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What is your morning routine?

I said on the procrastination thread that I get my work done early so I screw off later but it dawned on me that I only do that for "work" and not my personal life.

I'm a night shower person so this is what I do every morning-

6:22 alarm goes off. Immediately pee, brush teeth, wash face. Kiss hubby goodbye when he leaves at 6:30.

6:30-7:05 lay on my bed with my cat & my laptop checking personal email, facebook, TK while listening to Pandora.

7:05-7:15 frantically put together an outfit, throw hair into bun, pack lunch, run out the door.

Every. Single. Morning. (I don't do hair styling, makeup, breakfast, news/tv) What about you??




Re: What is your morning routine?

  • doeydodoeydo member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited October 2014
    6:00-6:10  Get up and get breakfast and my tea.
    6:10-6:30  Have a shower
    6:30  Get dressed
    6:30-7:25  Lounge and use on the computer and/or Xbox
    7:25-7:28  Blow dry hair the rest of the way (I don't do this in the Summer, though)
    7:28-7:35  Go to the bathroom, brush teeth, have a drink of water, and/or whatever else I need to do to get out the door.
  • I get up at 6:40, throw on some clothes and slap on some makeup, pull my hair back, and I'm in the kitchen at 7:00, where I make myself a coffee and breakfast for my fiance, which I wrap in foil and stick next to his keys. Then I sit with my coffee until 7:30, at which point I start my half hour walk to work, unless it's colder than minus 30, when I take the bus instead.

    I'm pretty low-maintenance and I shower at night so as not to wake my fiance, who doesn't have to get up until 7:30. 

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  • 5:35- alarm goes off. If I didn't shower the night before I get it. If I don't shower I sleep until 6.

    6- I may snooze again...depends on my hair that day. The last few months my hair has been a bun/natural curls

    6:10- I go pee, pick an outfit, go do hair and makeup, brush my teeth

    6:30- I am downstairs pouring my coffee, making breakfast, and packing my lunch. 

    6:40- sit at the counter with my coffee and my breakfast and play on my phone

    6:45-6:55- kiss FI and puppy goodbye and head off to work! 

  • 5:30--Wake up


    5:45-5:50--Plug in hot rollers, brush teeth, brush hair

    5:50-6:00--Lounge in bed and check FB, email, etc

    6:00-6:10--Put rollers in hair


    6:15-6:30--Get dressed, finish hair, grab lunch

    6:30--Out the door

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I am a total creature of habit!

    - Set my alarm for 5:35 am, but am out of bed by 5:25 am 95% of the time. 
    - Start the shower while I'm peeing, check emails/weather while waiting for the water to heat up, brush my hair (wear it in a bun every night while sleeping cuz it strangles me if I leave it down), etc.
    - Shave one day/wash hair other day (and repeat) and am out of the shower usually within 10-15 mins. 
    - Sneak into closet while the steam clears out of the bathroom and lotion up/get dressed
    - Move back into bathroom to teeth brushing, face moisturizer, perfume. Usually braid hair or let it air dry unless it's freezing outside then I'll brow dry it for a couple minutes
    - Go rub DHs back & give him a kiss goodbye
    - Downstairs by 6:00 am to feed dogs/let them outside, make a cup of coffee or tea, put on my watch/necklace/earnings (which are usually on the coffee table where I left them the night before)
    - Out the door by 6:10/6:15 am and in office by 7:00 am at the latest.

    I don't usually put makeup on until I get to work - sometime unitl right before I go home (weird, I know). 

