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Pets picking favorites

My two year old cat, Chloe, has been with my FI and I since she was 4 months old. She is my child and I am her mama. Any time I am sitting anywhere and there is room for her to sit on me, she is there. She even tries to sit on my lap at the dinner table. Chloe is currently cuddled in my lap right now.

As her mama, I think I'm her favorite. FI will be home an entire day while I am out and not once will Chloe sit in his lap or curl up on the couch next to him. It makes him very sad that she doesn't cuddle with him the same way she does with me. I wish she would show him some of the same affection she shows me. She does sit with him sometimes, I think it's not as many times as FI would like. I've read that cats pick their favorite person and that's just that.

Anyone else have experience with their pet picking favorites between you and your FI/H/SO?

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Re: Pets picking favorites

  • My family's dog LOVES my dad. Obsessed with him.

    My dog.. I'd like to think he's a mommy's boy but he loves on his daddy just as much.

    image   image   image

  • My younger dog will cuddle with me, and lets me just lay there and rub her belly, but with FI she's always at attention.  He's the more playful one, so to be fair, he usually IS after her toy, but then he gets upset that she won't just cuddle with him!

    My other dog, who I had before I met FI, is pretty evenly split between us. 


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  • My boy cat is an equal opportunity snuggler, but my girl cat definitely favors me. DH and I have lived together for three years and this past year was the first where they've seemed to regard him as more than just "that dude who hangs out with my mom." Probably because he now does just as much of the food/litter box duties as I do.

    To be fair, he does scold her a lot because she has a habit of hiding behind the couch to slap her brother as he walks by. So she kinda deserves it.
  • If you mention "daddy" but Chef and Mack (dogs) go nuts.  They love when he comes home. As soon as they hear the garage door they are all over DH.  They both lick him to death.  Neither one does that to me.   Chef will kiss me every now and then, but not like he licks DH.

     They both  cuddle with each of us. Actually they both just like to cuddle, even with each other.  If there is a person around they will cuddle.  When my parents were here they cuddled with them and not us.  They are equal opportunity cuddlers.  Ha.  

     However, Chef cuddles with me more often.  You will see him sleeping next to my legs on the couch more then DH's.   He is on my legs right now (dh is not home though). 

    Chef sleeps in our bed and it's 75% my side to  DH's25%.  Mack has claimed our spare bedroom as his.  To the point where around 8:30 he will go to the stairs, look at us, then he runs up to "his" bed.  He has a whole queen bed to himself.  He doesn't seem to like to cuddle for bed, just during the day.  In the morning he is pretty equal on who he tries to wake up.

    When they are not feeling well they tend to go to me.  

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • The long haired cat is my baby.  We have a strong bond and she gives me kisses/licks and she doesn't to anyone else.  She also loves bed time and sleeps with me and runs to the door when I come home.  
    The calico short hair we have is a sweetie pie.  SO says she is "his" because the other one is "mine", but IDK about that.
  • Charlotte comes to me for cuddles and love but she won't really play with me the way she does with FI. She also trusts me more (to look at an injury or in new situations)
  • Yes, our cats choose me over my husband all the time.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Edna, my dog seems to like us both. I was unemployed for a while years ago so her and I bonded. Then she had surgery on her knees and H had to carry her ass up the stairs so they bonded. I'm not sure if she favors one or the other - depends on what she wants.
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  • Sophie follows me from room to room when I'm home. She also sleeps by my face at night if she's not feeling well, but her usual spot is under the ceiling fan by FI's feet on his side of the bed. She is usually the first one to run to the door and greet me when I get home. She is currently walking around under the kitchen table and rubbing her face on my foot.

    Schultz sleeps by my face almost every night, but he primarily snuggles with FI on the couch. More lap space I guess. He's better about not Riverdancing all over me while I'm trying to sleep, but he's REALLY bad about doing that to FI while he's sleeping during the day. Probably because he wants FI to play with him. He's a cat so I don't really expect him to understand sleep schedules during shift work.

    D is pretty equal opportunity. She knows she'll have more fun and get away with more shit with FI, but she knows if she needs something, she should come to me. She also snuggles equally on the couch... unless I have a blanket, and then she's all over me.

    I'm the fuck

  • Willy (the dog) is pretty equal opportunity. FI brought him into the relationship, so he has a closer bond to Willy than I do and more tolerance for his antics. Overall though, he's both of ours.

    Kingsley (the cat) is my baby. I got her for my ex bf because he wanted a cat, but she never warmed up to him. I took her with me when I left and she is rarely far from my side. She meets me at the door, follows me from room to room, and sleeps up against me every chance she gets. However, she LOVES FI. She has really bonded with him and loves when he holds her. But she's still more mine. FI gets bummed when she won't sleep next to him or sit on his lap for very long.


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  • So we have two cats, one is called my kitten and the other is called his kitten. They are almost 3 years old and for a very long time both preferred him. However in the past few months mine has become very affectionate with me, and will spend almost all day in my lap while I work from home 2 days a week. 

