Chit Chat

What do you want for Christmas?

NymeruNymeru member
250 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
edited November 2014 in Chit Chat
DH's family has a tradition of coming to Thanksgiving dinner with their Christmas lists ready to exchange.  They're put into blank envelopes and then randomly drawn after dinner.  The only caveat is that you cannot choose your spouse, or the drawing is redone.  No one is supposed to know who anyone else drew (unless the spouse things occurs).  There is a price limit ($80), but you can always go over it if you're feeling generous.  You are only responsible for giving a gift to that one person (of course, it is expected that you will give an additional gift to your spouse privately), so the gift exchange is very brief on Christmas.

In some ways, I really like this because it takes the guess-work out of the gift-giving process.  However...I am dreading pulling my MIL again.  She generally refuses to write anything down because she says she doesn't want anything. had damn well better give her a gift.  Last year I got her, and her list was:

full interior and exterior detailing of her car
a new couch
a new washer and dryer
dress shoes (no size, style, or color that was fun.  I ended up getting her a coffee table book of the story behind a ton of the paintings done by Thomas Kincade (she loves his work).  I *think* she liked it because she ignored everyone and started reading it until FIL reminded her that the gift-giving wasn't over yet.  I'm not sure.  I'm screwed if I get her again though, because I'm out of ideas.

So...2 questions:

1. What do you give a woman who never wants anything?
2. I'm supposed to be making my Christmas list, and I'm pulling a complete blank.  I don't know what I want and can't for the life of me think of things that would be cool to have.  So my question to you guys is: what do YOU want for Christmas? 

ETA: brain thinks faster than fingers can type

Re: What do you want for Christmas?

  • Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited November 2014
    Wow. Super rude of her to write those kinds of things down when the gift cost is supposed to $80. Like suck it up lady and write a mascara or foundation down, a shirt, come on haha.

    I want a new necklace, clothes are always good for me, and foundation (I'm going to have a naked face soon ahhhhh). Pajamas for my dog tehe. I'd also like some Corning ware dishes too. A certain 2 1/2 qt never made it off my wedding registry and I really want it.

    On my expensive list, I also want a refrigerator for my house, The Nest thermostats, an area rug and a sitting room chair. BUT when MIL asks what I want for Christmas, she gets the more inexpensive list. No way I'd ask her to buy me something like that. Those big items are talked about so that if she was feeling generous, she knows husband and I would like them but I'm not handing over a list saying these are the only gifts I want. Um no.

    image   image   image

  • I never know what I want for Christmas, either, and so I just keep a few things in my Amazon wish list for my husband to pick from. There's some jewelry, a couple figurines I've started collecting, and some pieces for the Christmas village I've started. And he knows I want my perfume every year as well. We don't exchange gifts with other family members except our dads. And our dads just send money or gift cards.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • I hate it when people do that.  Obviously her spouse can't draw her, so why put things that are way beyond the $80 limit or so damn vague you can glean nothing from it?  Sounds like a peach.

    If you get her again get her socks.

    On my list I have:
    Metal spatula.
    Slotted veggie spoon.
    Corelle bowls and saucers.
    A windchime.
    Power drill.
    The new Post Secret book.
    Dress socks.
    Bobbins for my sewing machine.

    My list is all over the place :)

  • Ugh jesus, my birthday is coming up (plus Christmas) so everyone's asking me what I want and I have NO IDEA. The only things I could think of are a new desk chair and for everyone to hope/pray/wish that my car passes inspection without needing a bunch of expensive shit.

    I usually get kitchen things from the family or home goods gift cards. Maybe FMIL would like some gift cards?

    I'm the fuck

  • Haha. $80 worth of socks.

    My dad always used to ask for "world peace and a satellite dish." So that was fun to work off of. He's also a big shopper/gadget guy so he always bought whatever he wanted as soon as it came out. Some things that were big hits with him were a bluetooth cordless phone so his cell phone could ring through the house phone, and a digital picture frame that had WiFi so it could download new pictures all the time. (That was actually how my sister announced her pregnancy to him, by sending a photo to the frame. It was really cute.)