    And this is obviously only on weekdays. I work from home on Mondays and don't usually shower until lunch, and on weekends we sleep as long as possible (trying to get our fill before Bean arrives ;)
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  • 7:00 - Get up and hop in the shower, Sing and dance along to Pandora while I'm at it. 
    7: 25ish - Put in contacts and Slap on moisterizer
    7:30 - Put a Bagel on to toast, and start coffee, while these things are cooking I grab clothes, but don' put them on yet.
    7:40: Cheese my Bagel and put coffee in the Traveler mug, and put all my class stuff in my book bag.
    7:50 - commence Hair and makeup while eating bagel.
    8:10 - get dressed, brush teeth, and check when the next bus will be arriving at my stop, grab weather appropriate outerwear. 
    8:20- Kiss FI, walk out the door, hop on the bus to commute to my 9:30 class


    Wedding Countdown Ticker


  • 7:00- alarm goes off
    7:15- actually get out of bed, take quick shower
    7:25- brush teeth, start breakfast
    7:30- get dressed
    7:35- alternate between eating breakfast, doing hair, and putting on very minimal makeup
    7:45- run out the door!
  • 8:30ish-H digs under a pile of pillows and blankets to find my face & kisses me good-bye
    8:37: first alarm
    8:46: second alarm (sometimes I get up)
    8:55: third and final alarm
    8:55.5: throw my oats in the steamer to make my breakfast
    8:56: sit down on couch and watch TV/play games 
    9:20: turn TV off, put on clothes, put together after work running clothes if it's a run day
    9:25: hair & small amount of makeup 
    9:40: cut up fruit for oatmeal, throw steamed oats into tupperware and into my bag
    9:50: final bathroom stop, lipstick, gather up all my stuff
    10:00ish-out the door. 
  • 6:25am - alarm goes off
    6:30am - pee, brush teeth, wash face
     - grind coffee beans, make coffee
     - shower
     - dress in the dark because FH is still asleep
     - deodorant, brush hair
     - walk back and forth down the hallway thinking I'm forgetting something
     - put on socks and shoes
     - put cream and sugar in my coffee travel mug, fill FH's travel mug with black coffee
     - put coffee cup and backpack by the door
    6:55am - kiss FH goodbye, walk out the door

  • Some ridiculous hour long before anyone should ever be awake - H's alarm goes, off, I consider smothering him with a pillow and he tried (fails) to get ready and leave quietly.
    6:45 - my alarm goes off and I get in the shower
    7:00 - 7:20 brush teeth, get dressed, half-ass drying my hair
    7:20 - 7:30 make a quick smoothie, get my lunch ready and barricade the dog
    7:30 - Drive to work and yell at all the cars around me
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • 6:15-630 shower
    6:30-640 eat breakfast
    6:40-6:55 blow dry hair
    6:55-7:00 makeup
    7:00-7:10 get dressed, pack gym bag
    7:10-7:15 brush teeth, deodorant, grab lunch, out the door

  • I am not a morning person at all! For a couple years I was working a 4am - 4pm shift and managed to master looking cute while getting up at the last possible minute, and it stuck with me even now that I start work at the much less obscene hour of 8am.

    I premake my lunches and I usually always shower the night before. If I want to wear my hair down the next day I do a full blow dry. If I want to do a bun or some sort of 'up-do' then i ususally french braid my damp hair.

    7:15:First alarm goes off.
    7:25: You really Need to get out of bed
    7:30: Ok Fine Im Up. I'm Up.
    7:30-7:38: Brush teeth, take meds, Fix Wonky Bangs, 3 minute Straight Iron Curl of Hair or Sweep up into cute bun. BB Cream, Blush and Mascara.
    7:40: Bang around clumsily in the dark trying to get dressed 
    7:42: Kiss FI goodbye and head downstairs
    7:42: Make Coffee, Put together yogurt and granola in to-go container, grab lunch from fridge
    7:45: Bundle up and brush snow off car and scrape windows
    7:50: hit the road
    7:57: Arrive at Work

    Grand total of 27 minutes with Commute included. Less time in the summer when I don't have to do stupid winter duties.

    If for whatever reason I need to shower in the morning I usually only need an extra 10 minutes.
  • lyndausvilyndausvi mod
    Moderator Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its
    edited October 2014
    I generally wake up on my own between 6:30 and 7am.  Sometimes as late as 7:30am.   It is staying darker later, so I may have to start using an alarm.   

    I sometimes walk  and feed the dogs, other times it's DH.

