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Christmas vs. Remembrance Day


Re: Christmas vs. Remembrance Day

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    MagicInk said:
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I'm an American and I always wish we learned more about Canada because I mean you guys are right the fuck there! I grew up in the southwest so I know some stuff about Mexico...but even that is lacking.

    Most of what I learned I learned from Degrassi.

    Ha ha! Too funny. At least it's not South Park!
    Oh my gosh Degrassi. Poor Jimmy/Drake getting shot for something that wasn't his fault.
    Right! That was one fucked up school.

    Also anytime I see Drake, I'm like no, you're Jimmy and you can't walk. 
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    I shop year round for Christmas.  It's easier to budget that way.  We also have our Christmas lights up.  They went up the week before Halloween, but that's cos it was warmer out.  It's currently -15C (-24C with the wind) and there's snow everywhere.  I'm not getting up on the ladder in that.  But we don't turn out lights on until after Remembrance Day.  It just seems early to me anyway.  But if I find something shopping, I'm gonna buy it cos it may be gone later.  

    As for Americans vs. Canadians, I think we know more cos you're in our curriculum (at least in my Province).  Grade 9 we compare governments and leaner a lot about the American system vs the Canadian vs the Russian (capitalist vs communist systems, etc.), though I think Russia is getting the boot with the next change anyway.  Not so current anymore.  But I do know Thanksgiving and elections are in November.  We had to learn all of the states and capitals too.  What I don't know a lot of is US history, but the big stuff gets filled in through TV, some books, movies, etc., so I've got an idea of what's going on.  

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    novella1186novella1186 member
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    edited November 2014
    I think if it becomes very apparent that someone isn't aware of your country/culture/holidays/whatever, you should not too upset about it. What's the point in that? Ignore it, or correct them/inform them. They'll learn something new and you'll spread some cultural awareness. 

    I mentioned in an earlier post that people ask me stupid stuff or make stupid comments about Hannukah. Yeah it's annoying sometimes and yeah I complain about it, but I've never missed the opportunity to say "well no, that's not true. Here's what the holiday is for, here's what we do to celebrate, and here's why." 

    If you can't take the time to provide some information, then you can't expect awareness to spread, and you can't get mad that it hasn't. I think in US schools we don't spend much time looking into other cultures. But I'm always glad to share my culture with people who apparently have never been exposed to it. 

    K I'm off the soapbox too. 
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    I also forgot to mention, fifth grade curriculum when I was in Elementary school covered Canadian culture and history for half of the year. My teacher was from PEI so that was really cool because she was actually Canadian and could teach more than just from a book.

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    dcbride86 said:
    ahyatt87 said:
    @dcbride86 Remembrance Day is the terminology we use in Canada for Nov 11th. Are the Nov 11th services referred to as Veterans Day in the USA?

    Yes, Nov. 11 is referred to as Veterans Day in the USA.  I didn't know Canada had a similar thing on the same day!  That's really interesting

    Canada's Remembrance Day is very solemn.  It is not a national holiday, though it is being talked about in Ottawa on whether or not to make it a holiday for everyone.  We have a moment of silence at 11:00, we buy and wear poppies leading up to the day on the actual day, we have a kick-ass poem written by a doctor in the war who was just working on one of his friends who ended up dying, and the schools always have an assembly.
    This is fascinating, did not know this. Although this is what 9-11 is now in the US. Moment of silence, school assemblies. I do not know of any decorations for Remembrance Day or Veterans Day other than your nations flag. I don't know why you can't put up some cute turkeys in your garden or wreath. I agree that Christmas needs to wait til after Thanksgiving. Lights can go up early (nobody wants to hang lights in 6 ft if snow) but you should turn them on the day after Thanksgiving. Not before!
    @emmaaa it was stated that there was a lack of knowledge. Not blaming anyone except the US school system for not providing this knowledge. @JennyColada, I think the date might have something to do with it for sure. @novella1186 I never said it was a lack of respect. I just illustrated points to highlight how absurd it is that there was surprise at the celebration for the veterans. I'm also Jewish so I get it ha ha. That thread that said "JEW" was a religion made me cringe! 
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    dcbride86 said:
    ahyatt87 said:
    @dcbride86 Remembrance Day is the terminology we use in Canada for Nov 11th. Are the Nov 11th services referred to as Veterans Day in the USA?

