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Sick and Bored

I got a cold midday Saturday and it's been getting progressively worse. We went to my parents' yesterday for my little brother's birthday. My husband put his arm around me (which was quite brave since my parents have asked us to keep the "romance" down so my brothers can get used to it) to keep me warm, since my body refuses to get warm no matter what. Then when it became to much for me, he asked if the game could be ended early so I could go home and go to bed.

Once we got home, he tucked me in and went to the other room to play video games. Not a minute later, he came in and said that he decided the game could wait and he would hold me while I slept.

What does your SO do you for you when you're sick?

Re: Sick and Bored

  • He waits on me like a Queen. I rarely ever get sick, like less than once a year, so when I get sick I drop like a dead fly. He will lay around with me and watch movies, as well. 
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  • AprilH81AprilH81 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary 5 Answers
    edited December 2014
    Teddy917 said:
    I got a cold midday Saturday and it's been getting progressively worse. We went to my parents' yesterday for my little brother's birthday. My husband put his arm around me (which was quite brave since my parents have asked us to keep the "romance" down so my brothers can get used to it) to keep me warm, since my body refuses to get warm no matter what. Then when it became to much for me, he asked if the game could be ended early so I could go home and go to bed. Once we got home, he tucked me in and went to the other room to play video games. Not a minute later, he came in and said that he decided the game could wait and he would hold me while I slept. What does your SO do you for you when you're sick?
    DH isn't the most nurturing, but when I was sick yesterday he did offer me some Sprite.

    Sorry to go off-topic, but why would your husband putting his arm around you be too much for your little brothers?  Whey would they have to "get used" to physical affection?  That seems really strange to me.  I get not going full out make out session in front of family, but hugs, holding hands, putting your arm around something is completely no big deal for most people...

    ETA:  And if your parents don't want you showing physical affection in front of your brothers how are they ever going to "get used to it"?
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • My DH had to do everything but wipe my ass during my chemo. He also had to do it while commuting between states for work. I don't particularly like being helped while I'm sick because i'm a stubborn bitch, but he's there for me when I need it.


  • That's really sweet. My SO stays with me when I'm sick unless I say "go play with your game, you don't have to sit here with me." It says a lot when he took care of me the last time I was sick because his immune system isn't that strong so he gets sick very easily.

    He'll wrap me in his arms and lay down with me until I fall asleep (unless I say otherwise), and he'll make me tea and soup. Then he'll monitor what I'm eating and if it seems like I can handle something more substantial he'll change up the menu. 
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  • FI already will wait on me if I ask when I'm healthy, luckily I haven't been sick but I know he would step that up 1000% whenever I do get sick. 

    He actually got sick a couple weeks ago, the first time since the late 90s. It's a 2-way street, I happily picked him up soup from Panera and made dinner for the kids and me so that he could rest. 


  • So, your H can't put his arm around you in front of your family? I don't get it. 

    My H is really great at taking care of me when I'm sick. He'll make me soup, get whatever cold/cough meds I want. He picks up the slack around the house, cleaning and doing dishes. 
  • Teddy917 said:
    I got a cold midday Saturday and it's been getting progressively worse. We went to my parents' yesterday for my little brother's birthday. My husband put his arm around me (which was quite brave since my parents have asked us to keep the "romance" down so my brothers can get used to it) to keep me warm, since my body refuses to get warm no matter what. Then when it became to much for me, he asked if the game could be ended early so I could go home and go to bed. Once we got home, he tucked me in and went to the other room to play video games. Not a minute later, he came in and said that he decided the game could wait and he would hold me while I slept. What does your SO do you for you when you're sick?
    To the bolded: That's fucking weird. You guys are married. They should already be used to it or get over it unless you're from an Amish family. Putting an arm around you is nooooooot a big deal at all.

    When I am sick and FI is home, he will stay in whatever room I'm in and watch TV or use his Kindle. Last year I got a REALLY bad coughing thing where I had a fever, intense coughing fits, and could barely keep my eyes open. Lasted about a week and a half. He's not much of a cook, so he made grilled cheese, burgers, mac & cheese, and pizzas during that whole time, and when he couldn't think of anything to cook, he'd order from my favorite restaurants and bring food home with him.