    I take a shower,  get dressed and everything else needed to get ready.   Now that it's cold I have to dry my hair.

    Pour a glass of chocolate milk and another glass of water

    Walk downstairs to my office.

    I'm generally logged into work between 7:30-8am.  Sometimes as late as 8:30. Depends on when I walk up and if I have to walk the dogs.    I set my own hours.  My company is on central time and  I try to start answering phones by 9am, which is 8am my time.   It's not a big deal if I start later or earlier.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • 6:00 - "Start waking up" alarm goes off. I turn this off and go back to sleep.
    6:45 - "Real talk, get up" alarm goes off. I turn this off and sometimes go back to sleep. If I do get up, I tinkle, shower, brush teeth. If I don't, I try to determine my need-a-shower level.
    7:00 - FI's alarm goes off. FI showers immediately, so I usually move to our bedroom to get dressed (or if I have to shower, go downstairs to my mom's bathroom to do my 6:45 bit).
    7:10 - Frantically hunting some article of clothing. Usually it's either pants or a shirt I don't loathe, but on rare occasions it's underlings of some sort.
    7:20 - Makeup, deodorant, towel dry . Frantically search for work-appropriate flip flops, keys, or both.
    7:25 - Say fuck it to the flip flops I was hunting and wear the damn heels. Dammit, now where are my socks?
    7:30 - Out the door (so long as I have my keys).

    I'm impressed with all you ladies who get up ass-crack early and fix your hair and lunches and stuff. I'm a lazy bum.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • This thread makes me feel like I should wake up earlier and actually do things in the morning.

    My first alarm goes off at 6:00. I try to get out of bed by 6:10. Assuming I don't need a shower, I pee, brush my teeth, get dressed, go downstairs, make lunch, let the dog out, and leave the house at 6:40. I don't need long to get ready because I work outside in a tshirt and jeans so there's no reason to look nice. I don't have breakfast at home because I prefer to eat at work as to avoid a few minutes of productivity in the morning.
  • I wanna play!!

    5:30 FI's alarm goes off and he gets up. Cue me rolling over and burying my face in my pillow because he's turned on every light in the house except the bedroom light. 
    6:00 FI comes back to kiss me goodbye and tell me he's leaving for work. 
    6:00-6:30 Snuggle time in bed with our little chihuahua who doesn't like to wake up that early
    6:30-6:45 I should definitely get up now. If I don't, I'm going to be in a rush. Oh well, one more snooze won't hurt.
    7:05 I am officially late. Up out of bed, let the dog out, shuffle around trying to find clothes to wear to work.
    7:10-7:15 Stand in the bathroom staring at the mirror thinking "Why do I have to go to work?" Finally get into the shower.
    7:25 Out of shower and into clothes for work. Half-way attempt at fixing hair and doing makeup (read check Facebook, TK, emails...)
    7:45 Realize it's 7:45 and I don't know what's happened to the last 20 minutes. Finish doing makeup and run into the kitchen to make lunch.
    8:01 Rush out the door to drive to work. Supposed to be at work at 8:00


  • 5:00 - alarm goes off, kitty sits on my chest to say good morning before I get up
    5:05-5:20 - make and eat breakfast while checking FB and TK
    5:20-5:50 - wash face, brush teeth, straighten hair, put on makeup
    5:50-6:05 - pack lunches, make coffee, double check I have all my work stuff in my bag
    6:05-6:15 - get dressed, say goodbye to kitty, kiss sleeping DH and out the door and on the road no later than 6:30 to avoid AM rush hour

  • Lulu, you're my people.

  • edited October 2014

    I'm also a nighttime shower person, which helps me be lazy in the morning, since I am totally not a morning person. And I'm a total procrastinator with everything. My mornings include 2.5 hours of wasted time and 1/2 hour of rushing.

    5:15am - DH wakes up and starts making breakfast for himself

    5:30am - I usually start waking up around this time as a result of the gradual noise & movement, but don't get out of bed  

    5:45am - DH comes back into bedroom around that time to get dressed and I usually get out of bed to talk to DH while he finishes getting ready. If really bad morning breath, I'll brush my teeth during this time, otherwise I'll wait until after I eat.