    I'm drawing a blank this year because we got all the major things off our registry, and I bought the few remaining ones with our completion discount. I need a new computer bag for my work laptop, so I might drop that hint to H. My family does a yankee swap where you get one gift and do a random draw, not buy anything for one person in particular, so I don't need to give them ideas. 

    Does she like to cook? Any new cookware/bakeware/gadgets she might need? Spiralizer or mandoline slicer? Do you live someplace cold where a really nice hat and scarf could be useful? Something decorative like a nice candle holder? 

  • Could you get her a Groupon for car detailing? Around here you could likely get it for under $80.

    We always give MIL money because she needs it. My sister's MIL always wants Vera Bradley stuff. We're thinking about getting MIL a digital picture frame filled with pictures of the family.

    My mom is impossible to buy for so I either get her clothes (she hates shopping and usually needs them) or I get her and my dad a pricier combined gift.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • MIL sounds like oodles of fun.

    Im asking for clothes and some books. And a nice robe.

    My mom, I'll get a gift card so she can go shopping, and maybe something small.

  • We do the Xmas list thing with my ILs. My parents just send me cash, which quite frankly, is awesome. LOL

    On my ILs list I have:

    - Rick Steves Guidebooks for Eastern Europe/Vienna and Salzburg

    - J Crew, Banana Republic, and Zappos Gift Cards

    - A bunch of Bath and Body Works stuff (hand soap, lotion, and wallflower refills)

    I was excited because DH got me a $250 Zappos card for my birthday, among other things. Poor guy asked 'is that enough for what you want?" I have about $2K worth of shoes on my favorites list. So, I'm hoping I get a few more GCs at Christmas.


    • A Green Bastard t-shirt from Trailor Park Boys
    • Ronda Rousey t-shirt 
    • Skyrim Legendary Edition for Xbox 360
    • Morrowind Game of the Year Edition for the 360
    • Dragon Age Inquisition  
    • Bras in my newly found size
    • Alice in Wonderland t-shirt from lithographs
    • Uncle Tom's Cabin t-shirt from Lithographs 
    • Lousia May Alcott's complete works for my Kobo
    How far are you guys done in your Christmas shopping?  I'm all done except for my grandparents, my sister's dog, mom's cats, and SO's dad.  Some people are so hard to shop for.
  • DH & I create amazon wish lists, adding stuff through out the year, and then share it out with our families so they have stuff to pick from. It's kind of fun, because you forget about things you want so gifts can sometimes be a pleasant surprise then. My list is super random! Snow shoes…new watch…sonic care toothbrush…pangea organics lotion...
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  • I'm the horrible don't know what I want person.  Really, we don't need anything, and I don't want random clutter.  GC's are the best way with me now.  Lulu, VS, maybe Chapters.  DH is even worse cos he buys whatever he wants as soon as it comes out.  He'll get a new sweater, and I'm thinking maybe a car starter this year, though I'm not sure about pricing or if he really wants one.  

  • I haven't read what PPs have said (no offense!)

    Is there a good day spa near your MIL?  You could get her a gift card for a spa mani / pedi or a gift card for a massage.  (That's what my husband got me for my birthday and it was PERFECT).

    I have no idea what I want for Christmas.  I really would love for me & my husband's gift to each other to be a trip to get away to somewhere.  
  • My list is just about all big stuff... The things I'm really worrying about paying for right now are a new refrigerator (1500-2200) and a year of dog training (900).

    My birthday just passed and I just got cash - yippee!  I need to pay off all the expenses of my engagement photos though, so I know exactly what I'm using it for!

    My family refuses to participate in a name draw, so I have a lot of shopping to do... and I haven't started at all.  Then SO, my aunt and uncle, all have bdays a couple weeks after Xmas....

    I really enjoy buying stuff for myself, so I just like cash or gift cards.


    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

  • edited November 2014
    My wedding, Christmas and my birthday are all within 3 weeks of each other, so I wouldn't be surprised if I get "combo" gifts. Honestly, all I want are to celebrate those days with my new H, stepkids and my dog.


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  • I have too much stuff already. I don't want clothes or nic nacs. And I don't want anyone spending lots of money on me.

    My husband and I are giving each other a March cruise for Christmas. I would appreciate travel related items. My dog chewed my camera case so a new inexpensive case, a waterproof wallet to hold money, ID, and credit card at the beach.

