Wow. Just wow. I am in total disbelief/ saw it coming... if that makes any sense. My niece (she is my sister's fiance's daughter) called CPS on her father. Her father is a hard working man and works two jobs to support the family. He really is not hard on his daughter at all. She has been skipping classes, failing subjects, and lies constantly. Recently, she got a 40% in one of her classes and he punished her from going to a Halloween party. She smart mouthed him, and he smacked her in the butt.
I, for one, believe you should NEVER spank a child, unless they are really young and are about to touch an electrical outlet/ something dangerous, then you give them a smack on the hand. But I know this man, I am over their house, sometimes, as much as 5 days a week (especially when H is working a lot). He is a very nice guy, the extent of being a pushover, especially with his daughter, and would never hurt anyone. It took CPS a week to check on the household. I am so upset, because, for a real emergency, that is too long to inspect a living situation. There could be a child in imminent danger, and they have to investigate homes with kids who were just calling the authorities for revenge.
I was that child who needed CPS intervention, once. My step-father almost killed me by strangling me. To think that some people call the cops and CPS just because they couldn't go to a party and their dad smacked them on the butt, makes me nauseous. There are kids who are being abused and cops are wasting their time with kids who are just spoiled and getting back at their parents.. My niece has called CPS on her mother, before, and said that her mother abused her, as well. I guess she does it to scare her parents into giving her what she wants. I am just so disappointed/ disgusted, right now. I just don't know what to do. She is still my niece, but I don't know if this is typical teenage shenanigans these days, or if these is who she is becoming. Any advice on how to be a good aunt in a situation like this?