    6:00am - Say good-bye to DH and make sure he has his phone, wallet, keys, headphones, tools... if I don't run through the list everyday he usually forgets something.  After he leaves, I usually lay back in bed, check facebook, e-mail, etc. on my phone. Play games on my phone. Cuddle with my dogs.

    7:00am - get up and make/eat breakfast & get my chai latte

    7:15am - sit on the couch, turn on the tv, and cuddle with my dogs again, this time with caffeine in hand.

    8:00am - realize that I really need to get to work, but my dog is asleep on my lap and so cute, so I don't want to disturb him

    8:05am - finally decide that I really need to get up, dump the cute/sleeping doggy, get dressed quickly, do makeup, brush my hair & put into ponytail or headband

    8:15am - walk the dogs

    8:20am - Refill my chai latte and get in my car for work 

    8:30am - Arrive at work


  • Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited October 2014
    Mine! I shower the night before and either curl or straighten my hair.

    5:15: Alarm goes off, press snooze.
    5:30-6:00: Get up, go pee, put scrubs on, put contacts in, brush hair, brush teeth, do makeup, think why the hell do I have to be up so early, I don't want to work today ..
    6:00: put shoes and socks on, kiss sleeping DH good bye and usually give him a feel (poor man). Fill pockets with nursing supplies. Go downstairs with the puppy dog.
    6:05-6:15 Feed dog, let him outside, make lunch.
    6:15: Feel sad that I'm leaving my dog behind because he's sitting there with his head tilted looking cute. Leave the house and drive to work. I have to be on the floor before 6:45.


    image   image   image

  • I shower at night. I have a ton of hair and am too lazy to dry it in the morning.

    6:05 Wake up, run to the bathroom
    6:10 Get back into bed, turn on the morning news
    6:15 Groan about something disappointing on the news. Fall back asleep.
    6:25 Alarm goes off and is immediately snoozed.
    6:45 Alarm goes off and is snoozed.
    6:54 Alarm goes off again. Curse. DH growls to shut off the noise. Promises made aloud: "I will be out of bed by 7."
    7:05 Finally drag ass out of bed. Turn on light. Listen to DH growl about the light. Get dressed, likely wearing the jeans sitting on top of the laundry bin.
    7:10 Brush teeth and hair. Check phone to see if I have any meetings that require makeup. Possibly run back to change outfit if I have a dressy day.
    7:15 Grab bag, Diet Coke, and keys. Head to work.
    7:25 Realize that I forgot to grab my lunch.
    8:15 Brush hair again, add lip gloss, wish I had the skill to apply more substantial makeup while driving
    8:25 Get to the office, pray that I still have a stash of breakfast options, look for more caffeine.
    8:35 Decide the line for the Keurig is too long, grab 2nd Diet Coke. Swear to cut down on the soda.
    8:45 Sit at desk with Diet Coke, oatmeal (or granola bar if I scavenge for breakfast at work), and TK. Message DH reminding him that his lazy ass needs to get out of bed before his first client call.
    9:00 Start my actual job

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • esstee33esstee33 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited October 2014
    I've been bathing at night and then plopping my hair overnight so I don't have to shower in the morning or do anything to my hair at all other than take it out of the plop and finger-part my curls, which takes 45 seconds. SO, that said, here's the past 6 months' routine: 

    6:30 - snooze button
    6:45 - snooze button 
    7:00 - snooze button 
    7:15 - UGH, ok. Fine. Get up, pee on the way to the kitchen. (In the bathroom, I mean. Not just, like, peeing as I walk down the hall.) 
    7:20 - make coffee, feed the screechy cat a spoonful of wet food so she stops yelling at me, mix up some eggs and diced green peppers and throw them in the microwave. 
    7:25 - Yell at other cat to stop eating screechy cat's food. Scoop her a spoonful of her own wet food. (Other Cat is on a special diet and we have to supplement Screechy Cat's diet with regular food.) 
    7:30 - Wander back to bedroom w/ coffee to get dressed. Put on typically one article of clothing. 
    7:32 - Go back to kitchen, scramble eggs, add cheese, put back in microwave. 
    7:33 - Yell at cats to stop eating each other's wet food. 
    7:35 - Finish getting dressed. 
    7:30 - Throw eggs in tupperware and get out of the door, ideally. 
    (But in reality - 7:45-7:50 Flip shit because I'm going to be late, grab everything I can remember in a tornado of activity, and rush downstairs to leave. )

