Chit Chat

Here and gone again

I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month, and so far it's going incredibly well. I already have 25 pages written in the first three days and I'm really excited about the book I'm working on.

I won't be around much this month because I am focusing on that, but I wanted everyone to know that I still love you all!
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Re: Here and gone again

  • Good luck! I've done NaNo twice and each time it was a blast. I had some friends who are doing it as well. I hope it goes smooth and I'm sure whatever you crank out will be awesome!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • How exciting! I wish I was focused/creative enough to write a novel. Have fun and hope to see you around here soon!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'm already behind! I meant to start today, and then got an order for a dresser, so I'm painting instead.
    This is how I don't start novels. There is always something.
  • I'm already behind! I meant to start today, and then got an order for a dresser, so I'm painting instead.
    This is how I don't start novels. There is always something.
    You can still catch up! There is always something, but even carving out 20 minutes at a time makes a big difference.

    When I know what I'm wanting to do next, I can write about 800 words in 20 minutes, which means that technically I could hit the word count to be on par in just 40 minutes a day.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Good luck! I think I will participate next year!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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