Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions


He and I are military and our families are a bit spread out, I have family in Michigan and Texas, his is in West Virginia. I want to do the ceremony in Michigan, because I have friends and family there that are short on money, so traveling would be easier on them, he wants it in West Virginia for similar reasons. Any tips on how to settle this would be helpful. And meeting in the middle isn't a viable option, because who is going to pay for the hotels?

Re: Location?

  • Well, something has to give here. Unless you want to do a ceremony and reception in one place and then have another "after-wedding party" in the other location later. I thought about this- My fiance is from the Philippines. We were planning on doing a wedding and reception here in the US then having our honeymoon and another "reception or celebration" in the Philippines. 

    As far as choosing- that's going to be a compromise between you guys, not sure if we can really help much with that. Usually people have family members who they are closer with than others- whose closer family members would be willing or able to travel? Who has more family? If you have more than your fiance, you may want to have the wedding in Virginia- that way his family can be there for him and hopefully some of your large family can attend as well....
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    Our wedding date is November 12, 2011

    110 invited 86 accepted! 20 can't make it 4 haven't responded yet
    RSVP Date October 12th, 2011

  • I would do what PP said. Choose one place to have your ceremony and have a reception somewhere else. If you don't want anyone to feel left out, just have a small ceremony with immediate family and have a couple "larger" receptions.
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