    I started buying cobalt blue Fiestaware place settings. Accessories in any color would be great.

  • V and I have a gift list so there is no guesswork. My mom and aunts do the same thing as your family since there is 6 of them and they grew up poor. They have kept the tradition though! I honestly would make a gift basket full of random stuff. Like a good book, some gift cards to restuarnts, and maybe a gift card to a car wash?
  • Ugh.  We do gift exchanges with both sides of H's family, then gifts for all of his immediate family (parents and sisters) and with my parents as well.  THAT'S SO MANY IDEAS TO COME UP WITH.

    The only things I really want right now aren't exactly "Christmas list items" (i.e. a job, a house, a pet,--preferably a sloth).  I'll probably ask for a dive boat coat, compression sleeves, some books....blurg who knows.

  • I guess I'm lucky in that my extended family gave up gift giving years ago. We spent time together instead.  I only buy for my mom, niece, and nephew, and I only receive from them.

    Right now on my list are mainly gift cards - Amazon, BB&B, Old Navy, TJ Maxx.  I'm always working on my kitchen, and I'm losing weight so I need clothes.  Although, right now I'd need a gift card for our plumber...
  • In all seriousness, if she asks for dress shoes again, I would get her an $80 gift card to a shoe store. That way she can pick her own dress shoes and you don't have to worry about style, color, size, etc.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • If I had that list for MIL I would get her gift cards. EIther one to cover part of the car detailing, or to a shoe store. 

    The older I get the less I want. I just want to be with family around the holidays. I know I will be asked - SO - we are going on cruise in March, so a gift card to the cruise line would be nice, cash - since we're saving for a house and will be planning a wedding semi-soon (a lot of big expenses next year . . . ), or a spa day would be wonderful. 

    I also read a lot, so Barns and Noble gift card, Dress Barn, or Panera gift cards are always well received. 

    As for my family - most of them are not getting their gifts on xmas. I am buying my dad a new coat he will get in a week or 2 when it comes in - he lost over 40 lbs this summer and he is swimming in his current winter coat. I am taking my sister shopping tonight for combination birthday/xmas gift - she has no disposable money so I am buying her much needed wardrobe items (Like bras and underwear - I don't think she's gotten new ones in over a year. . . . ). Thank you Kohls credit card. . . . . and my godmother likes my fruit trifle that I make - so I make that every year as her present. 
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  • amelishaamelisha member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    We've all decided not to do anything this year in the families - there are no kids and everyone has everything they need. My future stepmom-in-law had the brilliant idea this year that we'd all draw names and then buy a couple kids' books that we think that person would have enjoyed as a child...then donate them all. It's perfect - still get to do choosing/wrapping/opening, but no one gets random stuff they don't need and a children's charity will benefit.

    Fiance and I decided we'd just go skiing sometime during our office closures and maybe stay somewhere slightly nicer than usual. No other gifts.

    None of us need anything, so I doubt we'll ever bother with gifts again unless FI and I have kids. It's such a huge relief. I really do enjoy the family dinners and stuff but that's all I need for a Christmas-y Christmas.

    I did book my best friend one night in a deluxe fountain view room at the Bellagio in Vegas while she's there for my wedding - she's always wanted to stay there but it's pretty pricy - but it's kind of a crappy Christmas gift because she's only going to Vegas because of my wedding anyway. It's literally the only gift I have to buy this year so I felt kinda guilty that it's a bit selfish, but I do know she'll enjoy it.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ugh, I'm boring. I asked my siblings and mom what they wanted for Christmas and then they asked me! I drew a blank and then I figured, I need a new handheld vacuum. Yep, handheld vacuum. I like to live life on the edge. I like buying gifts for other people or making them. Then I get weird when people ask me because although I know it's not rude, it's almost like I'm demanding the gifts, even though they already asked.

    Does your MIL have any hobbies? Like crafting, bird watching, reading, or something? You could go on those hobbies and just fund them by purchasing different things for the hobby. 

    That is always a great gift because hobbies are expensive to maintain so when someone gifts you with stuff for it, it really is awesome and very thoughtful.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Gosh darnit. DH just told me that his dad (my FIL) asked him what I want for Christmas. Last year FIL got me an AmEx gift card (the best gift ever!). I told DH that I'm always happy with gift cards (and made sure to mention that I don't find them to be impersonal or anything, if that will be a worry).

