Wedding Ceremony & Reception Music Discussions

Bride-grooms best friend dance

I am not going to be doing a dance with my dad at my wedding. Instead, I have asked my fiancé's best friend to dance with me. I'm having a hard time coming up with a song for us to dance to. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

Re: Bride-grooms best friend dance

  • Just out of curiosity, why are you dancing with your fiance's best friend? Since this is rare and not a typical wedding tradition, I would suggest dancing with your fiance's friend (if you must) away from the spotlight (meaning, during the reception with everyone else, to any song). If you make everyone stop dancing so that you and him can share the spotlight to a special song, that just seems really strange to be honest.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I am not going to be doing a dance with my dad at my wedding. Instead, I have asked my fiancé's best friend to dance with me. I'm having a hard time coming up with a song for us to dance to. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

    I agree with @peachy13‌, why exactly did you decide to dance with your fiancé's best friend?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I also would think this was really out of place and bordering on inappropriate.  If this guy is a much older an who is like a father figure...umm, no, it still would seem weird.  I can't think of any relationship between your fiancé and this man that would make this seem wedding appropriate.  Dance with the guy for sure, but I would be like, who is this dude and why am I watching this?
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