I am 26 and my fiancé is 27 but he grew up with a brother
who is much older and because of this, has always hung with a group of friends
that is much older (i.e. 40 plus) all of which are married and have young
families. I have established a list of my attendants who range in age from
19-26 but am trying to figure out where to draw the line in making for a much
less awkward bridal party for everyone. How old is too old when it comes to
this mix and would I be better to cut my list down and keep it to closer family
members only? Am I being unfair in saying that a man with an 18 year old son is
not interested in being in a wedding party and walking down the aisle with a
mid-20's bridesmaid?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />