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Do you believe in signs?

I believe in signs from people who have passed away.  For instance, before my grandma passed away she used to sit and watch birds for hours from her bed when she was home with Hospice.  At her burial, we saw a white bird feather roll across her stone.  From that day, whenever something big happens in our family,someone tends to see a white feather rolling around.  It's comforting.

Yesterday,my mother and I were making service arraignments with my aunt.  Her husband passed in August out of state where they were living at the time.  She has since moved back and wants to do a service here for family and friends that couldn't make that one.  Her daughter wouldn't go with her (don't get me started on that!!) so my mother and I offered to take her.  When we were talking about music options, live or background etc. she was starting to get overwhelmed so I asked her what was my uncle's favorite. . . . what did he like to listen to?  She said he always listened to Garth Brooks, he was his favorite.  I suggested playing some of his music in the background.  We continue planning for about 30 minutes or so.  When we were done we got into my mother's car to leave.  She listens to the current country station.  As soon as we started backing out of the parking spot, Garth Brooks "To make you feel my love" came on.  Goosebumps!!!!!!!!

Re: Do you believe in signs?

  • I don't believe in signs so much (I probably would if I had experienced ones like yours, though) but I do believe in things falling into place in extremely precise ways for specific outcomes.

    For example, I had to drive an hour and a half on a major highway to go pick up my wedding dress. I tried it on and it was too tight, which made me really upset. I was driving back home in the dark, and because I was upset I forgot to get gas before I got back on the highway. I was staying in the left lane the entire time on purpose, because it was dark and deer might be hopping out of the woods so I thought it was safer.
    Then my gas light went on. There's one particular gas station I always stop at, but for some reason on this night I went to one I never want to go to because it's a truck stop, and it's on the right. The one I would normally go to is on the left. Because I went to a gas station on the right side, I pulled back out into the right lane. For some reason I stayed in the right lane, even though I thought to myself that I should get back over to the left. I don't know why I didn't move back over to the left.

    A couple miles down the highway, I'm going 70 miles per hour, and suddenly I look over and there is a dark gray SUV, NO tail lights on, STOPPED in the middle of the left lane. I didn't see it at all until I was already going past it. No idea why it was stopped there or why its tail lights were off. Maybe it had hit a deer? I don't know. If I had been in the left lane I wouldn't slammed into head-on at full force, going 70. I would have been dead.

    If I hadn't been upset over my wedding dress, I would have gotten gas before I was on the highway, and if I hadn't randomly gone to the gas station I didn't like, I would've stayed in the left lane the whole way. For the next couple days after that I kept thinking "Holy shit I could be dead right now. Everything that has happened to me wouldn't have happened. I could really be dead." It is a really fucking bizarre feeling to have.
  • I'm the same way as @Novella1186

    Thinking of the way DH and I met is just a series of events and decisions and somehow we met.  Quick story: we had a mutual friend.  Said friend invited me to a gathering but I wasn't planning to go because I'd be late and I knew I wouldn't know anyone.  Last minute I decided to go even though I'd missed a majority of it bc I felt like I needed to at least stop by.  DH was there and was just getting ready to leave but forgot something and went back inside to get it.  I showed up and we met and bam.  A few minutes either way on either of our parts and we wouldn't have met.

    There are other things but that's always the story that comes to mind!

  • I totally believe in signs.  We say that my Nana (mom's mom) comes out thru the lights.  Whenever we would talk about her at home the kitchen light flickers.

    When I was trying on wedding dresses it happened too.  At the bridal salon as soon as I tried on the dress I wound up wearing.  The consultant dressed me, I walked out to my mom they put on a veil and I stepped up on the little platform and the light flickered.  I looked at my mom and she looked and me and we both started crying.

    Last week I was driving home from work and asked for a sign and a giant rainbow appeared over the highway.  Sounds crazy but I believe in it.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I absolutely believe in signs.  My maternal grandma was a short lady, always in heels.  The day she died, after we got home we noticed we had a message. All the message was was the sound of high heels walking away.
  • I absolutely believe in signs.  My maternal grandma was a short lady, always in heels.  The day she died, after we got home we noticed we had a message. All the message was was the sound of high heels walking away.
    that is scary!!!!
  • I'm not really sure, but I kind of want to since my mom died. 