    Yes, Nov. 11 is referred to as Veterans Day in the USA.  I didn't know Canada had a similar thing on the same day!  That's really interesting

    Canada's Remembrance Day is very solemn.  It is not a national holiday, though it is being talked about in Ottawa on whether or not to make it a holiday for everyone.  We have a moment of silence at 11:00, we buy and wear poppies leading up to the day on the actual day, we have a kick-ass poem written by a doctor in the war who was just working on one of his friends who ended up dying, and the schools always have an assembly.
    This is fascinating, did not know this. Although this is what 9-11 is now in the US. Moment of silence, school assemblies. I do not know of any decorations for Remembrance Day or Veterans Day other than your nations flag. I don't know why you can't put up some cute turkeys in your garden or wreath. I agree that Christmas needs to wait til after Thanksgiving. Lights can go up early (nobody wants to hang lights in 6 ft if snow) but you should turn them on the day after Thanksgiving. Not before!
    @emmaaa it was stated that there was a lack of knowledge. Not blaming anyone except the US school system for not providing this knowledge. @JennyColada, I think the date might have something to do with it for sure. @novella1186 I never said it was a lack of respect. I just illustrated points to highlight how absurd it is that there was surprise at the celebration for the veterans. I'm also Jewish so I get it ha ha. That thread that said "JEW" was a religion made me cringe! 
    There is a way of illustrating a point without it coming out like Americans are dumb and uneducated. As others mentioned, you're never going to know as much about another country as your own. Even if you study it in depth, you will always know more about your own country because that is where you live.

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    emmaaaemmaaa mod
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    edited November 2014
    dcbride86 said:
    ahyatt87 said:
    @dcbride86 Remembrance Day is the terminology we use in Canada for Nov 11th. Are the Nov 11th services referred to as Veterans Day in the USA?

    Yes, Nov. 11 is referred to as Veterans Day in the USA.  I didn't know Canada had a similar thing on the same day!  That's really interesting

    Canada's Remembrance Day is very solemn.  It is not a national holiday, though it is being talked about in Ottawa on whether or not to make it a holiday for everyone.  We have a moment of silence at 11:00, we buy and wear poppies leading up to the day on the actual day, we have a kick-ass poem written by a doctor in the war who was just working on one of his friends who ended up dying, and the schools always have an assembly.
    This is fascinating, did not know this. Although this is what 9-11 is now in the US. Moment of silence, school assemblies. I do not know of any decorations for Remembrance Day or Veterans Day other than your nations flag. I don't know why you can't put up some cute turkeys in your garden or wreath. I agree that Christmas needs to wait til after Thanksgiving. Lights can go up early (nobody wants to hang lights in 6 ft if snow) but you should turn them on the day after Thanksgiving. Not before!
    @emmaaa it was stated that there was a lack of knowledge. Not blaming anyone except the US school system for not providing this knowledge. @JennyColada, I think the date might have something to do with it for sure. @novella1186 I never said it was a lack of respect. I just illustrated points to highlight how absurd it is that there was surprise at the celebration for the veterans. I'm also Jewish so I get it ha ha. That thread that said "JEW" was a religion made me cringe! 
    But why is it absurd?  If I don't know that, say, a penguin could fly and then when I found out it could, I am sure I would be "oh I didn't know that!"  So are you saying that it would be absurd of me to not know that?  Am I just supposed to be born with the knowledge that penguins can fly? The only way to know something is to be taught it.  So instead of thinking down on those that didn't know about your holiday, instead provide them with useful information about it.  Knowledge is power but don't use yours to make others feel like shit.

    ETA:  I know that penguins can't fly, which is really a shame for them don't you think?
    I like your post even more because of the penguin example. Penguins are adorable (in pictures, I've never met a real life penguin).

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      Gustafson28 said:
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I never said I didn't know Canada celebrated their veterans.  I assumed they did (although admittedly never looked into it).  I said that I didn't know that the day of remembrance would be on the SAME DAY.  To me, THAT is interesting because often national holidays fall on different days.  Just as I wouldn't expect Canadians to know the exact day we celebrate Veterans Day, I did not know the exact day Canadians celebrate Remembrance Day.  I certainly did not mean any disrespect.
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    Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited November 2014

    dcbride86 said:

    ahyatt87 said:

    @dcbride86 Remembrance Day is the terminology we use in Canada for Nov 11th. Are the Nov 11th services referred to as Veterans Day in the USA?

