Wedding Woes

Random #2

Who was the last person you raised your voice to and why?

Re: Random #2

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    baby mo because i have repeatedly warned him about throwing hot wheels cars (like, it's been an ongoing issue), and then he threw one.
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    My mom. Today. No surprise, right.


    Salad for the rehersal. Yes, salad.

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    what kind of salad? 
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    M2.  Instead of getting dressed she was wearing nothing but a witch's hat dancing in front of a mirror singing something silly. Any other time I would have laughed:(
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    edited October 2014

    The groom only eats romaine and she wants iceberg too.

    I'm not making this up.

    She just wrote a very large check for an open bar.


    Now she refused to pay for another thing for the wedding and wants me to tell the bride. She is also kinda hot that the grooms family isn't hosting the rehearsal dinner, but that's another story.

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    PF - for kicking me in the boobs and tummy while I was changing her diaper.
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    In person?  not sure.

    I can't even remember.  I'm loud in general so loud-ER is often not necessary.
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    DH.  I was being irrational and he was being very annoying.  I was actually close to a full blown adult temper tantrum with kicking of shins included.
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    DK, but I was impersonating my sister yelling at me on our vacation. 

    in reality, it was probably last week before my trip - I'm guessing Wolverine because she was dicking around instead of listening to me and getting ready to leave for school. 
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    A stupid truck driver who decided it was fine to just deliver a day late, whenever the heck he felt like it.  With no call or anything, they drive me crazy on a daily basis.

    Nola-sorry about your mom, weddings bring out the crazy in people.  At least you will have the open bar to help you deal with her, thanks mom!


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    One of the kids.  Couldn't tell you which one or why, but I know it was one of the shits.
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    Last night, when she was dinking around and I told her to march to the bathroom for tooth brushing
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    DS because he told me as we were getting in the car to leave that he "needed" stuff. We've told him a million times that if we say "we are leaving" that means you get your shit and go. Not decide after the fact that you need x, y, and z.
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    Wow.  This just reiterates that I'll need a HUGE helping of patience with kids.
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    DefConn because he was being a shit. 
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    ftrMrs0 said:
    Wow.  This just reiterates that I'll need a HUGE helping of patience with kids.
    MrsO, I walk away a lot. I have a short temper, so I try to be mindful of not just flying off the hook. That said, you do develop patience. I've gotten much better especially as you start to realize that sometimes kids have no concept of time, etc. and that in their world this is all perfectly reasonable.
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    @ftrMrsO, i am actually not big yeller. but if it's a matter of health and safety, i lay the hammer down. he notices because normally momma is not upset.
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    DD, last night, after she got out of bed for the umpteenth time and came downstairs for some random, nonessential reason.  I told her if she got out of bed one more time, she was never watching another video for as long as she lived.  The next time I checked her, she was asleep.
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    PMeg819 said:
    MrsO, I walk away a lot.
    Whoever said timeout was for the parents was a genius.  Sometimes I have to send DD to timeout because I'm about 30 seconds away from ranting like a homeless dude on the subway.  She's sensitive, and there have been times that I've raised my voice and she's burst into tears and said "You hurt my heart!"  And then I want to cry.  5-10 minutes in separate corners works wonders some days.
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    DH.  Last night.  I had helped DD with her homework, the instructions weren't very clear, I ended up telling her to do it the wrong way. DH looked it over and pointed out to me that I misunderstood  - - and I completely admit that I did.  And then he told me that he'll help her with her homework from now on.  WHAT?  Because I'm too stupid to help with a kindergartners homework????  Oh no he didn't.  So yes.  There was some yelling, about that, and then about everything else he did last night.  
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    I'm resurrecting yesterday's thread, because I yelled at DD last night, and I still feel bad about it.  She was dawdling like crazy, wouldn't sit down and do her homework (which she was supposed to do in afterschool care, but blew off), flooded the bathroom floor during her bath, and wouldn't clean her room until I threatened to take away her video "as a consequence for making bad choices."  She half-assed her cleaning (I'm pretty sure a lot of her stuff ended up under her bed, but I didn't have a chance to look), but I wasn't going to make a thing of it because I was tired, growing crabby, trying to get DS to bed (he was fighting hard), and got a text from DH saying he was on his way home, when I had been hoping he would pull into the driveway any second.  I didn't want to have a blow up over DD's sloppy cleaning, and I honestly didn't feel capable of sitting down and discussing it rationally at that point.

    Get DS to bed, come out of his room (which is across the hall from DD's room) to find that in the interim, she has dragged out a shitton of other stuff, teeth aren't brushed, clothes aren't picked out for the next day, she hasn't done any of the shit that she knows she's supposed to do to get ready for bed.  I'm short on patience but struggling mightily, so I say "You need to clean all of this up right now.  I'm going to the bathroom [I'd had to pee for about 45 minutes at this point and hadn't had a chance to actually do so], and when I come back, I want to see you working on it."  (Also, FWP:  today is cleaning day, and no one can vacuum with a dozen My Little Ponies and their teeny-tiny successories scattered all over the floor.) 

    Come back to find that she is in her closet, playing with stuffed animals, MLPs are untouched, nothing else is done.  And that is when I ran out of patience.  I yelled "CLEAN UP!" as loud as I dared without waking DS (which wasn't that loud, but beyond a firm voice), and of course there were many tears, and the accusation that I had broken her heart.  She finally cleaned up and went to bed, having lost her bedtime song as a consequence of needing to use that time to clean up her room (again) instead.

    I love her so much, and she drives me so crazy.
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    Heffa- are you me? Last night I busted out the timer for DS because I needed him to pick up  legos. After sounds of silence, I yelled and then started the timer (he gets 5 minutes to do a chore and if it's not done there is a punishment). It got done and then I heard "mom, you are making me so very sad. I just want to be good and love you Mom". This all came on the heels of a preschool conversation where DS was praised for being creative, but a complete time waster.
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    Buffy got her lovie taken away at school yesterday.

    Because she threw it at another kid and hit them in the face.

    I'm glad her teacher got to deal w/ that, not me.
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    PMeg819 said:
    This all came on the heels of a preschool conversation where DS was praised for being creative, but a complete time waster.


    Yes!  DD got that "award" for most artistic, but tell her she needs to brush her hair and teeth and you'll return ten minutes later to find teeth and hair untouched, but the contents of her vanity arranged to form a technicolor butterfly.  I want to hug her and scream, often at the same time.  Yes, be creative, it's wonderful, but get your shit done too, you know?  Even Andy Warhol brushed his teeth every now and then, I imagine.
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    Heffa, let us pray our children never meet and fall in love. I feel like it could be disastrous. Beautiful but monstrous.
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