Chit Chat

How was everyone's weekend?

Here's mine in gifs. 

Friday, we went out for dinner and drinks with friends. 


Saturday, we went to a Russian bath house with our couple friends (the wife is from Russia). At first I was like:


But then when I realized what is was all about, I was all:


We steamed and saunaed and jacuzzied and swam and ate food and drank. What's better than that? 

Yesterday, I cleaned the house and did laundry. 


Re: How was everyone's weekend?

  • Friday Fi and I went to our wings place to eat and drink beer ($1 drafts).

    Saturday, my dad and I went shopping for my birthday! He got me a Clarisonic, which I have been wanting forever, and then surprised me with my wedding jewelry. I love that man.

    When I got home, I finished up the cleaning and started cooking. We had my best friend and her BF over for supper and a movie. I made Alice Springs Chicken and we watched "The Other Woman." 

    I was sick all day yesterday, throwing up and stuff. Every time I moved I threw up. FI was a trooper and took care of me and made me food and eat.

  • On Friday we went for dinner and drinks with a friend who was visiting from out of town. Pizza and beer, yumyumyum. On Saturday, we went for a late, long, luxurious paella lunch on the seaside.

    Then had the birthday of a friend in the evening. Yesterday consisted of waking up late, cooking, cleaning and doing absolutely nothing. It was a pretty great weekend :D Now, re-starting the countdown down the days until TGIF.

    @emmaaa I just got the Clarisonic a few months ago. I am obsessed.

    @ClimbingBrideNY I have never been to a Russian bath house, but I have been to an Arab Bath House. At first, I did not know if I was convinced. But, after about 5 seconds after entering, I was a convert for life. I got the best scrub down there that I have ever gotten in my life. It was amazing.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Weekend was good but this morning has been rough.

    Friday night was awesome. We went to a beer tasting event at our local culinary center. There were about 13 different craft breweries from our area in attendance and so much awesome food. It was my wedding present to H and he had a blast!

    Saturday we lazed around the house and then ran errands in the afternoon. We were quite productive - bought a new cabinet for the bar we wanted to set up in the kitchen, a new foyer table, and the rest of the materials needed for my bathroom upgrade project. It's so nice to be able to buy things for our house again since we're not saving for a wedding any longer.

    Yesterday was just a clean the house and play with the dog day. It was nice to have a day with H where we just did nothing.

    Annnnd then I wake up this morning feeling completely exhausted and the dog pooped in the bathroom while I was showering. Awesome. Hoping it's not a sign for how the rest of my day will go.

  • Friday is a gym day for us so we worked out and relaxed at home.  

    Saturday I spent the day at my parents and received some not so good news.  That night we went to the in laws for FILs birthday.

    Sunday we went to the mall, looked at Xmas trees and then relaxed at home.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My weekend was rather dull.  Saturday I cleaned and made room for some shower gifts I was given (my coworkers threw me a surprise shower....they are the best coworkers I know!) and decluttered because I've been neglecting the apartment really bad.

    Sunday FI and I got our hair cut and we did a ton of laundry.  We went out to do a basic shop at Target.  When we got home, my mother called me (she calls for weekly wedding updates this past month or so) and she was like "I can't believe this is the last time I will call you before the wedding.  It's almost here!"  Yeah, that happens.  Eventually it gets here.  

    I only work Monday and Tuesday this week before we take time off for the wedding.  So much to do, lol.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • amelishaamelisha member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer Name Dropper
    edited October 2014
    I went to a little potluck party for a friend on Friday - he was working on the rigs in Saudi Arabia for a couple months and just got back and was extremely excited for decent food and beer. I know he makes a ton of money but I still think that has got to be a very difficult career.

    I went clothes shopping on Saturday, which is not my favourite thing, and spent an ungodly amount of money on a bra in my freak size, so then I grumped around the house for the rest of the evening.

    And yesterday I just did laundry and changed sheets and cleaned bathrooms, but I'm a neat freak and kind of enjoy cleaning day, so that was nice and soothing, haha.


    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • raissyraisraissyrais member
    500 Love Its 1000 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited October 2014
    You got so good at GIFing! Am jealous!

