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Four Weddings Canada

I'm watching an episode right now and holy hannah. If the SS think we're mean, they should see this. This woman got scored a 3/10 on food because there was too much of it. No one has scored over a 6. Makes me glad no one is scoring my wedding. Also, all the issues I'm seeing are ridiculous. Toonie drinks, not enough space for people to sit, bad manners. It's crazy.

Re: Four Weddings Canada

  • Aww that makes me sad! I had watched a few episodes of Four Weddings Canada a year or so ago and the girls on those episodes were SO MUCH NICER than the American ones. All of them had nice things to say about each other's weddings and gave good scores.

  • I saw an episode once where a bride gave another a low score because there was too much food. How is that a negative?! Eat the fucking food! 
  • There's always one bride who needs this gif:



    But yeah, I think it's ridiculous when they lower the score because there was too much food at cocktail hour, or the drinks were too strong, or a dress "just wasn't my taste"



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • "The dress wasn't my taste," is my biggest Four Weddings bride pet peeve. Just, wow! It's almost like it isn't even your wedding dress.

    I still can't stop watching that show though.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Ugh yes, so many pet peeves! I also saw one where they scored her really low for too much food! "I felt sick after"- then how about you stop eating when you're full?!

    And then they give higher scores to someone who made her guests carry their own chairs because they liked her décor. And gave low scores to the only non-cash bar wedding because her wedding colours weren't incorporated enough.

    So much confusion and annoyance with the people on that show!

    Formerly martha1818


  • I'm not a fan of the Canadian one.  I always hated how they scored differently from the American version.  But it always felt low budget in comparison.  

  • edited November 2014
    I don't watch the show religiously, but it sure did clue me in for my own planning as to what was important and what was not important. (sarcasm)
    The brides are always hung up on decor. Always.  Sorry, but everyone I know is way more about food (the more the better) booze (the more the better) and dancing (the better the DJ or band, the better).
    No one gives two hoots about decor; no one remembers anyone else's centerpieces. Cool venues are appreciated though. 
    I lost my train of thought due to knotting at work. If I remember my other point I'll come back and edit. Whoopsie. 

    Edit: I remember my other point. I think it would be amusing to think of our own weddings and what TV brides would hate. 1) They'd hate the fact that my wedding was all in one venue. As soon as the ceremony was over, workers were moving chairs and resetting for cocktails. 2) They'd hate my dress. It was a white evening gown, not a wedding gown. 3) They'd hate the tons of food we had because everyone was stuffed. 4) They'd hate my lack of centerpieces (the venue provided simple bud vases with small orchids).  5) They'd say my wedding "just wasn't wedding enough." 

  • I don't watch the show religiously, but it sure did clue me in for my own planning as to what was important and what was not important. (sarcasm)
    The brides are always hung up on decor. Always.  Sorry, but everyone I know is way more about food (the more the better) booze (the more the better) and dancing (the better the DJ or band, the better).
    No one gives two hoots about decor; no one remembers anyone else's centerpieces. Cool venues are appreciated though. 
    I lost my train of thought due to knotting at work. If I remember my other point I'll come back and edit. Whoopsie. 
    I care about the decor like centerpieces and everything else.  I love checking things like that out when I am at a wedding or see one on TV.  When someone I know is getting married, I probably annoy them with asking questions about their colours, etc.
  • I don't watch the show religiously, but it sure did clue me in for my own planning as to what was important and what was not important. (sarcasm)
    The brides are always hung up on decor. Always.  Sorry, but everyone I know is way more about food (the more the better) booze (the more the better) and dancing (the better the DJ or band, the better).
    No one gives two hoots about decor; no one remembers anyone else's centerpieces. Cool venues are appreciated though. 
    I lost my train of thought due to knotting at work. If I remember my other point I'll come back and edit. Whoopsie. 

