October 2015 Weddings


Any other 10/11/15 brides? Has anyone given you grief for having it in the middle of a holiday weekend? Someone on another board told me that it's rude to plan a wedding for a Sunday on a holiday weekend, but I have to disagree with her. I don't think Columbus Day counts. Anyway, October books up so fast (especially with the beautiful New England foliage!) and it was a blessing to even get a date in October! Most of the venues I've looked at are all booked up. Excited to see if anyone else has the same date!

Re: 10/11/15

  • We have that Saturday for our date.  I honestly didn't even remember that it was a holiday weekend....I'm with you, Columbus Day only counts as a holiday for the government, banks, and schools. Wait, do kids even have off on Columbus Day? I don't know.

    We were more concerned with the fact that the day we REALLY wanted (10/17) was UW Madison's homecoming football game and there would be no hotel rooms anywhere in town.
  • @heynowgirl I'm pretty sure most schools do recognize it, but I think it varies from state to state. 
  • Seriously? It's "rude" to plan a wedding on a Sun? Umm, anyways!!! My wedding is on a Thursday evening. I have no problems with that, but then again, our wedding will be small.
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  • @vegasbride2015 I know, right?! That's what I said. People were being so ridiculous, saying I was inconsiderate and a cheapskate. But seriously... no date is ever going to be convenient for every single guest. People need to get a grip and stop being so critical. We're happy with our choice and that's what counts!
  • It's your wedding and your day!!
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  • Oh YAY! A board for my wedding day :)

    How far is everyone in their planning????

    As far as it being a holiday weekend. We didn't even realize it until after we booked our venue. Some of the comments left on boards can very rude. Utter shock sometimes by the things people say!

    Anyways happy planning to my 10/11/15 brides!!!!
  • @knottie59019565 I hear you! I've learned to ignore it. People on here love to think that their opinion is always right and that everyone else is *rude* for disagreeing. Whatever! What it all comes down to is that everyone who matters to us is supportive of our choice of date and can't wait to celebrate with us. 

    We have our bridal party, photographer, a friend has offered to do flowers as a gift (she RULES! and we are so appreciative), most likely the venue (date being held--haven't signed  or paid deposit yet, but we've been in constant phone contact and they're still holding the date), and my dress. We've chosen Save the Dates, but will wait until the contract is signed. We've selected a few favor ideas and saved decoration ideas as well. We're planning to ask a friend to be the officiant. 

    Happy planning! :)
  • Y'all are being very nice about it because my response would be "well we were hoping to lower the guest count given it's a holiday weekend...." and just smile.....

    Ok, maybe I wouldn't, but it would go through my head....

    With that being said we are having ours 10/10/15 with the intentions of hopefully more guests getting an extra day off that weekend for a "not so celebrated" holiday, which is a big deal to us since about half our guest list comes from out of state.
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  • I had to have mine on a Sunday. Religious ceremonies prevent weddings from taking place until sundown which in October could mean past 7, which will make the majority of my guests cranky
  • @bride2b71614 Yeah, people just don't understand that everyone's needs are different. Nobody's wedding is going to be "perfect timing" for everyone. You work with what you have and make the best of it, and those who love and care about you will be there to celebrate! :) Best of luck with your planning!
  • My date has changed due to an error on the venue's part, but we're getting a sweet deal to make up for their mixup, so I guess it's cool. :-/ I was just really excited for Columbus Day weekend... oh well! 10/4/15 it is!
  • edited February 2015
    I'm a 10/11 bride. I had no idea it was Columbus day the day after- I'm more worried about Oktoberfest making hotel accommodations difficult- ha ha!

    I don't consider CD much of a holiday unless you work for the government or are in grade/high school.
  • My wedding is on 10/10 and my birthday is on 10/11. This will be the best weekend ever! (That and the Mr. to be won't have too much to forget every year.)

    I come up with the holiday schedule at my job each year, and usually we don't have Columbus Day off as a holiday, but this year we do. :)
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