First I want to share that this morning while I was looking at my TimeHop app (which I use to look at and rarely ever post... I mean I already posted this stuff before) I saw that 2 years ago on this date I posted an instagram photo of my taco fixins and 4 years ago on this date I had a status of simply "Tacos!" and lo and behold H and I had already planned a taco night tonight (we haven't had tacos in months!) weird right? November 14th is an important taco day to me I guess.
Anyways, I know there was a post about Mexican sides... which was great. But I am stuck at my taco fixins now. H and I are creatures of habit and always use the same 6 items... meet, cheese, tomatoes, onions, guacamole and sour cream (H may use hot sauce too) and we just love it. But we are having guests over tonight and I am beyond excited to FINALLY use our Lazy Susan we got as a wedding gift (as a kid our taco nights were always at the dinner table with all the fixins in the lazy susan. H and I always just get up and make one at the counter each time... not ideal for hosting).
So the meat will go in it's own bigger dish.... so that leaves me with an empty spot on my lazy susan (6 dishes that fit on it). So I need some suggestions on what other people like on their tacos (I already told our guests what we already got and they didn't add anything....) Things I have seen - lettuce, refried beans, black olives.... thoughts?