     My older cat, who is no longer with us, bonded with him after a while. He just has to be patient and maybe be the one to provide treats. Cats are all different and crazy furry kids.

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  • vulpiepopvulpiepop member
    500 Comments 250 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited December 2014
    I'm our dog's favorite but that's understandable. I worked with him while he was in the shelter, adopted him and raised him. FI came into the picture years later. 

    Apollo (the dog) plays with FI in a different way than he plays with me; he's quite a bit rougher on FI, but if we're in separate rooms or are fighting, Apollo always follows and cuddles up with me. I know 1 or 2 of the 3 dog breeds he's mixed with are known to only listen to 1 "master" in their lives so it might explain a few things. FI is sad that he will only listen to him for treats (and even then with some hesitation) but will listen to and obey me almost immediately whether or not I have anything to give him.

    Edited for spelling error.

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  • Dog is split between us. I fidget too much for her to want to be by me all the time. If she's sick, hurt, scared, etc she will come running to me.
  • Olive's favorite, hands down, is SS. If he's home, then we don't exist. Beyond that, I think she could take or leave both DH & me. She's super sweet (when she wants to be) and very protective of her space & people (when she wants to be), but I really think she is, at the core, opportunistic and would like anyone who feeds her.

    Gus was born to be served (…preferable on a big, fluffy ass pillow…with someone fanning him & feeding him treats…while scratching his ass…), so outwardly one might assume he favors DH, who spoils him something fierce. But he's really a mama's boy. He starts getting huffy and sits by the garage door if I'm not home on time and will go on hunger strikes when I'm on vaca or away on a business trip. 
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  • Olive's favorite, hands down, is SS. If he's home, then we don't exist. Beyond that, I think she could take or leave both DH & me. She's super sweet (when she wants to be) and very protective of her space & people (when she wants to be), but I really think she is, at the core, opportunistic and would like anyone who feeds her.

    Gus was born to be served (…preferable on a big, fluffy ass pillow…with someone fanning him & feeding him treats…while scratching his ass…), so outwardly one might assume he favors DH, who spoils him something fierce. But he's really a mama's boy. He starts getting huffy and sits by the garage door if I'm not home on time and will go on hunger strikes when I'm on vaca or away on a business trip. 
    Chef gets PISSED if I'm away overnight.  He will flat out ignore me for a good 24 hours when I return.    He doesn't do that when DH comes home.   If we are away together he gets so excited to see DH, but he gives me stink eye as to say "I'm pissed you are were gone so I'm not going to cuddle with you."

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • lyndausvi said:
    Olive's favorite, hands down, is SS. If he's home, then we don't exist. Beyond that, I think she could take or leave both DH & me. She's super sweet (when she wants to be) and very protective of her space & people (when she wants to be), but I really think she is, at the core, opportunistic and would like anyone who feeds her.

    Gus was born to be served (…preferable on a big, fluffy ass pillow…with someone fanning him & feeding him treats…while scratching his ass…), so outwardly one might assume he favors DH, who spoils him something fierce. But he's really a mama's boy. He starts getting huffy and sits by the garage door if I'm not home on time and will go on hunger strikes when I'm on vaca or away on a business trip. 
    Chef gets PISSED if I'm away overnight.  He will flat out ignore me for a good 24 hours when I return.    He doesn't do that when DH comes home.   If we are away together he gets so excited to see DH, but he gives me stink eye as to say "I'm pissed you are were gone so I'm not going to cuddle with you."

    YES!! He aways gets super excited when I walk in the door, and then proceeds to shoot the stink & full on ignore until I've "learned my lesson". God bless bulldogs ;)
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  • Birdo doesn't have a favorite, but he treats us both differently. My husband is definitely the "fun" parent; Birdo is much more likely to fly after him and try to snuggle with him. But Birdo doesn't let him do anything like grab him and put him in his travel box, or weigh him, or anything like that.

    He's six and a half; I've had him since he was a baby, and he's known my husband for about three years.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • My animals don't have favorites that I'm aware of. Callie tends to cuddle more with me and Clara cuddles more with dh. The third cat Neffie kind of goes back and forth. Laci my dog cuddles with me but plays dh. Now all three cats will ignore us until bed time when we get home a trip. Then we go to bed they cuddle up like we've been gone for a year. Laci is just so happy to see us she goes crazy. My pup has no shame.
  • My dog's biggest preference is whoever will give him snuggles and treats. 

    Currently, he's sick, so he favors me.  I thought he'd want FI since I'm the one who takes him to the vet and gives him his meds, but it's almost like he knows I'm making him better.  At least that's what I tell myself ;)

  • My mom was always my dog's favorite. He was super protective of her and wouldn't let anyone walk him away from the house if she was home. I guess I'm his new favorite now that he's stuck with me, and he barely tolerates FI. I think I'm FI's dog's second-favorite human, though.
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  • lyndausvi said:
    Olive's favorite, hands down, is SS. If he's home, then we don't exist. Beyond that, I think she could take or leave both DH & me. She's super sweet (when she wants to be) and very protective of her space & people (when she wants to be), but I really think she is, at the core, opportunistic and would like anyone who feeds her.