    ETA: I have to be at work at 8am and I work 1.8 miles away from home - 8 minutes or so commute. 
  • Everyone is so productive!

    5:00-DH wakes up and fails at being quiet. 
    5:10-Dog wants to be fed right this minute and paces next to the bed
    5:30-DH feeds dog loudly, kisses me goodbye while I grumble at him, and leaves for work
    5:40-my alarm goes off, and I hit snooze still mostly asleep
    5:50-6:20-alarm goes off every 10 minutes and I hit snooze. I'll shave my legs on the weekend. 
    6:20-6:30-I cuddle with the dog a little and think about waking up 
    6:30-I roll out of bed, start the shower, pee
    6:31-get in the shower and quickly wash myself
    6:40-get out of shower, put in contacts, look up weather
    6:42-make coffee. start looking at outfit options. decide I hate all of my clothes. 
    6:55-get dressed, take dog out
    7:00-realize I forgot to make my lunch last night and throw some fruit in my lunch bag
    7:10-kiss the dog goodbye and head to work
    7:30-arrive at work, eat my breakfast/check email for 30 minutes while I finish waking up. 

  • esstee33 said:

    7:15 - UGH, ok. Fine. Get up, pee on the way to the kitchen. (In the bathroom, I mean. Not just, like, peeing as I walk down the hall.) 

    hahah laughed out loud



  • Shit guys, if I'm up at 8 it's a productive day for me. If I open I leave at 9, if I close I leave at noon, and damned if I don't get up those days anywhere from 9 to 11.

    I am lazy as fuck.

  • @lolo883 Jealous....I seriously don't know anyone or any company that starts at 9. A few around here are 8:30 but 90% are 8:00. Such bullshit. 



  • Get up at 5:00 and feed the cats. Get back in bed and dick around online while I wake up until 5:20. Shower until 5:30. I shower at night and wash my hair, so the morning is just to wash my face and rinse off b/c I can't stand putting clean clothes on w/o freshly showering. My lunch is packed the night before, and I put my outfit together the night before. Put my hair in rollers and do my makeup from 5:30-6:00. Eat breakfast, get dressed, and out the door by 6:30. Drive 45 minutes to work. Have coffee and social time with colleagues from 7:15-8:00. Stand outside my classroom door from 8:00-8:25 (required). Start class at 8:25.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Well, today I went to bed at 7 am, set my alarm for 1 pm, and hit the snooze until 2.  Then I got up, had breakfast and coffee, and started working.  I'm still in my pajamas. 

  • Cookie PusherCookie Pusher member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited October 2014
    6:55am - Alarm goes off; apply eye drops; snooze 
    7:05am - Alarm goes off; turn off heated blanket if it's on; snooze 
    7:15am - Alarm goes off; get out of bed and grumble 
    7:16am - Pee; brush teeth; wash face; get dressed (clothes usually picked out the night before) 
    7:25am - Turn on "Today"; check email and TK 
    7:45am - Go put some damn moisturizer and concealer on 
    7:50am - Grab lunch from the fridge; double check everything is in my briefcase 
    7:55am - Ok, ok, one more game of Scramble With Friends/Candy Crush Saga 
    8:02am - Leave I have a really weird commute. 

    I have to leave within a certain 4 minute window or else I will be stuck in massive traffic because I pass like 8 schools in the 17 miles between home and my office. I have to make sure I'm not passing any of those schools too close to 8:00am and 8:30am as those are the times classes start depending on the grade level.

    ETF stupid boxes

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