Wedding Woes

Randoms--Add yours please

1.  This week was the first week of splitting between the OFFICE office and a job trailer onsite.  It was nice mostly, I feel kind of confused and mixed at times, but mostly I like it.

2.  H's gma is really in the last stretch--it's going to be very hard when she passes, but I'm hoping I can be supportive and there for H.  It's hard when you're grieving too.

3.  A house popped up on our automatic list that is generated from our Realtor, and I look at them whenever they do come in.  H actually brought one up, we drove by it last night, and he's calling the Realtor to see when we can visit it since his schedule is so weird.  We kind of geeked out over it last night---but I'm trying to remain calm.  *clenched teeth*

4.  For my BFFs birthday I bought 2 gratitude journals, and suggested we journey the year together and write in them as a project with each other.  I've kind of looked forward to doing it every night.  Cuddled up in bed with my pups and writing about my day in snippets of goodness.  It's refreshing at times, even when I have a "bad" day.

Re: Randoms--Add yours please

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    2. I'm very sorry.  Healing vibes and hugs.

    1,3, and 4 sound kind of awesome.

    My randoms-

    1. If patients have an average hold time of 5+ minutes every time they call maybe you should hire more people.

    2. Usually I bake with 6let.  Since he's been at school it's been fun to see M2 step in.

    3. I made biscuits for the first time ever.  I hope they turn out ok because they were easy

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