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More annoying Facebook posts


Re: More annoying Facebook posts

  • I'd like to add the adults who post about their birthdays like it's a big fucking deal. 

    "One month 'till my birthday! I hope everyone has gift ideas lol"
    "Tomorrow is Nov. first - that's my birthday month! Yayayay!"
    "Hawks game the Tuesday before my birthday - hint hint lollolol"

    You're an ADULT. STFU.
    Freshman year of college, a facebook friend of mine posted her birthday wish list for all her friends to see. *gag* But I think this is worse: At a previous job of mine, my coworkers and I had desktop computers and from time to time, we would end up using one another's computers/Windows accounts when we were too busy to log out. I was 20ish at the time, and this woman I worked with was 30. After finishing up some work in her login, I was closing some windows on the computer and came across her Christmas wish list in a word document for herself, her husband and their dog complete with pictures of exactly what it was they (she) wanted.
    Was it private or was she mailing it out?  Because I don't have a problem with lists that are private.  Heck, I have a list of "extras" that I want for whenever I have a little extra cash to treat myself with.  Unless I look at the list I tend to draw a total blank and then spend it on something dumb that I didn't really want anyways.  

  • AlisonM23 said:

    Both my mom and FMIL share my posts on facebook. They're both the type those stupid chain posts or "inspirational" pictures too.

    I don't even want to see my son's poop, so why the fuck would all my facebook friends want to see it? Nobody gives a shit (ha)

    update to my OP... Someone else found out who the parents to be are, and commented the names on the picture... I really have to think these poor people don't have facebook and have no idea this was posted...

    Those poor people are going to totally flip their shit.  I would be tearing faces off and frothing at the mouth.  How many people did they tell about being pregnant?
  • My ex fiancés mother was a Facebook whore who posted EVERYTHING on FB. She aired mine and his personal business on her page tagging us asking for her FB "friends" advice to give us. On my 24th birthday I went out with friends and was drugged. Phone died and I basically just laid in bed at a friends house all day recouperating, since she hadn't heard from me she called the police(from another state) to go look for me, she posted all for FB a "Missing! Have you seen her" message with my picture, contacted my FB friends and my pastor and his wife! Talk about mortifying! She used to post all the time trashing my ex FIs dad(they had been divorced for over 5 years and their kids were adults), she made up fake illnesses to get attention.

    Needless to say this was only 1 but 1 really big reason I broke off the engagement. I could not handle her and marrying into that was not going to happen! She is seriously BSC!

  • My favorite are people who think when they write on someone's wall they are sending them a PM. This has happened several times with some of my friends who are clearly not very FB savvy.

    Person 1 > Person 2
    "I'm really worried about [Person 2's girlfriend]. She posts so often about drinking and partying and Las Vegas. I think she needs help!!!??!!!" 

    cue Person 2's girlfriend to post in the comments a giant eye roll and WTF.

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