    The day of her funeral, my stepdad saw this beautiful albino bird. Can't remember what kind of bird, but a white bird in a flock of brown ones. Everyone said it was a sign from mom and blah blah blah.

    The same day I saw a black squirrel. Not pretty, not magnificent. Just this black ass squirrel. I laughed and said out loud "what the fuck, mom, really?".

    I do dream about my mom a lot. Almost every day right after she died. We had a Bears game a few weeks after she died and I usually get all my shit together the night before. I had a dream where she brought me a hat. I had totally forgotten my hat. Shit like that has happened a few times already. 
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • I absolutely believe in signs.  My maternal grandma was a short lady, always in heels.  The day she died, after we got home we noticed we had a message. All the message was was the sound of high heels walking away.
    Omg. That is kind of awesome but.. wow....
  • I'm similar to @novella1186 and @I9i. There have been a couple of days when I just don't want to get out of bed, so I sleep in and go into work later, which is very unusual for me. Almost every day that happens there was a very bad accident on the highway at a certain spot and time that I would normally be at if I had followed my normal schedule. The same with meeting DH. My ex was a massive jerk but my relationship with him and the aftermath directly lead to me signing up for eHarmony. I almost missed meeting DH twice there.

  • Totally do. I hear the Beatles songs, In My Life, and Blackbird, as well as see the number 23. All have strong ties with my dad and show up when we're either talking about him or I'm thinking of him. 


  • Not really. I don't believe in ghosts or an afterlife so there's that. I've never seen anything, felt anything, or heard anything to convince me otherwise. I do wish people wouldn't act shocked when I tell them that though haha.
  • Yes, I believe in signs. I have a phantom telephone that rings me awake at night, whenever something significant is about to happen. My late SIL had the same sign. We were my MILs caregivers before she went into a nursing home. Whenever that lady was about to go to the emergency room or get into some kind of trouble, we'd get those calls. I got a 'call' the night before she fell on some ice and sliced her arm open, the night before she passed out in her yard, the night before she forgot her stove on etc...She's in a nursing home now, thank God, and the calls have let up.

    A friend and  I care for elderly people in their homes, a job that I love. We  took care of our last client for over a year and had grown close to him and his family. The night before his health took a sudden and unexpected turn for the worse, that phone woke me up. His daughter was convinced that a visit to the doctor to have his meds tweaked would fix her dad. She had been through this before. I knew it was the end because of the damned phone call. That night he was admitted to the hospital. and transferred to a hospice room the next day. He passed away the day after that.

    I don't talk to anyone about the phone because it sounds nutty.

  • I definitely do. My grandpa and I had a thing with snails. My best friend died a month before my 26th birthday and I didn't want to do anything, I was grieving. Well, my friends, including her sister took me out. Before I left the house I went outside for a bit. Right in front of me on the floor is a big snail next to a little snail and I knew it was my grandpa comforting me.

    Also, right after my best friend died, my FI, then bf, took me to canada to visit his family. Like maybe 2 days later. I didn't want to go, but he thought it would help me, so I went. I spent one night just looking at pictures of my friend on fb. The phone froze and fb shut off. A few minutes later after I had given up with the phone, my favorite picture of her and I pops up... Not the picture I was looking at. The phone goes crazy and shows different pictures of her and I. Again, super fucking weird because I was not looking at pictures of her and I together. I know she was there trying to comfort me by reminding me of the good times we had together. 

    I more "feel" those people who have passed. I'll be in a room and just feel like someone is watching me. For the most part, I can't explain it at all, but the people who visit me the most are my paternal grandfather and my maternal grandmother. I was not close to my grandma which always makes me wonder why she watches me, but hopefully she's watching all the other grandchildren too.   

    I also swear that my dog has met my childhood dogs. The way he gets sometimes is so out of character that there has to be something making him act so differently. 