    Saturday we had to wait for Ikea to bring our stuff and thankfully that didn't take too long. FI took over four hours to build our new MALM white chest for the bedroom and the huge white KALLAZ shelving unit for our living room. Shit takes so long I tell ya. We fell asleep at 10pm I swear, we were so tired. On Sunday we went so Sainsbury's for overall groceries and baking stuff for my high tea party this coming Saturday afternoon. We spent a whopping £68 and FI was a bit upset but felt better after we had pizza for dinner and binge watched some GOT.

    ETA: Errrrrrmageerrrrrrrd @goldchocobo you are soooooo close!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Weekend was great!  Friday FI and I went to a costume party for the local Child Abuse Prevention center and saw a friend/ex-coworker that I hadn't seen since 2001.  Saturday we went to my aunt's house for the kids' pumpkin carving, then watched that weird-ass movie Snowpiercer.  Yesterday we went up to this very cute little town and walked around the shops, then did 3 miles on the trail that overlooks the MO river. 


    Back at work today - yuck.


  • My weekend was shit, man. I can only really accurately express it in guttural growls. Grr. 

    It's a new week, though! And there was one highlight of the weekend -- I think FI and I have decided to just take our parents and closest friends with us to the courthouse (if possible) and take them out to dinner afterwards, then just go hiking at Machu Picchu instead of having a post-elopement party. 
  • Well, the Spartans DID beat the Wolverines AGAIN....  Woohoo!

    I got a new(er) phone and it was our anniversary.  I had a galaxy 2 and had been off contract for almost a year.  We decided we didn't want to do contract phones so we just have a data plan from Sprint and it is 15.00 per device.  Dropped our cell phone plan 100.00 per month.

    I found a mint condition Galaxy S4 on Craigs list for 170.00. My cell phones are way way way underutilized.  Yeah, I really use it for phone, messages, facebook, the knot, and cruising the net when I am in the van pool, but I could do so much more.  I am not a super techie so I spent quite a bit of time on youtube watching videos.  I hate figuring out new phones.

    Our anniversary celebration is kind of on hold.  We have Doobie Brothers tickets (we are both huge fans) for this coming weekend but it may not happen.  My brother is having surgery on Friday in Ohio and I am his medical decision maker.  I have to be there.  He should be in and out in 24 hours so we may be able to zip back to Michigan for the concert but we will just have to see.

    I was pretty much a slug most of the weekend.

  • My weekend in gifs! Had a pretty quiet night Friday - stayed in and worked on my Halloween costume.

    Saturday, met up with friends for cider mill, donuts and pumpkin picking


    Then Saturday night met up with different friends at a haunted house. They were all
    but I was mostly

    Then Sunday was just lots of this

  • kmmssg said:

    Well, the Spartans DID beat the Wolverines AGAIN....  Woohoo!

    I got a new(er) phone and it was our anniversary.  I had a galaxy 2 and had been off contract for almost a year.  We decided we didn't want to do contract phones so we just have a data plan from Sprint and it is 15.00 per device.  Dropped our cell phone plan 100.00 per month.

    I found a mint condition Galaxy S4 on Craigs list for 170.00. My cell phones are way way way underutilized.  Yeah, I really use it for phone, messages, facebook, the knot, and cruising the net when I am in the van pool, but I could do so much more.  I am not a super techie so I spent quite a bit of time on youtube watching videos.  I hate figuring out new phones.

    Our anniversary celebration is kind of on hold.  We have Doobie Brothers tickets (we are both huge fans) for this coming weekend but it may not happen.  My brother is having surgery on Friday in Ohio and I am his medical decision maker.  I have to be there.  He should be in and out in 24 hours so we may be able to zip back to Michigan for the concert but we will just have to see.

    I was pretty much a slug most of the weekend.

    Jealous! My sisters and I had talked about going to that concert but flaked on buying tickets. And now we're having a Halloween party this weekend.

    And... it's not that big of an accomplishment to beat Michigan lately. Just sayin'. :-p

  • Friday night I picked up my best friend from college from the airport. We managed to get to a bar in time to see the end of the Royals game (I live in Kansas City- woop! didn't do well last night or Sat, but we still have a chance :) )

    She came to town for my bachelorette party, which was Saturday night. We had an absolute blast! Some of my bridesmaids hadn't met each other yet. Everyone got along great and it was truly so so much fun! 