    Yes, Nov. 11 is referred to as Veterans Day in the USA.  I didn't know Canada had a similar thing on the same day!  That's really interesting

    Canada's Remembrance Day is very solemn.  It is not a national holiday, though it is being talked about in Ottawa on whether or not to make it a holiday for everyone.  We have a moment of silence at 11:00, we buy and wear poppies leading up to the day on the actual day, we have a kick-ass poem written by a doctor in the war who was just working on one of his friends who ended up dying, and the schools always have an assembly.

    This is fascinating, did not know this.
    Although this is what 9-11 is now in the US. Moment of silence, school assemblies.

    I do not know of any decorations for Remembrance Day or Veterans Day other than your nations flag. I don't know why you can't put up some cute turkeys in your garden or wreath. I agree that Christmas needs to wait til after Thanksgiving. Lights can go up early (nobody wants to hang lights in 6 ft if snow) but you should turn them on the day after Thanksgiving. Not before!

    @emmaaa it was stated that there was a lack of knowledge. Not blaming anyone except the US school system for not providing this knowledge. @JennyColada, I think the date might have something to do with it for sure. @novella1186 I never said it was a lack of respect. I just illustrated points to highlight how absurd it is that there was surprise at the celebration for the veterans. I'm also Jewish so I get it ha ha. That thread that said "JEW" was a religion made me cringe! 

    Hi, please refer to the post where I said I know about Remembrance Day, just not the solemnity and moment of silence. I did not say I did not know when your Remembrance Day was. Please do not group me into your shaming.

    image   image   image

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    @emmaaa - I have met a real life penguin.  I went to a wedding at a zoo and they had a penguin there that you could take pictures with.  It was so adorable!

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    JennyColadaJennyColada member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited November 2014

    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still.

    I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual.

    /end rant. Destroys soap box

    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date.

    I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?

    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 
    - - -

    So I suppose you also know when Yom Kippur is. Because that's a pretty significant day for Jewish people too. Or Armistice day, because that's significant in Europe.
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    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 

    I think July 3rd was supposed to be the actual American Independence Day, but we ended up celebrating it on July 4th.  Sometimes the dates end up changing a bit for whatever reason - I actually didn't realize until college that Veterans Day wasn't always on a Monday, like many other national holidays in the US (I never got it off school, so I didn't realize it until I was 18.  Embarassing, yes, but not the point). 

    My point is just that certainly no disrepect was meant by saying I didn't know it was celebrated the same day.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

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    LondonLisaLondonLisa member
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    edited November 2014
    I'm British, and find this whole "blame the American school system" passive aggressiveness absolutely ridiculous. How dare someone from another country that is not part of the Commonwealth not know the date of a Commonwealth holiday?! /sarcasm/

    It makes you look petty and smug. When you makes generalisations about an entire country, it says more about you than it does about the country you are trying to judge. 

    I went to the Queen's Remembrance Sunday service yesterday at the cenotaph and then made Christmas mince pies in the afternoon- I, and Fi (A British Military officer) must be SO disrespectful!
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    dcbride86 said:
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 

    I think July 3rd was supposed to be the actual American Independence Day, but we ended up celebrating it on July 4th.  Sometimes the dates end up changing a bit for whatever reason - I actually didn't realize until college that Veterans Day wasn't always on a Monday, like many other national holidays in the US (I never got it off school, so I didn't realize it until I was 18.  Embarassing, yes, but not the point). 

    My point is just that certainly no disrepect was meant by saying I didn't know it was celebrated the same day.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

    Yep, it was actually signed on July 2, 1776 instead of the 4th. 

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    @emmaaa - I have met a real life penguin.  I went to a wedding at a zoo and they had a penguin there that you could take pictures with.  It was so adorable!

    Picture of the penguin I met...
    A wedding at a zoo sounds like so much fun! And that penguin is so cute. I want a pet penguin now but I'm not sure how our dogs, cat, or landlord would like taht.

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    Ha ha penguins ARE adorable and it is bull they can't fly. The do rock the underwater flight pattern so I can't feel too bad

    I find it absurd because Nov 11 marked the end of WW1 as PP stated and we fought in the wars too! I'm not saying there is anything wrong with not knowing, and kudos for stating that this is a gap in your(general your) knowledge. I just wish EVERYONE (myself included!) knew more about the world and other cultures, especially those geographically close to us.  It's just sad that our respective school systems don't do more.
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    I even had to look up "cenotaph".


