Ugh! I love my fiance, but he's driving me nuts today! He interviewed for a job on Monday and was supposed to meet with the HR rep after meeting with the supervising manager, but before he even got to the interview, they cancelled the meeting with the HR rep and she said she'd call him "mid week" to follow-up.
So he was asking me if I thought he could call tomorrow, Friday, to follow up if I doesn't hear from her today, since technically it's after mid-week. I'm advising he wait until late morning on Monday before he calls.
Yes, she should call by the end of the day today because that's what she said she'd do. BUT, I'm IN HR; I HIRE people, and I keep telling him that shit happens. Stuff comes up, or the people he met with Monday haven't done what they're supposed to so the HR person is waiting to hear from them, and that giving her an extra day to get her / their shit together might be a good thing.
And he just keeps saying "but...."
I have told him twice now that by just saying "but...." to every point I make isn't going to make me cave and "give this my blessing." I gave you my advice, since you asked, but now you have to decide what to do- I'm not going to decide for you.
It is SO obvious he wants to call, and he's creating justifications to do so. So, again, you didn't want my advice, you just want to do what you want to do and you want me to "bless" it for you.
Sorry, not going to happen. You have to own this one buddy.
We're supposed to go to a party tonight... this should be fun- especially if he hasn't decide WHAT to do since he'll just agonize over it the whole time.