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Taco Night! (advice needed)

First I want to share that this morning while I was looking at my TimeHop app (which I use to look at and rarely ever post... I mean I already posted this stuff before) I saw that 2 years ago on this date I posted an instagram photo of my taco fixins and 4 years ago on this date I had a status of simply "Tacos!" and lo and behold H and I had already planned a taco night tonight (we haven't had tacos in months!) weird right? November 14th is an important taco day to me I guess.

Anyways, I know there was a post about Mexican sides... which was great. But I am stuck at my taco fixins now. H and I are creatures of habit and always use the same 6 items... meet, cheese, tomatoes, onions, guacamole and sour cream (H may use hot sauce too) and we just love it. But we are having guests over tonight and I am beyond excited to FINALLY use our Lazy Susan we got as a wedding gift (as a kid our taco nights were always at the dinner table with all the fixins in the lazy susan. H and I always just get up and make one at the counter each time... not ideal for hosting). 

So the meat will go in it's own bigger dish.... so that leaves me with an empty spot on my lazy susan (6 dishes that fit on it). So I need some suggestions on what other people like on their tacos (I already told our guests what we already got and they didn't add anything....) Things I have seen - lettuce, refried beans, black olives.... thoughts? 


Re: Taco Night! (advice needed)

  • Lettuce - I always have lettuce on my tacos! 

  • Corn? 

    I only ever add sour cream, cheese, tomatoes, and guac. 
  • I normally do meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, black olives. 

    I would put the cheese in another larger dish (because more cheese) and do black olives and shredded lettuce. If you're not olive people, maybe a corn salsa?

  • Pico!!!!
    Isn't that just tomatoes and onions?

  • sarawifenowsarawifenow member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited November 2014
    Isn't that just tomatoes and onions?

    And jalapenos, and cilantro, and lime, and spices, and




    ETA I like this recipe but use red tomatoes and jalepenos instead of seranos.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I do- meat, cheese, sour cream, sliced avocado (don't really love it when it's guac)

    DH does- meat, cheese, salsa.

    We add white rice if it's a soft shell, but I guess that's more of a fajita/burrito.



  • Lettuce for sure.

    When I am feeling fancy I also saute peppers and onions fajita style to go on my tacos because I love them.
  • It sort of transforms it away from tacos and into burrito land, but I like to make a box mix of red beans & rice.  I do that because we aren't big veggie eaters in my house, so it helps fill us up faster with less tacos.
  • I always do lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and sour cream. 
  • Always cilantro, black beans, and corn. Mmmmmmmm
  • I think your fixings depend a lot on the meat- if you're using taco seasoning I would do things much differently than if you're serving carne asada.

    My Mexican ILs serve tacos with carne asada, salsa (usually tomatillo, not tomato), cilantro, and onion. That's it.

    I grew up with ground beef with taco seasonings, the fixings you mentioned plus olives, lettuce, and retried beans.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Cilantro, onions, cheese, guacamole, tomatoes (for SO, not for me), and lettuce.  I usually make rice as a side dish when I make tacos, and the guacamole can go with chips and on the taco itself.  

    And now I know what I'm making for dinner tomorrow.  

  • I'm a pescetarian so I love tacos with beans or shrimp (little baby ones) instead of meat. And lettuce is a must, adds a great crunch!

    Formerly martha1818


  • I take a soft taco shell and melt cheese on it. Use the cheese like glue to stick it to the outside of a hard taco to do a soft on the outside, crispy on the inside shell. It's AMAZING. 

    Inside = meat (maybe use your extra space to do chicken and beef to have meat options?), diced tomatoes or salsa, avocado slices, shredded cheese, onion, lettuce, jalapeños 
  • OOooo or screw chicken and do ground beef as one option and pulled pork tacos as the other option.
  • I vary it up some but some of my favorites are sliced avocados, any kind of salsa or pico (including corn, black bean, fruits or different mixes of veggies -but always homemade!), sauteed veggies (a must in my vegetarian world!), and beans!

    On a normal night I do sauteed veggies and Quorn Chik'n, fresh tomatoes, sour cream, cheese and if avocados if they are fresh. Topped with hot sauce and rolled up in a soft tortilla! Mmmm...
  • another vote for shredded lettuce!  that's a must for my tacos.  FI loves refried beans with his.
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