    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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    Picture of the penguin I met...
    If I had a wedding at a zoo I'd see if I could somehow get the penguins trained to be ring barers and flower girls and I'd put a little bow and the flower girl and a bow tie on the ring barer... but somehow I feel like that's animal creulty and would be frowned upon.
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    jennyleigh16jennyleigh16 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Name Dropper
    edited November 2014
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 
    - - - Oh. So I suppose you also know when Yom Kippur is. Because that's a pretty significant day for Jewish people too. Or Armistice day, because that's significant in Europe.


    Armistice day is also Nov 11 in Europe. It marks the armistice signed on Nov 11 to end the hostilities in WWI. Pretty significant day for the allies. I'm not saying people should know about holidays in other countries. But if you knew why your Veteran's day is on Nov 11 and what it represents then no one should be surprised that Canada celebrates on the same day. We were there too guys. You are correct about Yom Kippur, though. 

    ETA because words are hard. 
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    emmaaa said:
    dcbride86 said:
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 

    I think July 3rd was supposed to be the actual American Independence Day, but we ended up celebrating it on July 4th.  Sometimes the dates end up changing a bit for whatever reason - I actually didn't realize until college that Veterans Day wasn't always on a Monday, like many other national holidays in the US (I never got it off school, so I didn't realize it until I was 18.  Embarassing, yes, but not the point). 

    My point is just that certainly no disrepect was meant by saying I didn't know it was celebrated the same day.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

    Yep, it was actually signed on July 2, 1776 instead of the 4th. 

    Thanks - I knew it wasn't the 4th!  I should probably know that date, too. 

    I'm clearly not very good at knowing a lot of information about national holidays.  I blame still remembering too much info from the bar exam this summer.  Want to know whether being locked in a room with a secret passageway counts as false imprisonment?  I'm totally your girl.  Want to know info about national holidays?  That's reasonable information to know and remember, so it obviously was not on the bar and I forgot it all to make room for the stuff that has no use in life.

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    I don't want to wade too far into this, but I get where the PP was coming from in one a Canadian, it's always really odd to us that Americans don't know when our holidays are, because we get kinda beaten over the head with all of yours thanks to school and just TV etc., as so much of our media is imported from the US. So it can be weird to be reminded that you don't experience the same thing. Like...I always know when Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, etc., are whether I want to or not because we're so inundated with American media and it is kind of odd that it doesn't go both ways.

    That's as much as I'm willing to take on with this one though...

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    dcbride86 said:
    emmaaa said:
    dcbride86 said:
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 

    I think July 3rd was supposed to be the actual American Independence Day, but we ended up celebrating it on July 4th.  Sometimes the dates end up changing a bit for whatever reason - I actually didn't realize until college that Veterans Day wasn't always on a Monday, like many other national holidays in the US (I never got it off school, so I didn't realize it until I was 18.  Embarassing, yes, but not the point). 

    My point is just that certainly no disrepect was meant by saying I didn't know it was celebrated the same day.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

    Yep, it was actually signed on July 2, 1776 instead of the 4th. 

    Thanks - I knew it wasn't the 4th!  I should probably know that date, too. 

    I'm clearly not very good at knowing a lot of information about national holidays.  I blame still remembering too much info from the bar exam this summer.  Want to know whether being locked in a room with a secret passageway counts as false imprisonment?  I'm totally your girl.  Want to know info about national holidays?  That's reasonable information to know and remember, so it obviously was not on the bar and I forgot it all to make room for the stuff that has no use in life.

    ... I kinda want to know that.
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    dcbride86 said:
    emmaaa said:
    dcbride86 said:
    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 

    I think July 3rd was supposed to be the actual American Independence Day, but we ended up celebrating it on July 4th.  Sometimes the dates end up changing a bit for whatever reason - I actually didn't realize until college that Veterans Day wasn't always on a Monday, like many other national holidays in the US (I never got it off school, so I didn't realize it until I was 18.  Embarassing, yes, but not the point). 

    My point is just that certainly no disrepect was meant by saying I didn't know it was celebrated the same day.  I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

    Yep, it was actually signed on July 2, 1776 instead of the 4th. 

    Thanks - I knew it wasn't the 4th!  I should probably know that date, too. 