    Sunday I managed to wake up still drunk I believe, but this prevented me from really having a hangover all day. Went to bed around 8pm because I was so exhausted.

    We also received a random wedding gift this weekend. A Tiffany styled, Quoizel piece. The thing is beautiful, and I appreciate my aunt trying to put a lot of thought into an off-registry gift. But..I mean...we have no where to put this thing. It is HUGE and I feel like it belongs in a study or something! haha, not our tiny/unfancy apartment haha 

  • I had the best Sunday ever.

    I met Jensen Ackles. FANGIRLING! SWOONING! (My mom went with me, but I cropped her from this photo for, ya know, "internet privacy" and all that.)

    @thisismynickname This is the best celebrity sighting photo I've ever seen-- you're both happy and looking at the camera!  Love it!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • FI and I had a fairly productive planning weekend.

    Friday we were supposed to go to dinner with FI's parents at the rehearsal dinner restaurant. To "try some more options" - in reality it's just really good food. But FFIL threw his back out so we postponed dinner until Thursday. So instead I got to spend some time holding my new nephew :) FI and I made stir fry for dinner and vegged. I also sent our photographer an email about booking and planning engagement pictures. So I finally made that decision. Deposit is in the mail today!

    Saturday we went for a first consultation with our florist. No real planning because I still don't have exact colors or numbers, but I'm secure in the decision to hire that florist for our wedding day. Then we went and checked out hotels near our venue. Found one crapper and two good ones. After that we met a friend downtown and hung out for the evening. 

    Sunday I had to play in church for Reformation Sunday. But I got some money for it, so that was nice. Then I hung around home, did some wedding organization (filed all my paperwork etc) and watched some Buffy.

    I'm actually pleased with how much I got done this weekend. :)
  • I had a pretty good weekend.  Fi and I ordered from our favorite taco place on Friday night.  Saturday I worked, but then we went to a fundraiser concert in our local cemetery!  It was awesome.  And I got to use my Notorious RBG costume.  We also had another friends' party that night, so it was a double-party evening.  Sunday we slept late but then I had to go into the office around lunchtime, and I wound up staying until almost 9pm.  Ugh.  So I came home, we straightened up the house a bit, then crashed.

    Right now I'm working from home and about to leave for a dentist consultation on getting my teeth finally fixed!!!! I'm so excited.  I'm seeing $$$$$$$$$$$$$ in my future but I just can't wait to have healthy teeth.
    This is the best costume ever. 
  • I have to say I love all the Jensen Ackles in this thread. Thanks @thisismynickname and @lolo883! Also, I am super jealous of actually getting to meet him.
  • pinkcow13pinkcow13 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2014
    My weekend was pretty good. On Friday, I went to happy hour with my coworkers. One of my work friends got his first apartment, so we went to check it our and have some drinks there. I got him a Cactus plant for his new place :) After that, we hit up a couple of bars in the area. Then, I met up with FI and apaprently we ate way too much Halal.

    Saturday, we went to brunch with FI's coworkers. We went to this really cool spot in our neighborhood. It was kinda like a party brunch, with loud music, and bottles of champagne and mimosa everywhere. Then, the Don Omar song Danza Kuduro came on, and 2 dancers decked out in Brazilian carnival outfits came out to dance, and they pulled a few girls out (including me at one point !) to dance. It was a blast. We went to a bar on the upper east side afterwards, and pretty much spent the rest of the day there. I think FI and I got home around 11.

    Yesterday, I spent the day recovering, and watching tv ALLLL day.


  • Friday I was sick and FI's boss went back and said that FI now has a vacation black out and that he can't take his comp. time anymore (he was working overtime and every once in a while they give him compensation in the form of paid days off, he was supposed to take Friday off but his boss decided to go back and take it away from him). Supposedly the black out is going to last until after our wedding but his boss and HR had already approved the wedding day and honeymoon off. I would not be surprised if a month before the wedding, his dick boss tries to takes it back and forces him to work the day of our wedding. I'm ready to go to angry bride mode for the occasion, especially since we can't get our deposits back.

