Chit Chat

AW your costumes- also I AM THE NIGHT

edited November 2014 in Chit Chat
I was gonna post this last night, but I had a party to rush to- I finished making my batgirl costume and had to AW it!

What did you guys dress up as?


Re: AW your costumes- also I AM THE NIGHT

  • Apparently TK prefers all my photos to be sideways.
  • I went as Jessie from Toy Story again.  This year was more of a 11:30pm Thursday night and I'm gonna raid the Halloween bin for a costume idea.  I used this about 3-4 years ago, so most of my students don't remember it.  

    We did get 135 kids last night though, and a few after we bailed to go see my niece/nephew.  We left about 15 chocolates in the bowl outside and they were gone when we got back.  Doubled last years number!!

  • I was in no shape to go anywhere or do anything, but we got one of our cats to semi dress up!
    Kitty was already in costume as this guy!


    I'm the fuck

  • esstee33esstee33 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited November 2014

    ETA: Also warm, which was fantastic because it was super cold and raining all evening.
  • I went as Jessie from Toy Story again.  This year was more of a 11:30pm Thursday night and I'm gonna raid the Halloween bin for a costume idea.  I used this about 3-4 years ago, so most of my students don't remember it.  

    We did get 135 kids last night though, and a few after we bailed to go see my niece/nephew.  We left about 15 chocolates in the bowl outside and they were gone when we got back.  Doubled last years number!!
    Given some of the kids I saw last night grabbing candy as if they've never seen it before, I wouldn't be surprised if one kid took it all!  
  • image


    Here's Fi and I as Harleyquinn and Batman.
  • I went to a party last night and seriously thought I was going to die on the way.  After no rain for the better part of a year it came down like a monsoon.  I started to drive downtown for this party and pulled over in a parking lot a couple of blocks from my house because there was so much water I didn't feel safe driving.  Then I waited for it to let up a little before I drove home, and when it did seem to be coming down less I decided to go ahead to the party anyway.  Wrong choice (I was influenced primarily by the fact that I'd promised to bring cupcakes and didn't want to end up with two dozen cupcakes at my house).  I got on the freeway, which was the scariest experience of my life so far.  I basically hydroplaned at 45 mph the entire way, there was so much standing water.  A couple of times I was completely blinded by the spray from the other cars and the giant mofo truck in the right lane.  I decided that I would drive back on the freeway when it was time to go because the alternative route had some large dips and I was pretty sure my car would get flooded and stuck.  Luckily, 2.5 hours later when I was driving home it was no longer raining and there was no standing water on the freeway.  And the rain washed out the party town Halloween festivities last night so there weren't any riots and whatnot (though I'm sure they're out in force tonight so we're not out of the woods yet).

    Anyway, my (blurry) costume:

    (I went as a famous Marxist philosopher; it was a party of mostly academics and I was sure that if this costume was appropriate for anyone it was for them, but almost nobody had any idea who he is.  Should have saved it for a Religious Studies crowd!)

  • JoanE2012 said:
    Given some of the kids I saw last night grabbing candy as if they've never seen it before, I wouldn't be surprised if one kid took it all!  
    Fine by me.  We still had another full bowl in the house, so they could have all the extras.  

  • @lolo883 It's too bad nobody knew who you were, because that was a great idea! I loved that show.

    Here's FI and I. We were a gangster and flapper. Not a great picture, but I am apparently terrible at getting us to pose for pictures. I only managed to get one of the two of us all night.

  • I was bat girl too! Your costume is awesome @haileydancingbear!

     We just dressed up for work.  We were looking forward to just staying in to pass out candy and watch movies.  We had ZERO trick or treaters :(  So now I have 2 HUGE bags of candy.  I brought one to work and have it far from my desk so I hopefully don't eat it all.

    Here my puppy as "Robin":

    and here is a pick of all 3 of us:


    @viczaesar Glad you are OK!  That is really scary! I hate driving in the rain to this day from when I hydroplaned years ago in high school.  2 years ago I had to drive out of town for work and it was a ridiculous storm.  I had to leave at 4am so it was super, super dark too.  What should have been a 2 hr. drive took me 4 1/2 because I kept stopping from being so scared.  At one point a huge semi drove pass me the other direction and totally engulfed my car in water... I freaked out, got off the next exit and called the director to tell them I'd be late. Good thing they understood.

  • larrygagalarrygaga member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited November 2014

    Fi's coveralls were absolutely not flattering on me, but I was told I was spot on all day!!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @amelisha On a scale of 1-10, how ashamed should I be for having no idea what that is?



  • amelishaamelisha member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    @amelisha On a scale of 1-10, how ashamed should I be for having no idea what that is?
    If you're under 25 I can give you a pass, otherwise it's at least an 8, lol. Labyrinth is an 80s Jim Henson film (with puppets), starring David Bowie and a very young Jennifer Connelly. It's one of the most popular kids' movies of the 80s/90s. I made about fifty friends at the bar because people kept coming up to me to talk about it. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • amelisha said:
    @amelisha On a scale of 1-10, how ashamed should I be for having no idea what that is?
    If you're under 25 I can give you a pass, otherwise it's at least an 8, lol. Labyrinth is an 80s Jim Henson film (with puppets), starring David Bowie and a very young Jennifer Connelly. It's one of the most popular kids' movies of the 80s/90s. I made about fifty friends at the bar because people kept coming up to me to talk about it. 

    I heard talk of a sequel. Fingers crossed that it will happen.
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