    I'm clearly not very good at knowing a lot of information about national holidays.  I blame still remembering too much info from the bar exam this summer.  Want to know whether being locked in a room with a secret passageway counts as false imprisonment?  I'm totally your girl.  Want to know info about national holidays?  That's reasonable information to know and remember, so it obviously was not on the bar and I forgot it all to make room for the stuff that has no use in life.

    No problem. It is also fun to me that Americans (and maybe other countries) celebrate Cinco de Mayo and think it is the Mexican Independence day. That is actually September 16. May 5 was actually a victory of the Mexican Army in the Battle of Puebla (I think) against the French.

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    Let's share our country's history and holidays. I'm all for learning today!

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    amelisha said:
    I don't want to wade too far into this, but I get where the PP was coming from in one a Canadian, it's always really odd to us that Americans don't know when our holidays are, because we get kinda beaten over the head with all of yours thanks to school and just TV etc., as so much of our media is imported from the US. So it can be weird to be reminded that you don't experience the same thing. Like...I always know when Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, etc., are whether I want to or not because we're so inundated with American media and it is kind of odd that it doesn't go both ways.

    That's as much as I'm willing to take on with this one though...

    You know when American Thanksgiving is?  That's actually kind of surprising to me.  I would think you might know it's later than Canadian thanksgiving (just as I know Canadian thanksgiving is before American), but I'm surprised you know the date.  I'm surprised it's all over the media over there, too.  I guess I always just assumed the Canadian media would be crazy over Canadian Thanksgiving in the same way American media is nuts over American Thanksgiving
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    But hey, I said my peace. I don't care who does or does not know what. I just would love if everyone could know more but I'm in a perpetual search for more knowledge on anything and everything so it's probably a personal hang up.
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    I have to say it hurts my brain a little bit that a lot of the Americans here had no idea that Canada celebrates our veterans as well. They all fought alongside and were often a large part of the reason why wars and battles were won. These veterans more than deserve it. I know none of you are saying they don't deserve it but still. I feel like I know a fair bit about American celebrations and culture and I have always wished it was mutual. /end rant. Destroys soap box
    I don't think anyone is surprised that Canada has A holiday to celebrate/remember veterans, mainly it's just the date. I mean, do you know the dates of our Thanksgiving or election days?
    Um...November 11th marked the end of hostilities in WWI...pretty sure that's a significant date for Canada too. 
    - - - Oh. So I suppose you also know when Yom Kippur is. Because that's a pretty significant day for Jewish people too. Or Armistice day, because that's significant in Europe.


    Armistice day is also Nov 11 in Europe. It marks the armistice signed on Nov 11 to end the hostilities in WWI. Pretty significant day for the allies. I'm not saying people should know about holidays in other countries. But if you knew why your Veteran's day is on Nov 11 and what it represents then no one should be surprised that Canada celebrates on the same day. We were there too guys. You are correct about Yom Kippur, though. 

    ETA because words are hard. 
    Well it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder from something bigger. Someone asked what Remembrance Day was, you don't need to be sanctimonious.

    Aussies and Kiwis were there too, and their national veteran's remembrance holiday is ANZAC day in April. So maybe before you judge all of the United States, you should recognise your own hypocrisy in not knowing that not ALL allies celebrate a national veteran's days on November 11. 
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    Ha ha penguins ARE adorable and it is bull they can't fly. The do rock the underwater flight pattern so I can't feel too bad

    I find it absurd because Nov 11 marked the end of WW1 as PP stated and we fought in the wars too! I'm not saying there is anything wrong with not knowing, and kudos for stating that this is a gap in your(general your) knowledge. I just wish EVERYONE (myself included!) knew more about the world and other cultures, especially those geographically close to us.  It's just sad that our respective school systems don't do more.
    Sorry but I was probably taught that in like 8th grade (so 13 or so years ago).  Since 8th grade I have been taught a shit ton more things and unfortunately some dates just go by the way side. Not saying that the end of WW1 wasn't important, but I just don't remember dates like that.  Again it doesn't make me a bad person that I don't know or don't remember the significance of one date out of 365.  And this time next year I can guarantee you that I won't remember what happened on November 11th how ever many years ago, but I will be happy to show my respect (as I do regularly) for those who have and continue to protect our country, which is really the more important aspect, IMO.

    And really the significance of the date tends to be overshadowed by the point of the entire day, which is to show your respect for ALL veterans from ALL wars.  Not just the fact that WW1 ended on that day.

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