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Who likes board games?

I'm looking for some recommendations on board games that two adults can enjoy. DH taught me a few variations of poker, and I've heard Cards Against Humanity is great but I've never played.

I'm in the mood to buy some games. It's all dark and icky outside and besides going to the gym after work, I'm sick of us vegging on the couch zoning out to TV. 

What do you recommend? Thank you! 


Re: Who likes board games?

  • What kind of games are we talking about here? ;)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Cards Against Humanity is awesome, but it's best played with more than two people.

    DH and I enjoy Scrabble and Boggle. In group settings, I like Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity, Game of Things, and Cranium.

  • H and I get into Quirkle a lot - that's a good game that is fun for 2 players, and is still good for 3+ players, too.

    Group games - Apples to Apples, Boxers or Briefs, Scattegories
  • Yes, what kind of board games do you like? DH and I are really into board games so we have a lot.

    Would you like some cooperative games where you have to work together to beat the game? DH and I play Castle Panic (with the expansion Wizard Tower) quite a bit. We also really enjoy Forbidden Desert. Those are good starter games.

    Some competitive games we like are Takenoko, Tsuro of the Seas, and Betrayal at House on the Hill (which starts out co-op and then goes competitive).

    A "lighter" game we enjoy is Quirkle, which is like a combination of dominoes and scrabble. A great party game is Dixit, which is like Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity but with pictures instead of words.
  • DH is obsessed with boardgames and almost all our storage space is filled with his games so if there are any games you're looking at and want an opinion I've probably played it. PPs have made some good suggestions. If you are looking for something a little different I would recommend Settlers of Catan, Pandemic (cooperative game), St. Petersburg, Carcassonne and Killer Bunnies.

  • Ticket to Ride!

    My SO is really into board games, but I am not, so that is one of the few I have gotten into.

    Also trailer park wars, but that's a bit more random.


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  • Cards Against Humanity is really fun, but definitely meant for more than two people. I'm a trivia nerd, so I love stuff like trivial pursuit. Last year for Christmas, as a joke, my sister got me Pretty Pretty Princess and we made our dad play with us. It was awesome.

    I also love Battle of the Sexes just cuz some of the questions are ridiculous and I always win. Again, a trivia game.
  • edited November 2014
    I can't wait to read more of these. I love board games but not my FI's thing. He plays though to make me happy. Not a lot of 2 player games out there if you can't spell (FI is a horrible speller- we're having "chickan" for dinner next week).

    ETF: punctuation.
  • I agree with all pps! I also love sorry! That game is light and fun plus its very easy to learn.
  • edited November 2014
    If you want some more information about the games I listed, plus some of the ones @LadyMillil and @luckya23 listed, check out Wil Wheaton's Table Top show on You Tube (on the Geek & Sundry channel). That show is Will and other celebrities playing different board games. He explains the basic rules of the games and you can watch a play through to get an idea of whether it is a game you would enjoy or not.

    ETF: autocorrect misspelled Wil's name.
  • I love board games. I agree with PPs that Cards Against Humanity is more fun with a lot of people. I also agree with the cooperative games. My FI and I love Pandemic. Just the two of us have played it and it was a lot of fun. Yahtzee is another favorite of mine and works great for 2 people (no need for spelling!). We've also done Monopoly or Life with just us. We have fun editions of those games (Walking Dead Monopoly and Indiana Jones Life) that I love.
  • My husband and I don't play them at home but when we travel we play Uno on the plane.



  • Definitely second suggestions for Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, and Settlers of Catan. A friend also got us to try Munchkins recently and it was surprisingly entertaining. We also really enjoy Telestrations but you really need a big group for that game (more people = more fun). When its just the two of us we play Scrabble, or Cribbage.

  • PP's have some good suggestions, Settlers, Munchkin, and Ticket to ride are lots of fun, though they're best in my opinion with 3 or more players.

  • I like Chutes and Ladders and Candy Land...

    We play Monopoly and Dominoes. Card games we play Liverpool. Liverpool is best with 4 people though, not 2. It's a family favorite though!

    image   image   image

  • bananagrams!!!!
  • Tricked-Out Hero is pretty good and can be played with 2 people.
  • Settlers of Catan + two player expansion (the one in the purple box), Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Scrabble, Quick Word! I love board games.
  • Wow thanks! I'll be looking these up. Maybe some black Friday sales to be had :)

  • Munchkin, like PPs have stated, is fun and you *can* play with two people, but it kinda sucks because eventually one person has to sorta give up for the other person to win a lot of times. 

    You can easily play Fluxx (or any variation thereof -- we really like Eco Fluxx) or Dominion with two people. FI and I play them alllllll the time. 
  • Wow thanks! I'll be looking these up. Maybe some black Friday sales to be had :)
    TTR and Settlers will be on sale at Target ($32 I think), but you can probably find a similar price on Amazon.


    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

  • steph861 said:
    Cards Against Humanity is awesome, but it's best played with more than two people.

    DH and I enjoy Scrabble and Boggle. In group settings, I like Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity, Game of Things, and Cranium.
    I don't think it's actually possible to play Cards Against Humanity with two people, though I agree that it's awesome!  It's not as much fun to play with dumb or culturally/historically illiterate people, however.  It's no fun having to wonder if X person knows what the Three-Fifths Compromise is and why it's funny in the context.  :p

    I have a strange dislike for Catan, but I know a lot of people who love it.  I enjoy Dominion and Ticket to Ride (which is also great in iPad version, btw, and they have a bunch of different maps to choose from).  Scattergories, Bananagrams, Cranium are all fun, though Cranium needs more than 2 players.  

  • I don't know if this counts as a board game but FI and I love to play Jenga. It's always so much fun.
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  • Crokinole is the greatest game ever invented.  My FI's friends are big board game people and we literally stayed with them for a game weekend last summer haha.  We both loved Crokinole so much that I bought us a board when we got home and we play several times a week.  We also play backgammon a lot!

  • JennyColadaJennyColada member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary First Answer
    edited November 2014
    For card games i love Fluxx, Uno, Cards Against Humanity.

    For board games i like Dominion, Munchkin, Cosmic Encounters (it can be long though!), and Sorry!
  • Scrabble is fun and battleship and, of course, there's good old-fashion chess. If you're looking for something a little different, I really enjoyed RoboRally. That's probably one of my favorites.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Cards Against Humanity is fun, especially with copious amounts of alcohol, but we kind of got tired of it in our board game club, so we've ventured out. Our favorites include King of Tokyo, Zombie dice, Escape from Atlantis, Settlers of Catan. Walk the Plank is also really simple, and funny, esepcially if you have intellectuals because there is very little skill and it's mostly luck!
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • I love board games! Scrabble, monopoly, Risk, Boggle, Dictionary, and Apples to Apples are our family favs.
  • I'm excited to go shopping / online shop. DH owns Trivial Pursuit but I'm terrible with trivia. He has a mind for memorizing facts and I just... don't. 

    Thanks for all the suggestions! And I hope others got new ideas too :)  

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