I just need to vent [mostly] anonymously if you ladies can put up with me for a minute.
I'm having a pretty hard time adjusting to my new job. I love the work-- hours can go by and I won't even realize it. I love the people. It's just that the demands are so high and the hours are so long, it doesn't leave a lot of room for anything else. I just put in my timesheet for last week and I worked an average of 11 hours per day. That's on top of constantly being "available" on my phone. I'm never "off." It's making it really hard to take care of other stuff in my life, like my relationship and my house and my health. It sucks. What's even worse is that I know I'm considered to have a normal to light schedule by office standards; things could get much worse if I'm on a trial or a very demanding case, which I'm not.
You saw my health drama with my oral surgery (that wasn't) on Monday. Additionally, I just tried to restart physical therapy for my joint pain and I was so excited-- until they told me no, it isn't $55 per session like we said over the phone, it's $104 per session. And I have a high-deductible plan, which of course restarts in January, so there's no way I can afford $104 2x or 3x per week right now. I just called another office closer to home, thinking outside of Manhattan it would be the same price, and they are $100 per visit. I think the best I can do is at least wait until January so I'm paying into the 2015 deductible and I have more HSA contributions built up (my employer also contributes to my HSA which is nice). JFC.
I have basically gotten nothing done for the wedding since this summer. And now with all my health expenses, I'm freaking out that we are going to be short on cash to pay for everything when the date gets closer. Fi is resisting limiting his family invite list (and still needs to send out his friends' STDs.... oy vey). FPILs once again brought up that we "might" be able to use their Aruba timeshare for our honeymoon, but I'm too busy and Fi is too shy to actually get details from them right now, so we have no honeymoon booked. I am so excited for the wedding but it's just starting to become another headache on top of everything else.
Part of what's getting me, too, is that I've been so busy at work I can't keep up with my gym habit as much as I'd normally like. Fi just suggested I go to the gym in the morning on my way to the office (yes, I'm probably working 7-8 hours tomorrow at least) but no, my gym is closed on the weekends because it caters to business people. RAWR! Lawyers work on the weekends, too!
And I know a lot of this is FWP. Not necessarily the health problems-- but balancing the cost with a wedding, yup. I just feel really overwhelmed with work, and health, and wedding stuff. I want to hide in a corner.
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."