Attire & Accessories Forum

mother of pearl sash HELP!

I am looking for this sash for a friend of mine. The shop where she tried it on says it is discontinued and the sample that they have has seen better days. There is a Lazaro label on the back, but I'm not sure that the shop didn't sew it on themselves. Any help would be truly appreciated. THANKS ladies!!

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Re: mother of pearl sash HELP!

  • I am suckage with the google.  If it is discontiuned you can try searching on sites like ebay or preownedweddingdresses under the accessories section.  I think there may be a few other sites too.  Also, if it doesn't have to be the exact same sash that would make finding something much easier. 
  • I did a search through google and ebay & nothing. Not very nice of them to show her a sash that isn't in great condition & isn't available to ordered.
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