    Gus was born to be served (…preferable on a big, fluffy ass pillow…with someone fanning him & feeding him treats…while scratching his ass…), so outwardly one might assume he favors DH, who spoils him something fierce. But he's really a mama's boy. He starts getting huffy and sits by the garage door if I'm not home on time and will go on hunger strikes when I'm on vaca or away on a business trip. 
    Chef gets PISSED if I'm away overnight.  He will flat out ignore me for a good 24 hours when I return.    He doesn't do that when DH comes home.   If we are away together he gets so excited to see DH, but he gives me stink eye as to say "I'm pissed you are were gone so I'm not going to cuddle with you."

    YES!! He aways gets super excited when I walk in the door, and then proceeds to shoot the stink & full on ignore until I've "learned my lesson". God bless bulldogs ;)

    LOL my bulldog does the same thing! She gets super mad and cold shouldery if I come home briefly and then leave again. I LOVE bulldog attitudes.
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  • Dot's favorite is definitely DH. But he had her before we were together. Whenever he is gone for work, she gets really upset. She also prefers family to strangers. She will sniff other people, but she will not kiss or cuddle people besides DH and me. 

    I am Penny's favorite. She follows me around the house and prefers to cuddle with me. I feed them and walk them, so you would think they would both love me more. 

    They both prefer to cuddle with me, but that is because I am the only one that lets them up on the bed. 

  • When FI and I started dating, I had two cats (Lily the ragdoll and Eve the black cat).  Lily has always seemed like she just sort of wanted to bury herself in me so we could never be apart, but Eve was distant when I got her as a little kitten from the pound.  Then when she was a year or two old, FI entered and he somehow cat-whispered Eve into being the most sweet, affectionate thing.  I think Eve prefers him, but likes to sleep between us.  Lily likes to sleep on my face.  I keep trying to tell myself it's because she loves me, and not because she's trying to smother me in my sleep.

    Tyrion, our puppy, does't know who he wants to be with, so if we're in different rooms he will wander back and forth between the two.  However, if one of us is by a fluffy blanket he can lay on, he will probably stay with that person longer.  Also he has the best bedhead I've ever seen.
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  • @mrsdee15 your animals are SO CUTE!!!!

    I'm the fuck

  • beethery said:
    @mrsdee15 your animals are SO CUTE!!!!
    Thank you!!! They're definitely our fur kids.
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  • I've had both of my cats for longer than FI and I have been together, and he brought a dog to the relationship. 

    Of the cats, Gretchen loves me more than basically anyone else on earth. She's not really a lap cat until it gets really cold out, but she always tries to at least be in the same room as me, or very nearby. She loves FI, but I'm her clear favorite. Stella loves me and spends as much time with me as she can, but as soon as FI is around, she peaces right the fuck out and follows him around. Every night when we go to bed, she lays on his chest and rubs her face all over his beard, with her paws around his neck like she's hugging him. It's adorable. They have a very special relationship I can't even be involved in anymore, haha. She's totally his baby. 

     His dog, Bailey, loves absolutely everyone. She's still his baby, but she's grown very, very attached to me -- every Friday she gets antsy right around the time I get to his place, and immediately barrels over to the door to knock me down and kiss all over my face. She's like that with a lot of people, though, so I don't let it get to my head. 
  • I am definitely my cat's favorite, I am mommy to her. She follows me around everywhere and cuddles with me at any given moment.

    She likes FH enough and will play with him, but I am definitely her human.

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  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited December 2014
    Cats have their individual personalities.  Some pick just one person.  Others like anybody who will pet them and feed them.
    The cat I owned when I was married never accepted DH.  He tolerated her, but didn't really like her.

    Our current cat picked DH in the pet store.  He was a rescue cat, two years old.  They put us together in a back room so we could get to know each other.  I swear, that cat yelled "Daddy!!!" and galloped towards DH.  Five minutes later, the man who wasn't going to get a cat that day was sitting on the floor WEARING the cat around his neck.  They adore each other.  I am ignored unless his dish is empty.

    Have you considered getting another cat?
  • My one husky only listens to me. He follows me around and goes nuts when I have to leave. Now my beagle plays favorites with FH. It;s pretty funny when F calls my husky over to come sit with him and he will ignore him and go sit next to me. Both of these two are were strays that lived near the reclycing center. 

    Live fast, die young. Bad Girls do it well. Suki Zuki.

  • I feel like my dog Briscoe plays favorites due to the way he acts when my H gets home from work and that he listens to my H only. But that could be because I am home 24/7 with him.
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