I'm still waiting to hear back from HR about whether or not I'll still be able to work at the college I'm at come January. But I don't have high hopes for this working out in my favor and honestly I don't know if I really want to work there anymore. I hate my students this semester (and I've never hated an entire class, sure I've had a student or two I don't care for but I dread going into class this semester), my pay is crap, and clearly I don't have very much job security. Basically, if another job comes along I'd be thrilled to take it, even if things work out at my current job.
On top of all of that I feel like I should try out something other than teaching. I love teaching (minus my experience this semester) but to really make it work as a career I would need to get a PhD but I don't know if I want that. If I could find something I enjoy doing without doing a PhD that would be ideal.
However, finding a new job means going through the job search process again. I hate job hunting! I find jobs that I know I'd be great at and am absolutely qualified for but I don't think I do a very good job of conveying that in my resume/cover letter. For example, I saw a posting for great sounding job at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. I would love to get this job and I'm absolutely qualified for it but I suck at showing how my teaching experience relates to other positions. I've been trying to write a cover letter for it for over an hour and right now it sucks.
There's really no point to this except to vent.