    I'm the fuck

  • DH frequently feels sick due to some health issues. Because of this, he's not the most sympathetic when I feel gross unless it's pretty bad (minor cramps get no sympathy, etc.). At that point, he's not fussy but he's definitely attentive. 2 weeks after the wedding, my tonsils swelled to the point that I couldn't swallow and had a horrible fever. He monitored my temperature, what I was consuming (chicken broth and gatorade), and made sure that I woke up during the day for work calls that I couldn't miss (we both work from home).

    I managed to give myself a pretty ugly burn Wednesday night and he's been pretty good. He made fun of me for a while until he realized how bad it was (molten caramel dripped onto my palm). Once he realized that a huge blister developed, he realized it was every bit as bad as I thought. Now, he keeps checking my temperature, dressing the blister, and has made our friend who is an ER nurse check it twice. It's sweet.
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  • I was miserable yesterday. DH re-made the bed so all the blankets were on my side, made me tea, got me a book, and shut the curtains so the light wouldn't bother me. He even got out of bed early this morning so I could shower after him when the bathroom was still all full of steam.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I honestly don't know why it's such a big deal for my brothers to see my husband and I show affection for each other. But when I first met him (and multiple times since then) they've requested that we limit the PDA. My brothers are 16 and (now) 18. When we met they were 14 and 16. If they can't handle my husband and I holding hands, hugging, etc., how can they handle high school?

    My family is extremely conservative. Think 19 Kids and Counting but slightly less. @beethery Sometimes I think the Amish are more lenient than my family.
  • Teddy917 said:
    I honestly don't know why it's such a big deal for my brothers to see my husband and I show affection for each other. But when I first met him (and multiple times since then) they've requested that we limit the PDA. My brothers are 16 and (now) 18. When we met they were 14 and 16. If they can't handle my husband and I holding hands, hugging, etc., how can they handle high school? My family is extremely conservative. Think 19 Kids and Counting but slightly less. @beethery Sometimes I think the Amish are more lenient than my family.
    Even the Duggars openly show affection once they are married...
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • Teddy917 said:
    I honestly don't know why it's such a big deal for my brothers to see my husband and I show affection for each other. But when I first met him (and multiple times since then) they've requested that we limit the PDA. My brothers are 16 and (now) 18. When we met they were 14 and 16. If they can't handle my husband and I holding hands, hugging, etc., how can they handle high school? My family is extremely conservative. Think 19 Kids and Counting but slightly less. @beethery Sometimes I think the Amish are more lenient than my family.
    If I was you, I would do whatever the fuck I want, personally. They can get the fuck over it. Fuck's sake, what are they going to do? Ground you? Disown you for showing affection? What happens if you look him in the eye too long at their house?

    You are more patient than I am. I would have already told them to blow it out their asses.

    I'm the fuck

  • beethery said:

    Teddy917 said:

    I honestly don't know why it's such a big deal for my brothers to see my husband and I show affection for each other. But when I first met him (and multiple times since then) they've requested that we limit the PDA. My brothers are 16 and (now) 18. When we met they were 14 and 16. If they can't handle my husband and I holding hands, hugging, etc., how can they handle high school?

    My family is extremely conservative. Think 19 Kids and Counting but slightly less. @beethery Sometimes I think the Amish are more lenient than my family.

    If I was you, I would do whatever the fuck I want, personally. They can get the fuck over it. Fuck's sake, what are they going to do? Ground you? Disown you for showing affection? What happens if you look him in the eye too long at their house?

    You are more patient than I am. I would have already told them to blow it out their asses.

    Disowning me would definitely be a possibility. I don't care so much if they do, but I do like having an extremely limited relationship with them.
  • Teddy917 said:
    Teddy917 said:
    I honestly don't know why it's such a big deal for my brothers to see my husband and I show affection for each other. But when I first met him (and multiple times since then) they've requested that we limit the PDA. My brothers are 16 and (now) 18. When we met they were 14 and 16. If they can't handle my husband and I holding hands, hugging, etc., how can they handle high school? My family is extremely conservative. Think 19 Kids and Counting but slightly less. @beethery Sometimes I think the Amish are more lenient than my family.
    If I was you, I would do whatever the fuck I want, personally. They can get the fuck over it. Fuck's sake, what are they going to do? Ground you? Disown you for showing affection? What happens if you look him in the eye too long at their house?

    You are more patient than I am. I would have already told them to blow it out their asses.
    Disowning me would definitely be a possibility. I don't care so much if they do, but I do like having an extremely limited relationship with them.
    That is insane and I am really sorry you have to deal with that.

    I'm the fuck

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