Chit Chat

Scratched my eye pretty bad

edited November 2014 in Chit Chat
Is there anything worse than scratching your eye? Apparently, I cut it really bad (as far as eyes go).  It's been bleeding. I went to the doctor's and she said no contacts for a week, and I have an infection (common with eye scratches).  UM... crap!  I only have good vision with my contacts.  My vision is so terrible, that when I have glasses, the lenses need to be thinned three times to be able to close the arms of the frames. This distorts my peripheral vision and I only have clear vision looking straight ahead. It messes with my depth perception, and makes driving difficult.
   I have an opthalmology appt. tomorrow, to make sure my vision will be okay. Until then, I am putting alcohol on it... just kidding... but I am taking two glasses of wine as needed. And using ointment in my eye.  Is there any word that sounds dirtier than ointment? Oh yeah... and fuck blinking.

Re: Scratched my eye pretty bad

  • Aww you poor thing! I scratched my cornea when I was a child and had to wear an eye patch under my glasses for at least a week. 

    I was cool.

    I'm with you. My prescription is -6.00 so I'm legally blind without glasses or contacts. Driving with glasses or even walking or doing anything other than just looking straight ahead is really hard for me, too.

  • Is there anything worse than scratching your eye? Apparently, I cut it really bad (as far as eyes go).  It's been bleeding. I went to the doctor's and she said no contacts for a week, and I have an infection (common with eye scratches).  UM... crap!  I only have good vision with my contacts.  My vision is so terrible, that when I have glasses, the lenses need to be thinned three times to be able to close the arms of the frames. This distorts my peripheral vision and I only have clear vision looking straight ahead. It messes with my depth perception, and makes driving difficult.
       I have an opthalmology appt. tomorrow, to make sure my vision will be okay. Until then, I am putting alcohol on it... just kidding... but I am taking two glasses of wine as needed. And using ointment in my eye.  Is there any word that sounds dirtier than ointment? Oh yeah... and fuck blinking.
    Also, you shouldn't have started this game...

    I'll go with "moist"
  • How did you do that?  I hope your appointment goes okay!  Do you have drops for it?

    My coworker's kid shoved a pinky in his eye, shaving off a flap of his cornea.  I crocheted him an eyepatch.  A glittery eye patch.  He HAD to wear it.  Would you like a crocheted eyepatch?  I can dust off my pattern.
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  • Oh no! I had something similar a few years ago and I know it really stinks.
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  • Yep, H is taking me to around. I never drive with just glasses. Hell, i won't even back up out of my driveway.
       My prescription without glasses is -8.5. Can't wait to really cut my eye and get laser surgery.  
  • Sugargirl1019Sugargirl1019 member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited November 2014
    lc07 said:

    Is there anything worse than scratching your eye? Apparently, I cut it really bad (as far as eyes go).  It's been bleeding. I went to the doctor's and she said no contacts for a week, and I have an infection (common with eye scratches).  UM... crap!  I only have good vision with my contacts.  My vision is so terrible, that when I have glasses, the lenses need to be thinned three times to be able to close the arms of the frames. This distorts my peripheral vision and I only have clear vision looking straight ahead. It messes with my depth perception, and makes driving difficult.
       I have an opthalmology appt. tomorrow, to make sure my vision will be okay. Until then, I am putting alcohol on it... just kidding... but I am taking two glasses of wine as needed. And using ointment in my eye.  Is there any word that sounds dirtier than ointment? Oh yeah... and fuck blinking.

    Also, you shouldn't have started this game...

    I'll go with "moist"

    I choose the word bucket. It's not disgusting sounding, it's just awful sounding. Moist is pretty disgusting sounding.

    I'm sorry you scratched your eye! Good luck at the opthalmology appt tomorrow - I had one today and they dilated my eyes and ohhhh so much light and my head hurts.

    image   image   image

  • Is there anything worse than scratching your eye? Apparently, I cut it really bad (as far as eyes go).  It's been bleeding. I went to the doctor's and she said no contacts for a week, and I have an infection (common with eye scratches).  UM... crap!  I only have good vision with my contacts.  My vision is so terrible, that when I have glasses, the lenses need to be thinned three times to be able to close the arms of the frames. This distorts my peripheral vision and I only have clear vision looking straight ahead. It messes with my depth perception, and makes driving difficult.
       I have an opthalmology appt. tomorrow, to make sure my vision will be okay. Until then, I am putting alcohol on it... just kidding... but I am taking two glasses of wine as needed. And using ointment in my eye.  Is there any word that sounds dirtier than ointment? Oh yeah... and fuck blinking.
    Are you on antibiotics?  I hate to be a debbie downer buzzkiller, but I don't think you're supposed to mix them with booze.  :(

    Gross words: armpit, fart, tutee (when you are a tutor, it's what you call the person you tutor), dipthong, ummm...seeing these typed out makes me see that I probably just don't like any bathroom sounding words...