    I thought I was going to come out unscathed!

    But I, like other PPs mentioned, keep an Amazon wish list going all year. 1. It makes gift giving events easier 2. I can keep track of what I want myself and see when it goes on sale, makes for easy shopping on my own too!.
  • I like getting things that I wouldn't spend money on for myself. Bath products, like a really luxurious lotion or bubble bath wouldn't be expensive but would be something I'd feel extravagant about getting for myself. Stuff from lush is always a hit. MIL gave us travel size gifts last Christmas since we were traveling with a bunch of luggage already and I loved the travrl size perfume and Coach ID holder she gave me since I wouldn't buy them for myself. Little luxuries like that are always appreciated. Me, I really want the Le Creuset dutch oven on my registry but that's a wee bit more than $80 :)

    I wish our families did something like that. We get gifts for our parents and siblings and DH's nieces and it adds up even with modest spending. I wouldn't want to give a list though because I like being surprised and I'm always touched by how thoughtful folks are when you give them a chance to be.
  • 1) stop borrowing something to worry about. You do not know if you are going to pick her name. You do not know her list you do. Cross that bridge if you come to it.

    2) skis. Massage. New hunter boots.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I say things throughout the year that I want, but can never come up with anything around Christmas.

    I would die if my SO walked through the door, though I don't expect that to happen.
  • How funny.  I was just joking with SO earlier tonight that I would make a fake list of super expensive things and give it to his sister as a prank (since she's been asking for my list).  Obviously I would tell her immediately it was a joke.  That's totally not cool of your MIL to pretend not to want anything, and then give a list of gifts that are so far above the limit.  It's one thing to put something like "a new couch" on a list to your spouse, and totally another to put it on a general family list.  

    I agree with Lynda though, you're worrying about a problem that is potentially a nonissue.  So stop stressing, and if it happens, then work on crossing the bridge.  No one else is going to judge you for getting a sensible and thoughtful gift if her list consisted of ridiculous and overpriced things.  

    I'm supposed to start my list tonight. I'm not really sure what to put on it yet though.  I love Christmas lists.  They're so helpful.  

  • I would like some expensive makeup, tickets to the Lion King, and a floor for my halfway-redone basement.
  • edited November 2014
    I had a wonderful honeymoon, so my H and I aren't exchanging gifts this christmas.  But if anyone else were to get me a present, I guess I would want a gift certificate to go towards a new North Face fleece jacket, or a new bathrobe. Then, there are some things left on my registry, but it is just fluff, and nothing I feel I need anytime soon. 
         My step-mom is similar to your FMIL.  Whatever she says she wants, she will have changed her mind about it, by Christmas, and then complain about it in front of me, even though I ALWAYS include a gift receipt. There is no pleasing her for Christmas. 
       My brother one year, asked me to get him an $80 present one year, and then bought me a box of altoids for Christmas.  They were chocolate covered altoids. I don't believe in tit for tat for holidays , but I thought that it was rude of him to ask for such an expensive gift, when mine came from the gas station. It was just really thoughtless.
       H.... Hubby doesn't know me AT ALL!  Lol.  I love opening my presents from him, because it is always an adventure. The other year he got me a technology device.  He had to take it back because I could never figure out how to use it or what it even was. H teases  me because I am horribly technologically impaired. My two year old nephew knows how to work my iphone better than I do... and I got that gift two years ago. H gave me an ipod too, and I don't know how to purchase itunes. (How am I not extinct?). I always feel like Marie, from Everybody Loves Raymond, when she asked Raymond if a dvd player was a pornography machine.
       My favorite gift from H was when we first started dating and Victoria Secret made the fantasy bra. I thought it was so amazing a bra could be made from diamonds.  He bought a bra and glued fake diamonds all over it.  His basketball team players made fun of him as he worked on it after games on the bus. He gave me this sheet of authenticity explaining the region where the diamonds were mined and handcrafted. I almost died of laughter while opening this present. 13 years later and it is still my favorite present. It cost him $20 but it was so thoughtful, it meant more to me than anything he could find at Macy's.
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