    Saturday we had our tasting with our caterer! Everything was delicious and there was a lot of food so we were stuffed. We picked our menu items and talked about timeline and decor. We found that we got a pretty substantial discount which is awesome! We were finally able to afford alcohol for the wedding.

    Sunday we went wedding ring shopping. We ended up doubling the budget on wedding rings because I had budgeted for the plain wedding bands and FI liked the ones with diamonds. He felt that if he had one with diamonds, I needed one with diamonds too. I made sure they were conflict-free before we made the deposit but now I have to move other things around in our budget. The budget for rings wasn't very high so it wasn't that big a deal. We're not dangerously overly budget but still, over budget is over budget.

    Overall, pretty good weekend although Friday kind of sucked.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Everyone sounds like they had eventful weekends!


    Friday H (I still get excited to call him that!) and I went to our favorite Thai place and ate all the things.



    Saturday I went shopping with my mom and got our wedding album and started working on that (now I just need pics). H and I then went to my grandma's house for the annual pumpkin carving contest.



    Yesterday I got about half way through our TY cards and then drank too much wine and attacked H with kisses...for about 3 hours. He was a trooper. We then had cake for dinner. I have no regrets.




    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I had a pretty good weekend.

    Friday we got our marriage license, went to the casino steakhouse, had a bottle of wine, then lost money gambling. Minus the losing money part, it was a good time.

    Saturday we were pretty lazy. We ran some errands a the mall, then I came home and watched college football.

    Yesterday, I had my final dress fitting. We also took care of some last minute wedding details.  T-minus 6 days...can't believe it!
  • Me and FI spent Friday night at home, we're currently Binge watching the final season of Raising Hope.  I had a beer and planned the meals for this week. 

    Saturday FI had work, so I tried to become better friends with the birdy (found out he likes popcorn),  I then went to the grocery store, and I also did some homework after Which I started and finished a steamy romance novel.

    Sunday was clean the house day.  Which I only got part of it done, but that's because when FI got home I pounced on him. ;)


    Wedding Countdown Ticker


  • Literally sat the entire weekend playing video games and eating nutella with a spoon. I never get a weekend off to do nothing. It was amazing.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Our weekend was pretty great.  We went and spent the weekend down in wine country.  It was all just relaxing, drinking wine, eating great food, and enjoying the beautiful environment around us.  

  • beetherybeethery member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited October 2014
    Friday I got home and felt like this because I had to send more work emails:


    Saturday morning I got woken up by a call from the answering service saying one of our customers things is broken. Then FI and I went grocery shopping, carved pumpkins, and watched (my favorite movie ever) Coming to America. I also went over and took care of the ducks and chickens at my parents house. Here are the pumpkins:

    Tina Belcher pumpkin uuuuuhhhhhhhh:

    The rest of the pumpkins:

    Sunday I just did laundry and cleaned a bit, went over and pet the ducks for a bit and made sure all the birds had food, plus I played a whole ass-ton of ESO, so this was me most of the day:


    Then I went to sleep and now I'm heeeeere.

    I'm the fuck

  • Our church offers a "marriage enrichment" program once a month.  It was a boring lecture, but we got to mingle with other couples our age (we live in the burbs, so it's not always easy to meet like-minded couples in their 30s).  And, the church provides free childcare during the talk, so the kids got to play while we listened to this:

    On Saturday, we were relatively lazy.  We took the dogs to a new park, which they loved because there were tons of new smells.  But the walking path is a bit longer than what they're used to, so at the end they were all

    Saturday night we had friends over for dinner, and DH was all
    So, it was a nice night of fajitas, guacamole, and cake.

    My damn sinuses have been driving me nuts for almost a month now, and I had to stop taking some meds since I have allergy testing this week.  Saturday night, they started flaring up again, and I was all:

    Sunday morning I taught the kids at church about God.  I brought them Halloween candy and tried to keep it entertaining.  I'd like to think I looked like this:

    We watched the Texans beat the Titans and our boy, JJ Watt did this a few times ....

    We went to church with my brother & his girlfriend, followed by dinner at a local ice house that has yummy burgers, so I was all:
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