  • Aw shit. Forgot about that. It's a topical antibiotic, though, like Neosporin. DO you think that matters?  I'll be a good girl, tomorrow.

    What are other gross words, ladies? I am submitting lisp as an asshole word. If you have a lisp, it is the cruelest word to pronounce.
  • smichek said:
    Is there anything worse than scratching your eye? Apparently, I cut it really bad (as far as eyes go).  It's been bleeding. I went to the doctor's and she said no contacts for a week, and I have an infection (common with eye scratches).  UM... crap!  I only have good vision with my contacts.  My vision is so terrible, that when I have glasses, the lenses need to be thinned three times to be able to close the arms of the frames. This distorts my peripheral vision and I only have clear vision looking straight ahead. It messes with my depth perception, and makes driving difficult.
       I have an opthalmology appt. tomorrow, to make sure my vision will be okay. Until then, I am putting alcohol on it... just kidding... but I am taking two glasses of wine as needed. And using ointment in my eye.  Is there any word that sounds dirtier than ointment? Oh yeah... and fuck blinking.
    Are you on antibiotics?  I hate to be a debbie downer buzzkiller, but I don't think you're supposed to mix them with booze.  :(

    Gross words: armpit, fart, tutee (when you are a tutor, it's what you call the person you tutor), dipthong, ummm...seeing these typed out makes me see that I probably just don't like any bathroom sounding words...
    What the hell is a dipthong? Is this an insult like douche nozzle?
    Bahahaha, well, I spelled it wrong, it's diphthong, but pronounced dip-thong.  It's when you have two vowels in one syllable, but they make two sounds.  I was taught to remember that like this "You have one butt (syllable), and two sounds (each cheek.)"

    oi/oy/ay/ou are all examples.  Look at "toy."  You make a round shape with your mouth for the "o" part, but end with an "ee" sound. 

    So, unless you're a language nerd, it's not nearly as exciting as douch nozzle ;)

  • Aw shit. Forgot about that. It's a topical antibiotic, though, like Neosporin. DO you think that matters?  I'll be a good girl, tomorrow.

    What are other gross words, ladies? I am submitting lisp as an asshole word. If you have a lisp, it is the cruelest word to pronounce.
    I think a Neosporin type would be fine. I think it's only like oral ones and stuff. I would check the tube and ask your doctor to be safe though.

    I had an eye injury last year. My husband was in a deep sleep, he rolled over and punched me in the eye. I didn't even wake up. When I finally woke up there was blood on the inside and outside of my eye and we were trying to figure out what happened. I lost some peripheral vision and some distance vision (which was going anyway since I started wearing glasses at fourteen). But since it was right before Halloween, I made the most of my eye patch and went as a pirate.
  • Puce, disgusting sounding and the meaning.

    Hope you feel better soon OP! GL tomorrow at your appt!
  • Scratching my eye is legitimately one of my worst fears.  Every time a piece of paper comes close to my eye I flinch.  

    Hope you feel better!  

  • Aw shit. Forgot about that. It's a topical antibiotic, though, like Neosporin. DO you think that matters?  I'll be a good girl, tomorrow.

    What are other gross words, ladies? I am submitting lisp as an asshole word. If you have a lisp, it is the cruelest word to pronounce.
    Meh, I'm no doctor.  :)  But you're seeing one tomorrow, right?  I'm sure it'll be fine!

    And "lisp" made me think of another one.  Aspergers.  Yep.  I don't mean it to be cruel, but who the hell thought they should name a condition something that sounds like ass burger?  And let's be real, kids afflicted with that are already more prone to bullying and teasing, and that name is just fuel for the fire.  So awful.

  • Aw shit. Forgot about that. It's a topical antibiotic, though, like Neosporin. DO you think that matters?  I'll be a good girl, tomorrow.

    What are other gross words, ladies? I am submitting lisp as an asshole word. If you have a lisp, it is the cruelest word to pronounce.
    I am excited on your behalf that you did not get stuck with prednisone eyedrops. Ugh those are the GNARLIEST. Not because of how they make your eyes feel, which is basically nothing, but because they drip down the back of your sinus cavity and then you can TASTE IT. It's so bitter and horrifying, the only way I could handle it was to either shotgun a coke or hammer down half a giant carton of orange juice. It was not pretty.