    Am I crazy? Yeah probably. Do I need therapy? Yeah, probably. But I'm sure no matter what I'll continue sensing my loved ones who have passed. 
  • Coming from a I definitely believe in signs. My grandfather is with me all the time and I am just sure of it. I can feel it.


    My grandfather had a huge sweet tooth and would always eat black licorice and peppermints. I will randomly smell black licorice and peppermint when I am down or if something exciting happens.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited November 2014
    My grandma had taken her life, on Christmas Eve, one year. I wrote her a eulogy, and was having a hard time reading it.  In her eulogy, I had mentioned that my favorite memory of her, growing up was she would make us peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I was so overcome with emotion when I read this line I almost fainted. It felt as if a warm hand held my hand and pulled me up. Then I was smelling peanut butter.  Only my sisters and I could smell the peanut butter. 
      Every time I am feeling low, and missing her, someone will be playing Amazing Grace. It was her favorite song and her namesake. When my niece was born, my sister named her Madelynn Grace.  The day she was born, I smelled my Grandma's perfume (Beautiful by Estee Lauder). Then, on the tv, they were playing amazing grace.  At that very moment, my niece was born. 
      On my wedding day, I was in a rush getting ready. I was at the hotel, and saw my Grandmother's perfume bottle on the dresser. I didn't bring it, so I asked how it got there.  My bridesmaid said something told her to bring it, even though she knew I had all ready packed my perfume. I cried tears of joy, because I know my grandma was there watching me on my wedding day.
  • I don't believe in signs in the sense that they come from an external force- but I believe entirely in the extremely intense power of the brain to work to cope, make sense of things, assign meaning to coincidence and notice patterns. I believe that you see white feathers because you are looking for meaning. And if it brings you comfort, that's fantastic, keep doing it. 

    Here's some cool info on some of the inner workings of the mind:
  • SBmini said:
    I don't believe in signs in the sense that they come from an external force- but I believe entirely in the extremely intense power of the brain to work to cope, make sense of things, assign meaning to coincidence and notice patterns. I believe that you see white feathers because you are looking for meaning. And if it brings you comfort, that's fantastic, keep doing it. 

    Here's some cool info on some of the inner workings of the mind:
    DH calls it finding comfort in coincidences. . . . I'll take it!
  • I don't believe in signs so much (I probably would if I had experienced ones like yours, though) but I do believe in things falling into place in extremely precise ways for specific outcomes.

    For example, I had to drive an hour and a half on a major highway to go pick up my wedding dress. I tried it on and it was too tight, which made me really upset. I was driving back home in the dark, and because I was upset I forgot to get gas before I got back on the highway. I was staying in the left lane the entire time on purpose, because it was dark and deer might be hopping out of the woods so I thought it was safer.
    Then my gas light went on. There's one particular gas station I always stop at, but for some reason on this night I went to one I never want to go to because it's a truck stop, and it's on the right. The one I would normally go to is on the left. Because I went to a gas station on the right side, I pulled back out into the right lane. For some reason I stayed in the right lane, even though I thought to myself that I should get back over to the left. I don't know why I didn't move back over to the left.

    A couple miles down the highway, I'm going 70 miles per hour, and suddenly I look over and there is a dark gray SUV, NO tail lights on, STOPPED in the middle of the left lane. I didn't see it at all until I was already going past it. No idea why it was stopped there or why its tail lights were off. Maybe it had hit a deer? I don't know. If I had been in the left lane I wouldn't slammed into head-on at full force, going 70. I would have been dead.

