Outdoor Weddings

Venue 911!

My fiancé and I are getting married April 11, 2015 in Hilliard, Oh. We have the reception site booked (the Makoy Center) however we have been planning on an outdoor ceremony. We called the park where we would like to have the ceremony (Homestead Park) to reserve the pavilion and were told that they do not take reservations for any dates before April 16. The other park in the area that I know if doesn't have a spot big enough to hold all of our guests and we don't want to go too far away from the reception site. I'm at a complete loss as to what to do. I know that we can move the ceremony to the Makoy Center, but it's always been my dream to have an outdoor ceremony!
Anyone in the area have any ideas or suggestions?

Re: Venue 911!

  • HELP! 
    My fiancé and I are getting married April 11, 2015 in Hilliard, Oh. We have the reception site booked (the Makoy Center) however we have been planning on an outdoor ceremony. We called the park where we would like to have the ceremony (Homestead Park) to reserve the pavilion and were told that they do not take reservations for any dates before April 16. The other park in the area that I know if doesn't have a spot big enough to hold all of our guests and we don't want to go too far away from the reception site. I'm at a complete loss as to what to do. I know that we can move the ceremony to the Makoy Center, but it's always been my dream to have an outdoor ceremony!
    Anyone in the area have any ideas or suggestions?
    What is the park's policies on tents? If they're allowed, you COULD book a tent and heaters.

    I understand envisioning an outdoor ceremony. But my guess is that your vision is a sunny Spring day with birds chirping, low-70s, not super windy, dry ground, etc. What if it's cold and rainy, cloudy, spongy/muddy ground, and overall nasty? Do you still envision an outdoor ceremony? I'm guessing not - I don't know anyone who'd be excited about getting married in those conditions. It's April. Both of those scenarios are equally likely. 

    So I guess what I'm saying is that even if you get a tent, those conditions still suck for getting married outside. Personally, I would go with your reception venue as a comfortable, worry free plan B. Certainly don't just "cross your fingers" whatever you decide to do.

  • Native central-Ohioan here...abort! Abort! Ohio weather pretty much stinks in April, I wouldn't think it will be particularly warm by then and you've got a good chance of rain.

    Also, I'm guessing you're wanting to use that big stone pavilion that's on the water? Very beautiful...but wind and rain will come right in the big open sides at that place. IF you're dead set on it, I'm betting you could explain your situation and even offer to pay extra to reserve the space (come on, we're talking 5 days here!). BUT, please have a backup plan in place for weather.

  • Talk to the park more. You said they don't take reservations, not that they ban events. Perhaps you can still have the event there? Usually public park reservations don't completely ban others from the space anyway and if you have people setting up what looks like a wedding, most people will stay clear. A bit of a stressful situation, but as long as you are cool with possibly having others around, it may work. 

    But do have the weather back up (your reception location?) 
  • They likely don't need to bother accepting reservations because nobody wants to have an outdoor event in early April. Hell, my sister had a May 7 wedding in Michigan and it SNOWED. 

    I would look for a place where indoor could be your plan A, and it can be moved outside on short notice if weather permits. Sorry, but if an outdoor ceremony in Ohio was your dream, you should have picked a June date.

  • OP, you should probably change your username to something that isn't your real name. I found your LinkedIn profile in like 2 seconds. 

    The Makoy Center lists the Hilliard Village Chapel on their website as an option for an outdoor ceremony. Is that the one that won't hold all your guests? I'm not sure how a chapel is classified as an outdoor wedding option, but I'm ready to be surprised. 

    And as a fellow Ohioan, I would seriously reconsider the outdoor wedding in April, though. It's not likely to be perfect weather. 

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