    I'm the fuck

  • Can you get numbing eye drops? Those are the shit
  • I scratched my eye with the corner of a potato chip bag while running through the Paris metro. Not a fun experience trying to not get lost in a foreign county while half blind. Lucky it didn't bleed, just hurt like hell and teared up really bad.

    I hate when people refer to cream cheese as "shmear." I just think of an old man gyno with a lisp doing a pap smear then eating a bagel.

  • edited November 2014
    I scratched my eye with the corner of a potato chip bag while running through the Paris metro. Not a fun experience trying to not get lost in a foreign county while half blind. Lucky it didn't bleed, just hurt like hell and teared up really bad. I hate when people refer to cream cheese as "shmear." I just think of an old man gyno with a lisp doing a pap smear then eating a bagel.
    Lolo, I am dying of laughter over here.

    I didn't always have a lisp, but I almost completely bit my tongue off as a kid. It had to be reattached, and I have limited feeling on the tip of my tongue.  The kids were cruel when I came back to school and spoke differently.  They would get me to say lisp over and over and laugh at me.  No worries, though.  H says it's cute as hell.
  • I scratched my eye with the corner of a potato chip bag while running through the Paris metro. Not a fun experience trying to not get lost in a foreign county while half blind. Lucky it didn't bleed, just hurt like hell and teared up really bad.

    I hate when people refer to cream cheese as "shmear." I just think of an old man gyno with a lisp doing a pap smear then eating a bagel.

    I cannot go to Einsteins Bagels ever again. Damn you lolo.

    image   image   image

  • I scratched my eye with the corner of a potato chip bag while running through the Paris metro. Not a fun experience trying to not get lost in a foreign county while half blind. Lucky it didn't bleed, just hurt like hell and teared up really bad. I hate when people refer to cream cheese as "shmear." I just think of an old man gyno with a lisp doing a pap smear then eating a bagel.
    I cannot go to Einsteins Bagels ever again. Damn you lolo.
    Seriously can't stop laughing.  H thinks I hit the wine too hard. Lol.

  • I scratched my eye with the corner of a potato chip bag while running through the Paris metro. Not a fun experience trying to not get lost in a foreign county while half blind. Lucky it didn't bleed, just hurt like hell and teared up really bad.

    I hate when people refer to cream cheese as "shmear." I just think of an old man gyno with a lisp doing a pap smear then eating a bagel.

    I cannot go to Einsteins Bagels ever again. Damn you lolo.

    Seriously can't stop laughing.  H thinks I hit the wine too hard. Lol.

    Gagging Ew Ew Ew. Did you have to have him eating a bagel after her exam? Like, what did he put on the bagel? This is why I'm so grossed out. Ew Ew Ew Ew.

    image   image   image

  • asshole word: coxsackie virus

    And that children commonly get it.
  • Wow, I don't play in the same "blind" game the rest of you do. My prescription is -14.25 in my right eye and -15.25 in my left eye. I'm correctable to 20/25 and can wear contacts, but I prefer my glasses.

    And I have no gross words tonight.

    Hope your eye heals soon!
  • lc07 said:
    asshole word: coxsackie virus

    And that children commonly get it.

    I spent a lot of my childhood in Coxsackie!

    Never got, or heard of, the virus though.


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  • luckya23 said:
    lc07 said:
    asshole word: coxsackie virus

    And that children commonly get it.

    I spent a lot of my childhood in Coxsackie!

    Never got, or heard of, the virus though.

    They also call it "Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease"

  • That sucks!!  I hate eye wounds.  Every time you blink it hurts.  I scratched my eye the night before one of my BFF's wedding.  I was in her WP.  Contacts actually helped the next day cos I wasn't blinking over it all the time, but I didn't have an infection either.  My eye was all red, puffy and watering for her photos.  I felt horrible.  How did you do it??

  • I have no idea. Maybe it was something like this...
  • After surgery for detached retina, my doctor had me keep the eye closed for 24 hours.  Maybe keeping it closed tonight would help?
  • edited November 2014
    I asked the doctor if I had to wear an eye patch, because usually, with your eye closed, it aids in the healing process. The doctor told me not to do that, but I meet with an opthalmologist, today. Closing my eye feels like I have a ninja trapped beneath my eyelid. No sleep for me, tonight,  But I am happy that the medication no longer stings, which probably means it's working on the infection, and my eye is starting to heal.  Pirate happy dance
  • Oh you poor thing, I hope it heals fast! Here:

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