    Edit: I remember my other point. I think it would be amusing to think of our own weddings and what TV brides would hate. 1) They'd hate the fact that my wedding was all in one venue. As soon as the ceremony was over, workers were moving chairs and resetting for cocktails. 2) They'd hate my dress. It was a white evening gown, not a wedding gown. 3) They'd hate the tons of food we had because everyone was stuffed. 4) They'd hate my lack of centerpieces (the venue provided simple bud vases with small orchids).  5) They'd say my wedding "just wasn't wedding enough." 
    My venue was the same too, so I'd be nailed on that.  Also, no dancing (no amplified music after 9pm) and I had no theme or set colours, so obviously I'd get about a 4.  And that would drop to about a 3 for no bouquet toss and finally a 2 for it being too hot in Hawaii.  I'm sure there'd be some points lost for having an open bar, so obviously too much choice for drinks as well as no signature drink.  And probably too much food too. So many reasons why I'd never win.  ;)

  • doeydo said:
    I don't watch the show religiously, but it sure did clue me in for my own planning as to what was important and what was not important. (sarcasm)
    The brides are always hung up on decor. Always.  Sorry, but everyone I know is way more about food (the more the better) booze (the more the better) and dancing (the better the DJ or band, the better).
    No one gives two hoots about decor; no one remembers anyone else's centerpieces. Cool venues are appreciated though. 
    I lost my train of thought due to knotting at work. If I remember my other point I'll come back and edit. Whoopsie. 
    I care about the decor like centerpieces and everything else.  I love checking things like that out when I am at a wedding or see one on TV.  When someone I know is getting married, I probably annoy them with asking questions about their colours, etc.
    I should rephrase. :) Everyone appreciates a beautifully-decorated wedding, but I'm sure you wouldn't leave a well-hosted event and snark on your friend or family member because their decor wasn't to your taste. It's more about priorities.  When I say "nobody cares" I mean it's not offensive to have minimal decor like it is to have a minimum amount of food and starving guests. 

  • I don't watch the show religiously, but it sure did clue me in for my own planning as to what was important and what was not important. (sarcasm)
    The brides are always hung up on decor. Always.  Sorry, but everyone I know is way more about food (the more the better) booze (the more the better) and dancing (the better the DJ or band, the better).
    No one gives two hoots about decor; no one remembers anyone else's centerpieces. Cool venues are appreciated though. 
    I lost my train of thought due to knotting at work. If I remember my other point I'll come back and edit. Whoopsie. 

    Edit: I remember my other point. I think it would be amusing to think of our own weddings and what TV brides would hate. 1) They'd hate the fact that my wedding was all in one venue. As soon as the ceremony was over, workers were moving chairs and resetting for cocktails. 2) They'd hate my dress. It was a white evening gown, not a wedding gown. 3) They'd hate the tons of food we had because everyone was stuffed. 4) They'd hate my lack of centerpieces (the venue provided simple bud vases with small orchids).  5) They'd say my wedding "just wasn't wedding enough." 

    Whenever I watch Four Weddings, my FI loves to say what they'd hate about our wedding:

    (1) the venue is a slight "L" shape, so they may not be able to see my grandma enjoy her meal while they eat theirs; (2) They didn't have time to enjoy the White House during the wedding (I saw one where people complained about not being able to enjoy the museum the wedding was hosted at); (3) the line for the elevators took too long; (4) the venue has a slightly low ceiling, so we couldn't really be raised high when we did the hora


    It really might be FI's favorite game.  Oh, many people have also low scored because the couple had a band, and they personally prefer DJ's.  So I'd lose points on that, too

  • I wonder how I'd score:

    - Ceremony too casual
    - My dress didnt have a train
    - LOTS of food
    - It was cold
    - my decor was minimal and the centrepieces were small

    Four Weddings is one of my fave wedding shows.  I love watching other people's weddings.  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • I love watching other people's weddings too!
  • I love watching other people's weddings, but I do always feel a bit bad for the way they're being scored.  I know they signed up for it and everything, but still.  When I go to weddings, I note things like "ooh I really like that, maybe I want to do something similar" or "oh that didn't go great, I might want to avoid it," but I can't think of a time when I would be as rude as so many of the guests on that show
  • I made FI sit through an episode a couple weeks ago. Fast forward to tonight when we're discussing changing our cocktail reception to a full plated meal and he goes "Yeah but will there be enough space for tables for everyone? I don't want people to be packed together like sardines like on that show... that was bad" !!! There may be hope for him yet. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @jennyleigh16 - That makes me laugh because I DVR Four Weddings and never get around to watching it in a timely fashion. The other day I told FI we needed to do some wedding planning so he said "Okay, let's watch that Four Weddings show - it helps give me ideas." Haha!  
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