    If I hadn't been upset over my wedding dress, I would have gotten gas before I was on the highway, and if I hadn't randomly gone to the gas station I didn't like, I would've stayed in the left lane the whole way. For the next couple days after that I kept thinking "Holy shit I could be dead right now. Everything that has happened to me wouldn't have happened. I could really be dead." It is a really fucking bizarre feeling to have.
    I think it's important to have gratitude over things like this and appreciate that the wedding dress not fitting correctly was something to be grateful for in this case because it lead to you making different choices and ultimately being safe. But I don't like to believe that it's a sign from the universe or God or anything. Because I don't believe that my brother in law's mother who was killed in a senseless head on collision was any less worthy of intervention to prevent that from happening to her. I think for her it was bad luck. Wrong place, wrong time.
  • lc07 said:
    I don't believe in signs so much (I probably would if I had experienced ones like yours, though) but I do believe in things falling into place in extremely precise ways for specific outcomes.

    For example, I had to drive an hour and a half on a major highway to go pick up my wedding dress. I tried it on and it was too tight, which made me really upset. I was driving back home in the dark, and because I was upset I forgot to get gas before I got back on the highway. I was staying in the left lane the entire time on purpose, because it was dark and deer might be hopping out of the woods so I thought it was safer.
    Then my gas light went on. There's one particular gas station I always stop at, but for some reason on this night I went to one I never want to go to because it's a truck stop, and it's on the right. The one I would normally go to is on the left. Because I went to a gas station on the right side, I pulled back out into the right lane. For some reason I stayed in the right lane, even though I thought to myself that I should get back over to the left. I don't know why I didn't move back over to the left.

    A couple miles down the highway, I'm going 70 miles per hour, and suddenly I look over and there is a dark gray SUV, NO tail lights on, STOPPED in the middle of the left lane. I didn't see it at all until I was already going past it. No idea why it was stopped there or why its tail lights were off. Maybe it had hit a deer? I don't know. If I had been in the left lane I wouldn't slammed into head-on at full force, going 70. I would have been dead.

    If I hadn't been upset over my wedding dress, I would have gotten gas before I was on the highway, and if I hadn't randomly gone to the gas station I didn't like, I would've stayed in the left lane the whole way. For the next couple days after that I kept thinking "Holy shit I could be dead right now. Everything that has happened to me wouldn't have happened. I could really be dead." It is a really fucking bizarre feeling to have.
    I think it's important to have gratitude over things like this and appreciate that the wedding dress not fitting correctly was something to be grateful for in this case because it lead to you making different choices and ultimately being safe. But I don't like to believe that it's a sign from the universe or God or anything. Because I don't believe that my brother in law's mother who was killed in a senseless head on collision was any less worthy of intervention to prevent that from happening to her. I think for her it was bad luck. Wrong place, wrong time.
    Yeah my best friend died in a car accident when we were teenagers. Wrong place, wrong time, bad set of circumstances (icy roads). That solidified my atheism. But sometimes when a whole series of odd events happen that lead to a specific outcome that wouldn't otherwise have happened, it makes me wonder. They say humans used to have something like psychic abilities to help them sense danger (we're talking way back in caveman days) for the sake of self-preservation because things were so dangerous, and a little bit of residual effects could be left in modern humans. So did I have some weird 6th sense thing that night and didn't realize it? Who knows.
  • I don't necessarily believe in signs, although sometimes I flirt with the idea. 


    I don't really believe in an afterlife, but I feel compelled to visit my great aunt's grave from time to time, and to plant flowers and keep the place generally tidy. I sometimes talk to her while I do it. I'm always sure I'm just talking into the air, but it feels nice, anyway, and comforting. So a few years ago, I was having a really hard time making some major life decisions, and because she was a spitfire of a woman who lived her own damn life and accepted zero bullshit about any of her choices, I went to her grave. I was cleaning up leaves and chatting with her about my life as usual, and I said "you know, it would be great if you could just give me a sign, if you're actually listening." The next time I put my hand down, I found a green marble. I have no fucking clue what that means, but I find the goddamn things all the time (at places other than the cemetery, where she's never been, etc.), usually when I'm having a really hard time coping with life. 

  • Rotfl. Love it!
  • ashley8918ashley8918 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited November 2014
    I believe in absolutely zero woowoo shit whatsoever ( @Beethery: Why, yes, I did shamelessly steal that phrase forever.)

    Ghosts, signs, the healing powers of incense.... NOPE. None of it.
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