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My pissy DH post- VENT

DH flew in last night. He's here until mid Nov. Before he got home, I summoned up all of the energy I had and cleaned the house. Not major cleaning, but I vaccumed, did some laundry, wiped down the counters, and cleared all clutter. I told him last night that I had put a lot of effort into it and I was hoping things could stay the way they are for a bit. Well, it hasn't even been 24 hours and the place is already falling to pieces. Trash not thrown out, used glasses everywhere, clothes all over the place. WTF is he thinking??? 



Re: My pissy DH post- VENT

  • Boo Hiss!  Any news on the cleaning for a reason?
  • @ShellD13- They approved me for a cleaning, but they have yet to match me with a local company who can come out and do the cleaning. I also saw an article about them today on People, so I bet they are about to get inundated with requests!


  • Yes, a place to vent.

    Dear family members, I hate it when you put your dirty dishes in the sink, when the dishwasher is right there, empty and waiting. I also hate the glasses all over the house.  And while we're at it, if you think it's fun to watch the dogs shred newspapers, empty paper towel rolls, boxes etc...could you please pick up the mess when they're done. And the closet is where you hang your coat, not the back of a dining room chair. And please, open your mail and do whatever you need to do with it, if you don't need it THROW IT AWAY. How lazy can you be?

  • I'm with you. I'm utterly flabbergasted at how FI can manage to get his clothes near the clothes hamper, but never actually INTO it. And I get super-stabby when there have been clean clothes piled on the couch for days (because that's where they usually go when they first come out of the dryer) and then when I give up on FI doing them and start to hang them up/fold them, he never moves out of his seat, but says, "I was going to do that!"
    No TF you weren't. Grrrrr.

    Anywho, good luck on not strangling DH and on getting matched with a cleaning service :)

  • Boo.  

    Sadly it's that is my everyday life.     Well expect this last Monday.  DH had something up his butt and he super cleaned.  Vacuumed the baseboards and everything.  It was short lived. Every day since his dirty dished have been round and those damn black socks.   

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • smichek said:
    Jells, I swear our husbands are the same person. We don't have a dishwasher so I hand wash everything. Of course as soon as I clean the gazillion cups H leaves around the house and all the dishes in the sink (and stack them all very carefully in the strainer so everything fits but if you touch it shit will fall), H decides he must dirty more cups, or he brings me a cup that was hiding in the man cave and I'm like REALLY DUDE? Same with clutter and dirty clothes. As soon as the laundry basket is empty, H throws in some scrubs and jeans and a hoodie and tshirts. As soon as the coffee table is clean, here comes H with junk mail and a snack and another fucking cup.
    And just before I read this, DH walks in with a ton of junk mail, plops it on the coffeee table, and leaves the empty grocery bags on the counter for the cats to chew up. 


  • I spent over an hour today cleaning up the kitchen because my husband cannot be bothered to put his dishes in the dishwasher, which means that his midnight snack cup of salsa doesn't get rinsed and attracts fruit flies, which I then have to trap. UGH.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Totally can relate.  The joys of cohabitation!

    DH always leaves dirty glasses and soda cans all over the house.  If he eats at the dining room table, he will move the dirty plates to the kitchen, but leave the dirty glass and silverware on the table.  Then, when he does do dishes (one of his duties), he doesn't even go around the house to pick up all his random dirty dishes, but rather will run the half-full dishwasher while there are still dirty dishes scattered around the house.

    He will also set trash down on a table or counter... right next to a trash can!!! And we have a trash can in every room of the house... literally... I've put them in every room in an attempt to combat this action of his, but it doesn't seem to work.

    His dirty clothes live on the bathroom floor, rather than the hamper.  And usually his shirts are in the main bathroom (he takes off shirt when going to bathroom) and his pants end up in our master bathroom (when he takes shower after work).  Oh, and his socks often end up on living room floor. So, when I do laundry (one of my duties), I have to run all over the house picking up his clothes.

    My other pet peeve, is that we have a basket sitting on counter by the door to put mail & bills.  He will ALWAYS put other, larger crap in the basket... things that could just go on the counter next to it instead of violating our small mail basket.  Instead, when I bring in the mail, I have to move his crap to put the mail away.  Today, it was a large pizza pan in my mail basket!?

    We will clean the house and within a day it is trashed again... always. Several years ago we had gotten pretty good at keeping it clean by having a chore chart.  It lasted for about 4-5 months of the house always being picked up. I'm starting to think we may need to go back to that, although at that time he wasn't working 12-16 hour days every day.  So, I doubt he'd want to come home and pick up after a long work day.  


  • FI and I have been complete slobs and this weekend is devoted to cleaning and wedding favor assembly.  

    Our apartment is small, but there's dust everywhere, clothes on everything, dishes in the sink, beer bottles by the couch, cat hair in corners, cups on tables, recycling piling up.  I want this place clean so I can assemble favors in peace. I need it to glow with shininess!

    I live in a fucking frat house.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • To make matters worse, DH now has a cold. I'm trying very hard to not catch it, as I'm not sure how my body will hold up in fighting it. If he gets any worse, he's being quarantined in our guest room.


  • I better get off the knot now. A dust bunny just carried the dog away!
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