoGreenEyes‌ Thanks! I'm loving work, truly. Sorry dating isn't going well for you either! :( Definitely try the FB break -- I get wanting to be on there for certain friends but maybe try to just be sure to connect with those friends in other ways. For example, I had some friends that I talked with on FB messenger regularly and we switched to gchat.
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