Getting in Shape

Anyone want to try these challenges with me??

Ive been trying to lose weight for a long time. Could you please give me a diet to lose weight in 7 days? Losing weight is not a complex affair. checkout: http://quick-weightloss-... Check out Dieting Digestimage">

I did these this spring when I was trying to tone up for my July wedding!  I've since put on a little weight (honeymoon phase, anyone??) and thought I would try them again.  Just like the running plans that I've seen posted on here (couch to 5k, etc.) there were definitely days that I felt like I couldn't "move up" so I repeated a day.  Eventually worked my way all the up!

I'm starting today, just thought it would be a fun challenge for anyone else who wanted to do it with me, especially leading into the holidays!

Re: Anyone want to try these challenges with me??

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